Have you ever tried rating cards? What about entire decks? Brandon brings his unique view of deck evaluation back, sharing how you can review your choices to make the difference in your next game!
Bias is a tricky challenge to deal with, but perhaps hardest for those unaware of how it's affecting them. Brandon breaks down one the of stickiest points of writing about Magic!
Dark Ascension means new strategies, themes, ideas, and decks. All these bundled together means a ton of fun for Commander! Brandon shares all the cards he can't wait to adopt to the 100 card format!
You may not be Paul Stanley, but it doesn't mean you can't live to win! Brandon brings you three decks that can bring any player up to speed, and keep pace with the big boys!
After it surprised himself, Brandon reckons you'd appreciate how he built his own take on Tariel, Reckoner of Souls. It's powerful. It's resilient. It's budget. This one has it all!
Games of Magic end with a winner, but it's how you spend efforts between rounds that makes the difference. Brandon's run-down of defensive powers will help you see it through!