What had long term value in Magic? Moreover, what is long term value for Magic? Ryan polls some experts and pulls together a picture for making more from what Magic truly is!
When you buy collections and overstock, you invariably end up with leftover bulk. This week, Ryan shows you how get ahead on "picking" through bulk, and which store is one of the best to send it to!
Floor trading and flipping cards back to dealers is usually how Magic finance works. Ryan shares the story of one trader who decided to try being a dealer, too. It's not a decision to make lightly!
Trading on the floor of events may be the sexiest way to look at Magic finance, but Ryan's journeys to local game stores shows a very different way to turn a profit!
Ryan's experience at an Avacyn Restored Prerelease isn't far off hyperbole included here, and it says a lot about which cards are going to continue making waves!
How do you make the most of travelling to local game stores? Which cards are hot or not from Avacyn Restored? Ryan has the head's up on making headway in slower financial times!