Playing competitively doesn't mean it's always a "Standard" format. Jarvis shares how playing some more obtuse varieties of Magic is something every player can learn from, and compete with!
What does it take to get to the top? Pro Tour mainstay and Grand Prix Santiago Top 4 competitor Melissa knows a thing or two about that! See how her advice can help you!
To beat a deck, or to not beat a deck? That is the question Jarvis poses to you. Of course, he also tells you what you actually want to do to beat decks!
Have you ever felt as though time conspired against you? Chingsung's discussion on time in Magic, through the lens of Chess theory, will put the clock in your corner!
From an analysis of the usage of cards from Scars of Mirrodin block to the interesting rules issues FNM can present, Jon's all over the map in this weeks installment of 52 FNMs!
Nassim has been tracking the happenings of Modern on Magic Online. Think you've seen the decks? Nassim shares the most critical to know for your next Daily Event or PTQ!