More of you visited this website around Worldwake's launch than any other time in our 428 day history. Over 900,000 views were logged in the month of January and that number continues to grow every day. With the ear of a great audience, comes great power, and with great power, comes great responsibility. Many of you probably visited our spoiler pages before ever reading one of our front page articles. Our visual spoiler, after all, is unique to the internet. It is at once the most up to date spoiler list, as well as the most user friendly. In the past, we've had some confusion with regards to some of the cards on our spoiler pages. So, beginning with Rise of the Eldrazi we're going to have a new system in place that will hopefully clear up any confusion. Relax guys, it won't be complicated and I promise you'll thank me for it later. Here are the details:
Confirmed - A card that appears in a black border is one that is classified as "confirmed". This means that the card has either been officially released through Wizards of the Coast, or revealed through a reputable source that has, in the past, proven worthy of the community's attention. To clarify, sources outside of Wizards of the Coast will be considered, if they are solid.
Speculation - A card that appears in a red border is one that is classified as "speculation". Generally speaking, if a card is not confirmed through the internet's finest filter- "pics or it didn't happen", it would be classified as "speculation". Unfortunately, some of these "unconfirmed" spoilers turn out to be real cards, and I assume that most of you (like me) want all of the information that is available. We choose to report, and let you decide what is going to be real and what is not. Heck, sometimes it's fun to just talk and dream about cards! A red bordered card means that we simply do not know whether or not this is real or not. Take from that what you will.
Probable - A card that appears in a green border is one that is classified as "probable". This means that the card cannot be disproved by the orb of insight, cannot be proven as fake in any other manor, and "fits in" thematically into the set with the information we have on hand. Sometimes sources can be questionable, yet sometimes, almost all of our early, real spoilers end up coming from such sources. These cards are the rarest on the list because more often than not, a card is either 100% confirmed or is deemed "speculation" due to a shakiness of the source of the information. If the card is so probable that it just can't be deemed speculation but also cannot be truly confirmed, it will appear in green. Look for these to be few and far between on our lists.
More details:
Partially revealed cards WILL be included with black "confirmed" borders.
Mockup Art WILL often be different than the final card.
Translations WILL vary (particularly on card titles).
Card titles WILL often be different as they are more difficult to translate.
Someday, you WILL disagree with this site on individual spoiler truthiness.
Try to remain calm.
Every news organization has their own measure for determining which information can be passed along as "fact". While no one can get it right 100% of the time, we're going to try our best to let you know just how probable it is that the card in question is in fact real. These are judgment calls made by our interpretation of the community's feeling as a whole. Your input is very much welcome and is taken into consideration!
Take a look at the following example spoilers. Note that neither of these have made our lists just yet, they are just examples... for now... :)
Now, I know this looks like the real thing. It has the M11 logo and most people agree that it will probably end up being printed in the next core set. Some people will inevitability take one look at this image, assume it is a real, 100% confirmed card and walk away! But not you, my spoiler savvy friend, not you. Let's take a closer look shall we!
See! Not so hard is it? We just want to make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to spoilers this, and every season. The last thing we want to do is confuse readers, disappoint small children or undermine Wizards of the Coast's own promotional plans. Let's try one more before I let you loose!
A little tougher. This may or may not be a card you're familiar with and therefore, it might be difficult for you to use your own judgment. But fear not! All of the up-to-the-minute information you'll need about "Ghostfire" is presented here on the card.
Just keep your cool, take everything with a grain of salt and enjoy speculating on the latest information we have. Sometimes, even cards that turn out to be fake later on can stir up important MTG conversations. Reputable news organizations report on "possible this and probable that", "rumors of this, and allegations of something else". Rumor and speculation are part of what following politics, sports and other hobbies fun. So sit back, relax and enjoy another spoiler season with Gathering Magic!
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So let's start this thing off right with six, black bordered, completely legit spoilers straight from WotC to the inbox!