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CoolStuffInc.com Articles
  • Sean Uy

    Variations on a Theme

    Deja vu all over again! Sean's three devious puzzles will leave your head spinning!
  • Sean Uy

    Come Undone

    It'll take more than a trick to break your opponent's will in the latest Magic Origins puzzle from Sean.
  • Sean Uy

    Stand Against the Waves

    You're about to be murdered in Magic Origins. Can you investigate the scene to stop your impending doom?
  • Sean Uy

    No Matter What

    Magic Origins Limited can be a tricky bit. Can you use the newest tool to find the win for yourself in Sean's latest puzzle?
  • Sean Uy

    Saving Grace

    Sean is back with another diabolical Modern Masters puzzle. Can you find the line that will be your saving grace?
  • Sean Uy

    Turning the Wurm

    The solution to Sean's latest puzzle has been incubating right in front of you. Or has it?
  • Sean Uy

    Darker than Black

    Sometimes you don't Cruise into the obvious answers. Can you crack the case in Sean's latest puzzle?
  • Sean Uy

    The Third Strider

    It's a Modern Masters 2015 two-for-one puzzle this week. Can you crack the conundrums?
  • Sean Uy

    Now You See It

    Have you lost a game with a win on the board? Redeem yourself by solving Sean's latest Modern Masters puzzle.
  • Natalie Weizenbaum

    Stairs to Infinity

    The sequence to victory is a tricky one. Nathan's challenge this week is far more difficult.
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