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Rescuing Mono-Green Permanents With Kona


Hello happy Green, Duskmourn and Commander fans! I hope your day is going super mega well!!! Today I want to build a mono-Green permanents matter brew around Kona, with just colorless and Green stuff to drop with:

Kona, Rescue Beastie

She costs four for a 4/3 Beast with your survival ability if she is tapped post-combat, you'll drop a permanent from your hand to the battlefield. A few notes here. First, our ability doesn't cast, so that'll be free and thus uncounterable and leave your mana open for other things. Second, the obvious way to tap her is to swing, there are other ways in Green and colorless to do so.

Mana, Ramp, Lands

Paradise Mantle
Springleaf Drum
Enduring Vitality

I know it's boring and stuff, but we need to make that mana. First, I have ways to tap her to make mana proper. That way she's ramp. A great example is the Equipment that cost nothing, equips for one, and the it taps for any mana! Then the one-drop artifact can tap Kona or another dork for mana. The best are the ones that'll let you tap all of your stuff. The mono-Green 3/3 vigilance dork above costs three, is in the same set, and then your stuff can tap for all colors and then when it dies, it'll come back once so it's got built-in resilience to removal. See also Cryptolith Rites.

Since Kona costs four, we can drop her with a turn two ramp spell or mana rock on turn three. I first added in Sakura-Tribe Elder, and went with spell-based ramp like Rampant Growth that can't be removed.

Now let's turn to lands! The Shire usually ETBs tapped since we have few legenndaries here. Then tap a dork, and this with two mana to make a Food token! I wanted card flow in my land base, and we'll have big power stuff, so I tossed in Bonders' Enclave and and you can tap it with three if you control big enough dor to draw. Ditto War Room to draw for a life.

Holdout Settlement

Let's head to some lands! I am running all three lands that tap for colorless, and then tap for any color of mana but tap a dork to do so. One is a Clue you can sac for two mana called Scene of the Crime. I also wanted to add in fighting removal that taps, like Coordinated Clobbering or this land, that'll tap with three and you and a foe choose and shoot for damage. Note they choose their guy.

I have loads of dorks, so I wanted ways to tap for mana that increases as I have more, like Gaea's Cradle. Circle of Dreams Druid is a 2/1 does that for three Green mana. Growing Rites of Itlimoc drops as a three-drop, digs four and you can draw a critter, and then in your end-step will flip to a Cradle if you control at least four dorks. The survival 2/2 uncommon Bear House Cartographer will dig out lands as well. Love it here loads!

Synergies and Winning Conditions

Squirrel Nest
Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant

Let's turn to synergies and winning conditions. Since I tossed in Earthcraft to tap your dorks to untap a Basic land, I tossed in this Green Aura that'll enchant them, and tap with no mana to make a free Squirrel. Then you tap the Squirrel to untap the Land and keep going for a game-winning number of dorks. I also tossed in a bit of both with the Dinosaur. It costs eight, and then has a 12/12 trample body. It's ETB is to drop all creatures from your hand to the battlefield, and it's not a cast trigger, so you can drop it with Kona then trigger it.

Kodama of the East Tree costs six for a on-curve reaching 6/6 and then has an ETB trigger for your stuff to drop a free thing with that cost or fewer from your hand. That works for lands and tokens too. Drop Ghalta above and you can also drop the Nest. The spree able instant Smuggler's Surprise will mill four and draw two milled of creature/land. Or you can drop two dorks free, or give your big dork team indestructible and hexproof to help them stay alive, or all three or two. I am also running Tooth and Nail.

Archetype of Endurance
Tyvar, the Pummeler

I liked the idea to give my team hexpoof, how about proactively with the uncommon eight-drop 6/5 that gives my team hexproof and removes it from others too. Now they'll send their targeted removal elsewhere. The three-drop on curve 3/3 legendary dork is next. You can tap another dork to give it indestructible to save it and then also an activated five mana ability to grow your dorks in size equal to the largest power you own. Nasty good!

Now let's turn to landfall. Since I am running dorks with larger sizes and lands, I tossed in both Avenger of Zendikar and Rampaging Baloths. The seven-drop is a 5/5 that ETBs and makes 0/1 token dorks equal to your land count, then landfall makes them all perma-bigger with +1/+ 1 counters. I am also running Craterhoof Behemoth to kill in one combat step with Tooth and Nail as a backup win. The six-drop on curve 6/6 trampler will turn lands dropped into 4/4 dorks big enough to trigger my stuff like Bonders' Enclave. No trample there though.

