The unhealthy draw of the Giant Shark is a mystery to those uninitiated to CommanderCast. Drew takes aim at a true chestnut of a card, but is there more blood in the water then he bargained for?
Mike Linnemann is gone from Gathering Magic. But to bid our favorite Vorthos farewell, Drew teamed up with Eric Klug to provide a momento that won't soon be forgotten!
Andrew may be one of the best 3D alterers in town, but it doesn't mean he's the only one! Diving deep with five other artists, you too can learn a lot more about the craft of 3D alters!
While other alteration methods can result in new cards, Andrew's 3D tokens naturally lend themselves to creating original tokens that don't (yet) exist!
Whether you're trying your own hand at, or just plain curious about, 3D alters, Andrew's rundown shows the skill, dedication, and insight only an artist can provide! (This article originally ran August 31, 2011.)