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Duskmourn Top Ten #4


Hello awesome folks and I hope your day is going super mega well! Today I wanted to hit up the dense Duskmourn set for another top ten and a few honorable mentions. Normally I do this with three sets so a nice even Top 40, but this is a dense set for kitchen table formats like Commander, multiplayer, Highlander, Type Four, Five Color, and Pauper/Peasant.

Let's get this thing started, shall we? We shall!

Honorable Mention #1. (#13. Overall) - Shroudstomper


This seven mana heavily costed Orzhov 5/5 Elemental is first this week with deathtouch! It's basically in the Titan cycle with a nasty ETB and attack trigger that can change things. Here, you'll drain life from each foe of 2 life, and then draw a card! Card draw and life draining win con on one body and card investment is pretty awesome from where I am sitting. There are two things from keeping this from hitting higher. The first is the smaller 5/5 body for seven mana. If it were 5? First Top Ten easy. The second is the harder to cast with double Black and White each. But that's no hindrance in Type Four with infinite mana but one spell cast per turn, where you can drop this turn one and replace it. It's also much higher there with deathtouch to trade with fatter stuff too.

Honorable Mention #2. (#12 Overall) - Cynical Loner

Cynical Loner

My first survival dork on today's list! This mono-Black two-drop 3/1 uncommon is next. She cannot be blocked by Glimmers. And her survival will give you a free Entomb! Sure it's not instant or reliable, but a recursive Entomb to set up this set's delirium, reanimation, threshold, flashback, or more Is all pretty awesome.

Honorable Mention #3. (#11. Overall) - Fear of Missing Out

Fear of Missing Out

This two-drop 2/3 enchantment dork is next! When it ETbs you'll discard and draw - card flow. Then when it swings, if you have delirium, you can get a free Relentless Assault, but just your one dork untaps. Nice with a Commander to kill faster! It counts as two already.

#10. Instant Speed Removal (Break Down the Door, Drag to the Roots AND Unwanted Remake)

Break Down the Door
Drag to the Roots
Unwanted Remake

I combined three cards to get us through this list with speed. Break costs three, can exile an artifact, enchantment or manifest dread to make a blocker. The Golgari one destroys any nonland like Utter End for four mana. It can be cheaper with delirium. The one cost White uncommon will destroy and then they manifest dread. I like this on you as a defense against exiling removal, or to make a blocker to save you too, or on opposing stuff to give them a buddy!

#9. Tyvar, the Pummeler

Tyvar, the Pummeler

This three-drop mono-Green 3/3 legendary on curve dork is next! It has the ability to save it from removal by tapping another dork! I love that in decks with a survival leader to give you a built-in way to tap them. You can also mana sink five mana in the color of ramp to Overrun to kill, with a bigger size boost but no trample.

#8. Razorkin Needlehead

Razorkin Needlehead

Hello Assassin friends, I've got your next kindred dork. This two-drop 2/2 has first strike on your turn and then as your foes draw that card they get tinged for a point of damage! Just like Underworld Dreams on a stick! It's ideal in Group Slug in things like Howling Mine or stuff like that!

#7. Marvin, Murderous Mimic

Marvin, Murderous Mimic

This two-drop rare legendary Commander-able colorless Toy is next! It can get the activated abilities of all dorks you control. That's great in decks with activated ability Commanders you are built around, or as a Commander, although that will be less valuable since he cannot use stuff with a color identity. I also love this is Pinger decks with Prodigal Sorcerer as a cheap backup Pinger. Arcanis the Omnipotent? With Avatar of Woe? Love it loads!

#6. Sawblade Skinripper AND Popular Egotist

Sawblade Skinripper
Popular Egotist

This uncommon three-drop Rakdos 3/2 three-drop pair are next, and, again, are combining two separate hits to make this list shorter. The former has evasion in the form of menace, then a sacrifice for another dork or enchantment for two mana to toss a +1/+1 counter here, and then also in your EOT, if you sacced that permanent this will shoot a target equal to its power for damage. Planeswalkers, critters and players. The latter one has a sac ability for two too, to sac the same stuff, to give this indestructible for the turn to save it. When you sac a permanent, this has a trigger to drain a life from one foe only, like Blood Artist, not them all, like Zulaport Cutthroat. These are amazing in Aristocrat decks that want to sac and then get these benefits.

#5. The Common 13 Life Duals Cycle

Abandoned Campground

I know that the 10 common ETB tapped stuff often doesn't get shouted out too many. I hear you. Sometimes it's good, like the Desert pings in Outlaws since they were crimes and Deserts for that land searching. Or the snow duals and such. All of those always ETB tapped. This doesn't have to if someone has 13 or fewer life, more and more likely the more are playing. That mid-late game tempo is very strong, and cheap lands are great for budget conscious players.

#4. Hauntwoods Shrieker

Hauntwoods Shrieker

Next up is this three-drop on-curve 3/3 in Green mythic. When it swings, you can get a free face down dork with manifesting that dread. Then you can reveal a face down permanent with two mana by anyone, so the table will know if it's a dork then, you can flip it face up. That means you can flip your stuff you are manifesting or morphing or disguising for two mana each. I'm sure you can see why that's so strong here. It works with itself and others in the vein of face down stuff!

#3. Abhorrent Oculus

Abhorrent Oculus

Another three-drop mythic is next this time a flying 5/5 beater. You must exile six cards to cast this cheap beater from your graveyard. But you'll be rewarded by a free manifest dread each foe's upkeep. That's you, not them. So, the more foes you have, the more powerful this becomes! It's the exiling you don't like here, and it's a must so you'll need mill, surveil, and things to fill that up reliably. But once you do? It's probably worth it!

#2. Rip, Spawn Hunter

Rip, Spawn Hunter

Our highest scoring legendary leader this week is this Selesnya four-drop 4/4 with survival. You'll dig their power and draw Vees and critters with different powers. That ability is great and flexible. Aggro? Ramp? Vees? Voltron to pump their power?

#1. Valgavoth's Lair

Valgavoth's Lair

This enchantment land is next. We're wanted them since forever, and it rocks hexproof to prevent targeted removal. It ETBs tapped and you choose a color ETBs so here a tempo lost, and it taps for that color. There are just the one land, and then the ETB tapped is rough and the most you can add are four to non-Highlander formats. Not a bad way to end this list!

There we go! I hope you enjoyed my fourth Top Ten!

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