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Brainstorm Brewery #169 — Second Place Best Place


I thought having Josh Lee Kwai (@JoshLeeKwai) from The Command Zone podcast for a guest was a great idea. He sent us an e-mail asking a great question about finance, and we invited him on the ’cast to talk about it. Simple. Then, Grand Prix Indianapolis happened, and Ray Perez Jr made second place. Second. Not first, but second. Even Josh e-mailed us to say, “You should absolutely bump me to talk to Ray,” but that’s not how we roll. Am I the only one who doesn’t think you bounce a great finance guest to talk to a guy who made second place at a Grand Prix? We could have had Brent Clawson (@brentpk)—the winner of the event—if we wanted to talk about the Grand Prix.

Don’t get me wrong; we’ll probably talk to Ray very soon, and it’s cool that the second-place finish puts him back on the Pro Tour. Esper Tokens looks to be a sweet deck, and Ray’s our boy. We don’t bump guests on Brainstorm Brewery. We had a great conversation with Josh about all kinds of topics. This is a good episode. Ray’s not on it, but it’s still a good episode. Would we have bumped Josh if Ray had won the Grand Prix? I think it’s more fun if I don’t answer that.

You can subscribe to the show via the RSS feed for Brainstorm Brewery or on iTunes.

Download Podcast

  • Josh Lee Kwai (@JoshLeeKwai) from The Command Zone joins us.
  • Shadows over Innistrad?
  • Grand Prix Indianapolis is discussed at length, but not how you think.
  • Josh had a question, and we answer.
  • Commander (2015 Edition) spoilers!
  • Pick of the Week is back!
  • Support our Patreon! Do it. You know this cast makes you more than $1 a week.
  • Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew at gmail dot com.

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Corbin Hosler — TwitterFacebookMTGPrice
Jason E Alt — TwitterFacebookMTGPrice
Marcel White — Twitter

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