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Commander Tips for New Players


Commander might be one of the most complicated formats in one of the most complex games of all time. Despite that, this game is incredibly fun. There's no greater feeling than brewing your own deck, taking on your opponents, and fighting for victory. If you're reading this article, you are likely here for some tips and tricks for getting into and playing Commander. Not to worry, I have you covered. Though there are many more tips out there, today we'll start with five. I'm Levi from The Thought Vessel Show, and these are five strategies and tips for the Commander format.

Not all pre-cons are created equal

When I first started getting back into Commander, I wanted to start playing right away. Since there was no local game store where I lived, I went to Walmart and bought the only Commander deck they had, which was the Stalwart Unity deck. This was a four-color group hug deck. As a control player by nature, this was obviously not the best fit for me, though it did help me learn the political side of the game much quicker.

It is incredibly tempting to buy the first deck you see based on its cover alone, but this can lead to wasting money and having a deck you simply do not enjoy. Instead, ask around your local game store for opinions. Explain what types of strategies you have enjoyed playing in the past or in other games. Commander players usually have a good grip on the products that are released and can guide you toward something you might like. Another suggestion is to buy a deck that uses a strategy like +1/+1 counters or humans, which has cards printed that are viable upgrades all the time, instead of a morph Commander that might get a thematic upgrade every two years or so.

Ask questions

Chaos Warp

Speaking of your community, the players around you are going to do everything in their power to help you, both in-game and out. When the board gets complicated, ask questions like "Who do you think is the problem?" or "What needs to be removed?" Listen to what the entire table has to say to get the full picture. This will help you make a decision and also let you know what your opponents are most concerned about. When you finish the game, ask questions about plays they made, targets they chose for removal, and what they would do differently if they could. If you trust their opinion, they might also have some pointers for your own gameplay.

You are not an island


The best removal spell is the one you don't have to cast. In 2024, this is a game with more threats than spot removal options. It can be difficult for newer players from other formats or games to understand that you need to rely on your enemies. Every turn that passes, you draw one card and your opponents collectively draw three. The same goes for lands and mana spent. Sure, you can play cards to pull away from that disadvantage, but you still don't have a strong chance of winning a three-on-one. This is why people compare their win rate to 25% because, with all things being equal, people should win about a fourth of the time. The more you can get the other players to eliminate threats for you, the better.

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A lot can happen between turns0

There have been times at my local game store when I passed my turn, quickly took care of something, and came back to an entirely different game. Board wipes, explosive turns, and combos are quite common. Because of this, the plan for your turn is always changing with new information, assuming you have options. When building your deck, instant speed interaction and flash can be your best friends because they effectively let you know as much information as possible before making a decision. I cannot count the number of times I have saved a creature from a board wipe by flashing it in on someone else's turn instead of my own. Tap the lands that produce the least amount of colors first and pay attention to what is going on. It will help you way more than you might expect.

Find what YOU enjoy about Commander

I always compare Commander to how Wade Watts describes the Oasis in the movie Ready Player One. Effectively, it is a realm where you can do whatever you want and be whoever you want. With that said, try everything. As you learn more about how to play and read cards, borrow decks you find interesting and try them out! Get a feel for the many strategies this game can provide. Your friends and players will be more than happy to tell you how they like to play the game and encourage you to try it, but at the end of the day, this game is for everyone, and you need to determine what types of strategies make you happy and roll with that.

Those are the five Commander strategies and tips I have for you. I hope they will serve you well as you continue to learn and play more. Until next time!

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