Winning the game quickly in Modern is easy. Unfortunately for you, Nathan's Modern-restricted puzzle requires a bit more. Can you win the race to victory?
Pick a number. Any number. It just has to be the correctly highest number. Nathan's latest conundrum is more about seeking the situation than choosing the solution. Can you find it?
With the Magic Cruise having supercharged his fiendish brain, Nathan's back with a tricky board state and even worse defensive position. Obviously you have to survive both!
Nathan's puzzles aren't always Standard, but when they are they're a killer. You have seven cards to start the game, but that's only the beginning of this puzzle!
With just slices of all of the Modern Core Sets at your disposal, Nathan challenges you to another showdown of victory speed. How fast can you kill the Goldfish?
The Essence of the Wild challenge is back for a three-peat! Nathan challenges you to break the card all over again, this time with Avacyn Restored in the mix!
Last time, it was a breeze to beat the goldfish with only enchantments. This week Nathan challenges you to the same, but a step further down the subtype chain.