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Red Conflux cards


Finally we're wrapping up Lee's thoughts on Conflux. -- Trick

Red Red Red, I'm almost done with this review :)

  • Banefire. No comment needed.
  • Bloodhall Ooze is a fantastic card. I definitely see this as a 1-3 pick in draft and something to consider in constructed, however the chances of seeing it in constructed is pretty slim.
  • Canyon Minotaur is a Hill Giant and that's all. I don't think it's a high pick for limited and you just need to ask yourself how many Hill Giants do you see in constructed?
  • Dark Temper is a decent removal spell and a house with a Black permanent in play. It all depends on the direction or shard you'll be entering.
  • Dragonsoul Knight is probably the worst of the 2/2 for 3 that have domain benefits. However, that doesn't make him bad it just means that he's not as good as a 5/5 for 3 or a 5/5 flying first strike lifelink or a 4/4 that kills any 2/2. I don't forsee any of them in constructed but are close to gamebreakers in limited.
  • Fiery Fall is probably one of the best landcycling cards because killing a 5 toughness creature comes in handy on occasion. It's a no brainer here, draw it early and get a land. Draw it late, kill something.
  • Goblin Razerunner is a bomb rare.
  • Hellspark Elemental is a respectable creature in constructed and I'm not a big fan in limited where card advantage is HUGE.
  • Ignite Disorder is a pretty darn good sideboard card. If you're in the Jund or should I say NON-white shards it's a maindeck card. If not, well you'll decide. I try to get these around pick 8+ ESPECIALLY if I know I can use them later and NOT something else in the pack.
  • Kranioceros is an ok creature, although I do wish he had a 3 toughness. I don't consider him to make my teams but if I'm really strapped then I guess I don't have a choice.
  • Maniacal Rage is an old school card that used to really make things annoying. Kird Ape (turn 1) M. Rage on Turn 2 would often times just kill an opponent. In Conflux draft, I've been taking the 2/2 pro black guy or pro green guy and Raging him on turn 3 to really make things tough. It can dominate quickly or it can cost you the ole two fer one :P
  • Molten Frame isn't too bad of a card. In Con Con Con it's a HUGE card vs at least 2 of the decks in your 8 man draft. Unfortunately in Constructed it's not that powerful. If you'd been able to draw a card with it (without cycling) then I'd say it's worth it.
  • Quenchable Fire isn't a big card on my playlist. If you know for a fact that your opponent isn't running the Island card then it's an option for 6 damage. I've just never been a fan of Lava Axe or things that just do damage to a player and doesn't give me the option of critical dealings to creatures.
  • Rakka Mar is a Rare. Rakka Mar can make 3/1 guys with haste. Rakka Mar is a good card in Red. Rakka Rakka Rakka
  • Toxic Iguanar is ok if you don't have a land to put in your deck. I guess if your opponent is running a big Green deck with no removal then Toxicity is a plan.
  • Viashino Slaughtermaster is a decent creature. His ability can get ridiculous if used correctly.
  • Volcanic Fallout is good.
  • Voracious Dragon is rare and a 4/4 flyer. Not really a constructed card.
  • Wandering Goblins typically rolls around the draft table. Wandering Goblins really wreck someone. I've seen people attack for 10 damage and then become the tool with Soul's Fire for an extra 10. Never underestimate a card that depicts such an angry looking dude.
  • Worldheart Phoenix is usually not drafted too highly. 2/2 flyer for 4 is pretty much a vanilla creature by today's terms. Although when the owner has domain, the Phoenix does become a bit of an annoying beast. Domain is key.

I don't see much improvement for Red. Some solid options and a bit of removal but nothing I see as broken. Stay tuned for my final installment.... Finally :)

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