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What Color Should I Play in Magic: The Gathering?


Hello all you wonderful Magic: The Gathering Players and prospective players out there! Today, I am going to answer a question answer many of have probably asked: What color should I play in Magic: The Gathering? The short answer is well... all of them! During your journey as a player you will find different aspects of the game that you enjoy. Part of the fun of Magic comes in using the colors and cards to exemplify what it is you enjoy about the game. But, to help you along, I'll give you some tips on what each color can do. I do urge you to look for yourself as well to see what it is you love about each color. So, without further ado, let's get into it!


Raise the Alarm
Glorious Anthem
Windborn Muse

One of the primary strategies you'll see in White is tokens. Creating Tokens is a powerful effect that allows you to put multiple game pieces into play with one card. Take for example, the card Raise the Alarm which allows you to turn one card into two creature tokens. We can take it a step further and power up our tokens with a premier suite of Anthem effects. White has access to cards like Glorious Anthem which give our tokens a buff so that it can dish out more damage. If you like more of a control feel, White still has some options for you as we have a ton of effects that tax our opponent and set the pace for the game. Windborn Muse is a prime example of a taxing effect while Rule of Law is an example of a card that will allow us to control the board. This is just the start of the vast plains of White and what it has to offer you.



Blue is seen by many players as the control color, and I will agree that some of Blue's mechanics can be quite controlling, like bounce effects and Counterspells. I would argue that Blue has a few alluring aspects that can draw you to the color. One of my favorite effects in Blue is Clone effects! Making a copy of the strongest or most useful thing on the board with a Phantasmal Image feels so good and I definitely recommend it. Blue also has a ton of unconditional card draw with cards like the classic Divination which can be useful for creatures that care about your hand size like Sturmgeist. Lastly, if you are a big fan of what your opponent is doing, I suggest that you steal some of their permanents with a Mind Control effect. Using your opponent's best cards against them makes for some interesting play patterns; but, be ready for the backlash with this one! The oceans of Blue are widespread so be sure to search the depths of them thoroughly.


Lord of the Pit

Black is a personal favorite as it has a ton of versatility. When it comes to getting rid of creatures, Black has plenty of options, whether it be Murder, Royal Assassin or Doomblade. If you want to be something of a necromancer this is the color for you as well, giving you access to things like Reanimate and Dread Return. These cards will allow you to bring creature's back with ease and will make your opponents tremble in fear and the horrors that you have brought back. Black also has a mechanic that is reminiscent of making deals with demons. Cards like Lord of the Pit and Priest of the Blood Rite have you create and control powerful demons, however they come at a cost. Usually that involves your life total or sacrificing something to appease the demon. Lurking in the swamps of Black is definitely worth it so explore to your heart's content.


Lightning Bolt
Monastery Swiftspear
Berserkers' Onslaught

Red is a color that flourishes when it comes to things like direct damage, super aggressive creatures, and combat. What do I mean? Well one of the premier cards for direct damage is definitely Lightning Bolt. Whatever format you are playing, Red Deck Wins has shown up as an archetype. Ball Lightning is one example of an aggressive creature, and you have things like Monastery Swiftspear that can attack early but can get bigger in the later parts of the game. Cards like this make for fun and impactful combat steps so it's no wonder that people in Red love the "red zone." Speaking of enjoying the red zone, Berserkers' Onslaught is a prime example of the enhancements that Red has to offer. Giving the team double strike is an easy way to end a game. All in all, the mountains of Red shine brightest at their peak and you should definitely check them out.


Leatherback Baloth
Giant Growth
Rampant Growth

Now let's talk about Green. Green has some amazing creatures, access to some of the stronger pump effects, and mana acceleration. One of my favorite uncommon creatures is Leatherback Baloth, a three-mana creature with a huge stat line. The pump effects that green has access to are things such as Giant Growth and Primal Bellow. As for mana acceleration Green is unrivaled when it comes to land ramp. Effects such as Harrow, Cultivate, Rampant Growth and the like give you access to a ton of mana and will definitely give you the edge over your opponent. The forests of Green are lush and filled with wonders so please give them a try.

The colors of Magic and their applications are plentiful with tons of interesting things to experiment with. So, give each color a try and find something that you enjoy for each of them. See you next time!

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