Since Jon's clearly a heartless player, it makes perfect sense that he's pick up the Heartless Summoning combo for FNM. The question that remains, of course, is how Jon won FNM with it!
What does the third set in a block do to a format? Chingsung shows you not what a crystal ball will scry, but what an analysis of Avacyn Restored shows for the future of Standard!
What can you do with the data behind 1,000 Commander decks? Devon breaks down the numbers in the hundreds of digital deck lists, and shares the most popular colors and Commanders!
Matt Scott made Top 4 at GP Baltimore! Without the fuss of a daily diary of matches, Matt runs down how he made his Zombies work, and why you should play it yourself!
Through trials and tests, Jon's stayed the course through half of his 52 FNM commitment! This week is a story of glory, reflection, and stomping faces at his local store!
Melissa's glass cannon deck for Gran Prix Lincoln fell apart, but the approach was a dominant force leading up to the end of Day 2! She how the metagame and match ups change before your next PTQ!
Nassim has been working hard at school, but could he take his effort to a Modern PTQ? Find out how close his unconventional choice took him, and prepare yourself to perhaps even play it!