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Episode 2 - The Spgame


Episode 2 - The SpgameRight click and save the link for to download the Video mp4 format of the video!

Here's our second episode. It had a bumpy start, towards the end of filming our video guy noticed a sudden missing level of noise, so we were concerned we'd shot the majority of the episode with noise issues which went unnoticed but everything seems to have come out fine. On top of that, the first attempt we made at editing it was a crash and burn scenario due to computer problems. But this is a fantastic episode and our production quality only gets better!

Topics in this episode:

- The Invitational

- More Lorwyn

- Cube Draft

- Grand Prix Denver

- Willy Edel

Please be patient! When downloading this episode, if you open to view it in the browser, it's going to take a little while since it's a 130 meg download.

Cube Draft links:

Brian David-Marshall's article discussing the Invitational formats

Sam Gomersall - Gleaming the Cube

Evan Erwin - The Cube 2.0

Tom Lapille - The Cube FAQ

11:20am - The flash version is up and running. It's still a bit small, I'm trying to find the magic settings to allow a bigger format but so far to achieve decent file sizes I have to downsize to 240x180 which is small. Next week we will have a .wmv format for the episode which will be decent size and a bit bigger for those who want it.

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