Given how detailed and numeric Magic is it would make sense that there is one way to truly evaluate cards, right? Jesse shares where this thinking leads, and a better way to approach all Magic evaluations!
With the infinite possibilities of the world before you, designing a flavorful world is daunting. Jules shares how you can get a jump start by borrowing a world that already exists!
Darwin doesn't sleep on a bed of non-sequential bills (yet). See how he tackles the same issues that face so many of us: a budget to play Magic, with a desire to win often too!
Chingsung continues his ongoing analysis, breaking down even more on mana manipulation, and how you can dominate games through non-interactivity. (Yes, it's pretty cool!)
Casting extra spells feels like a good thing. Chingsung takes that a step further and shows you how to cast those spell through the power of the humble land drop!
Testing is vitally important. Understanding the goals of testing are too. Jesse's review of what both mean is far different from what you'll usually see!