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5 Decks You Can't Miss: Pro Tour Theros Edition


Hundreds of players have appeared in Dublin for Pro Tour Theros! What kind of awesome things have the world's best players found to do in Standard? It's a world defined by devotion and I can't wait to explore it. Let's take a look at these video deck techs from Pro Tour coverage:

We continue our tour of what Theros has to offer for Commander enthusiasts with a look at Daxos of Meletis. This newest take on Thieving Magpie is very interesting; built in evasion is awesome, and the ability to steal effects that are otherwise outside of Blue-White's piece of the color pie opens up all manner of opportunities. Let's take a look at DancinSasquatch's early take on this sweet new Legend.

Daxos Aggro - Commander | DancinSasquatch

There are a couple of really cool things going on in this deck, and it's the little interactions that really make it seem like there's a ton of potential in this archetype. The lifegain theme is particularly exciting, because there are lots of interesting pieces. Cradle of Vitality along with things like Well of Lost Dreams and True Conviction really let you start to generate the cards and power necessary to finish a long game.

One of the most interesting things about this deck is Lantern of Insight. Manipulating the top of your opponent's deck has never been an especially powerful effect, but when you get to pick and choose which opponent you want to steal a card from, these effects get much better. Card selection is always very powerful, particularly when it's repeatable.

The other unique thing about Daxos is his built in evasion. This makes it easy to build around effects like Stolen Identity, or even Curiosity and Swords of Protection and Value. All told, Daxos provides a very interesting and powerful combination of effects that may not be enough for Standard, but certainly provide some flexibility and options in Commander. I'm excited to find out just what this Legend is capable of!

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