It was the Game 5 of the weekend: Brian Kibler beating Jon Finkel on the back of maneuvered triple Galvanic Blast. Chingsung thinks Jon did it all wrong, but from angle you haven't seen yet.
While the weekend was won on the back of green and red, its blue that holds the title of "best" color. Chingsung walks through the history, and current state, of the most powerful color in Magic!
While the initial results roll in, there's going to be plenty of room to innovate in Standard. Chingsung puts his faith in the Pod people and some Vengeance to shake things up!
Chingsung continues his ongoing analysis, breaking down even more on mana manipulation, and how you can dominate games through non-interactivity. (Yes, it's pretty cool!)
Casting extra spells feels like a good thing. Chingsung takes that a step further and shows you how to cast those spell through the power of the humble land drop!
Our modern age of video replay makes deeper analysis of Magic possible. Chingsung turns his analytic gaze to one of the masters of the game, Luis Scott-Vargas.
Chingsung may run an extra card in his decks, but it's his analysis on doing so, and why you would want to as well, that shines. (This article originally ran April 27, 2011.)