Citanul Flute
Yeva, Nature's Herald
Monster Manual

Since this deck is built around Kona getting tapped and then dropping a free thing, I'd love a way to recursively Tutor for something every turn. Enter the Flute! It drops for 5, taps with X to search your library for an X cost or fewer dork for your hand. Normally you use this for half of our mana and then then cast the rest. Here though we can tap out and grab and drop a powerhouse postcombat like Apex Altisaur.

Get Yeva first any time, drop her, and now your stuff has flash. Or just run her naturally. The four-drop Adventure is next. You can mill five, then Regrowth a dork. Then you can tap this with two mana to drop a dork for free as a backup Kona. Also note that you can tap the Flute for everything save two, and then tap this and drop. Love that combo loads here!

We need ways to regularly increase our power since we are often just winning with red zone stuff. Enter the legendary Horror Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus with reach on a below curve 4/6 for seven mana. It doubles your power and toughness on combat and you can sac two dorks to make this permanently indestructible. The eight-mana 8/8 trample and indestructible Stonehoof Chieftain is a nasty on-curve gamewinner in the red zone. When another swings, you can also give both abilities, which are nasty good here the trample to punch through and the indestructible to save from combat damage.

The on-curve trampling 6/5 God Ojer Kaslem, Deepest Growth has a combat damage trigger you'll love here since it digs that many and then you can drop one for free the rest stick in your library just on the bottom. When it dies it becomes a land. Ancient Bronze Dragon also has a combat trigger, this time to toss your life counter and put that many +1/+1 counters on up to two dorks.


Tamiyo's Safekeeping
Tyvar's Stand

Now let's turn to answers. We'll start with answers for answers, and I already tossed in the Suprise, as well as Heroic Intervention. These two as well. The common one cost will give any permanent indestructible and hexproof and gain that life too, the fact that it's any permanent not dorks is why its here in case you need to save the Nest or Earthcraft. The X will give any dork X size as a combat trick or Commander Damage kill or mana sink and hexproof and indestructible too.

Now let's turn to removal tied to flexibility. The Standard legal instant Archdruid's Charm will ramp a land tapped, any, (Nykthos) not just basic, or a dork to your hand for free drops. Or exile an artifact/enchantment. Or fight to kill too. Titan of Industry, the seven-drop reach/trample, 7/7 on-curve beater has two abilities like a Command out of four. You can Naturalize, gain 5, make a 4/4 dork to trigger our stuff and toss a shield counter on your Commander to save it from dying once.

Let's finish anwers with targeted and mass removal. Kogla, the Titan Ape costs six for an on curve 7/6 that fights on arrival and then when it swings? Naturalize the defender! The non-legendary Terastodon costs two more for an ETB of up to three non-critters. Then they get a free 3/3; I also tossed in Beast Within. Then the nine-cost artifact Portal to Phyrexia will force everyone else to sac three dorks, not you though, and then reanimates.

Card Draw

The Great Henge
Vaultborn Tyrant

Now for proper card draw to draw my synergies, permanents to drop for free, and answers. The artifact costs nine, but no fewer than two with cost reduction for my power. You can tap it for two mana and life too. Then when a nontoken dork ETBs, you'll draw that card and grow it with a counter. The seven-drop 6/6 trampler is next. When it, or another big powered dork ETBs? Draw that card and gain life too, don't sleep on that. Then when it dies it becomes a free token copy that's an artifact too token once. I am also running other ETB stuff too, and then this is where the 4/4 tokens come into use.

Regal Force is here because it ETBs with a card drawn for each Green dork you control. Note unlike the artifact above, there is no nontoken clause here. If it's Green you are drawing a card, from 0/1 Plants to Soul of the Harvest! I also wanted some combat damage into card draw. Toski, Bearer of Secrets costs four, cannot be countered, and then is 1/1 and indestructible many ways of stopping it won't work here. Then when damage is done by your stuff, draw that precious card. Ohran Frostfang gives your attackers deathtouch so they won't wanna block and trade down. There is also Coastal Piracy.

Greater Good
Return of the Wildspeaker

You can sac a dork to draw its power in cards and discard three to Greater Good. It's great when you need an answer, combo, or when your dork is about to die. I also tossed in instant speed Momentous Fall. Return of the Wildspeaker will draw equal to your higher non-Human power, loads here. Or you give them all +3/+3 as a combat trick or kill out of nowhere too.

Want to see my deck? Here you go:

Mono-Green Kona | Commander | Abe Sargent

Card Display

Note that there are not any Vehicles here, that's a way you could build this, like Smuggler's Copter. I am also not running the mono-Green dorks that tap and then tap a dork for mana too, like Jaspera Sentinel. I am also not running mana dorks like Llanowar Elves. Since the Commander costs four, I wanted two mana ramp spells ideally. I don't often like Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves, but we needed haste to swing with Kona on arrival and protection from removal too.

Would you want to toss in Gaea's Cradle?

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