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CoolStuffInc.com Articles
  • Alex Ullman

    Latest Judge Promos Revealed

    Take extra turns and cast free spells with the latest Judge Promos.
  • Alex Ullman

    Looking Back for Shadows

    What could Shadows over Innistrad hold for Pauper? Alex pontificates on what's coming.
  • Alex Ullman

    Petr Soch?rek Wins Grand Prix Paris

    With Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged leaving Standard, Grand Prix Paris was the last hurrah for many staples. Petr Soch?rek made the most of his last chance to play Fetch Lands.
  • Alex Ullman

    Volatile under Pressure

    Alex's pauper preview is packed with explosive potential. Meet Vessel of Volatility.
  • Alex Ullman

    Cohen, Severa, and Hron Win Grand Prix DC!

    Accolades abound in the Top 4 of Grand Prix Washington D.C.
  • Alex Ullman


    The Madness is upon us! Check out what the mechanic can do in the Pauper format!
  • Alex Ullman

    Betesh Breaks the Eldrazi Streak in Detroit

    Ralph Betesh was the lone player in the finals of three Grand Prix this weekend to not play Eldrazi. He took home the trophy in Detroit with Abzan Company.
  • Alex Ullman

    Azusa Judge Promo Leaks

    Azusa, Lost but Seeking gets new art and a foil treatment in an upcoming Judge Promo.
  • Alex Ullman

    Patel Pummels Bologna

    The second Modern Grand Prix on the weekend featured another White-Blue Eldrazi mirror in the finals.
  • Alex Ullman

    Mines Drowns the Competition in Melbourne

    The living and dead put up a valiant effort, but it was no match for the Eldrazi menace at Grand Prix Melbourne.
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