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Getting Ahead of Standard


With SCG Syracuse in the books and a Modern tournament that isn't relevant (to Standard) this past week I wanted to look at Standard heading into the SCG Invitational.

The new hotness coming out of Standard is the mash of Planeswalker decks. While there are different variations the goal is to utilize the mass amount of planeswalkers available as a way to win the game. Some decks even go as far as to try and 'combo' by using The Elderspell to get to a fast ultimate via Liliana, Dreadhorde General or Teferi, Hero of Dominaria to win the game in short order. Most of the decks function similarly to prison decks where they build walls and utilize removal, lockout pieces, and the strength of the new planeswalkers static abilities to put a stop to opponent's shenanigans.

One of the key elements in the sideboard here in Oliver's deck is Ixalan's Binding. Against Mono-Red decks, being able to shut off their 4-drops forever means you'll have more time to dredge through their threats and close the game.

The next deck is the Jeskai version popularized by John Rolf and then refined by Zan Syed and his team (Lotus Box) use Sarkhan as a way to finish opponents off and turn planeswalkers that have been used up.

The final variant utilizes Command the Dreadhorde alongside the explore package to gain a mass of life and churn through your deck to create an unassailable board for any opponent to work through.

Since they are the new hotness on the block it will take some time to be able to figure out these decks. However I think the best place to start is playing a deck that can hit hard while being able to compete with the big guns and/or something that utilizes The Immortal Sun.

Speaking of something that has big guns and can play The Immortal Sun I'd like to take a look at a deck that started to pop up and had some decks right outside the Top 8 of SCG Syracuse in Izzet Phoenix.

The deck disappeared for quite some time, but the inclusion of Finale of Promise and Augur of Bolas have helped add consistency and a strength of power not included in the deck previous. While folks are out here playing Shock and Moment of Craving, Crackling Drake bodies those players and planeswalkers in short order. Arclight Phoenix dies easily but is fantastic at returning over and over to apply a mass of pressure. However with the rise of Planeswalker decks it's likely that Vraska's Contempt will make a comeback as well and that bodes poorly for the deck as they will also be pairing it with Cry of the Carnarium.

While Esper Control had a great showing week one the next Open after looked poor for the control deck. Edgar Magalhaes had another good performance with the deck but fell short in the end. Robert Stanley finished just ahead of Edgar with a similar list.

Outside of that the Esper Hero deck also put up a very small showing as well. The guildgates deck feels a touch too slow against all these planeswalker decks that go well over the top, and despite having a good rate against Red on paper it feels like when you stumble you die more often than not. While I am a big fan of mopey three colored decks I would not recommend this deck at the moment.

Rounding out our current top contenders is the Red deck that has seemingly crushed. While aggro decks generally fare well week one we've seen the Red deck continue that trend and put two more copies in the Top 8. With the mass of shocklands and slower planeswalker decks Mono-Red will likely continue its trend of being able to punish anyone who stumbles. Experimental Frenzy and now Chandra offer multiple ways for the Red deck to grind out any opponent. If you tuned into SCG Syracuse you may have seen Brad Carpenter tear through his entire deck to beat Matthew Dilks on camera. Being able to grind through any deck and keep pace with one of these powerful 4-drops will keep the deck competitive with the rest deep into the format.

On the same page, it is important to diversify your threats. Playing ONLY Chandra or Frenzy is going to leave you unable to compete with answers. One of the spots in Oliver's sideboard filled by Ixalan's Binding will leave you stuck without a way to pull ahead. By diversifying your top end it will be easier to manage any answers your opponent will have for your top end.

So what's my pick for your next tournament? That'd be Gruul Aggro.

For deck that hasn't popped up too much it might seem like an odd inclusion but I believe the deck to have all the tools needed to compete with the best of the best. The deck uses Llanowar Elves to pressure immediately with cards like Gruul Spellbreaker and Legion Warboss and can also use Paradise Druid to push even further ahead with Rekindling Phoenix or even Skaargan Hellkite. Playing so many mana dorks also lets us push to The Immortal Sun as fast as possible. However there are enough matchups The Immortal Sun isn't going to be ideal in so I think I'd prefer to build the deck in a way where The Immortal Sun is an option to draw to Game 1 and then add more copies for the next game. This lets us balance playing Planeswalkers in the deck to have more staying power and become a better Midrange deck. In doing so it makes the deck more dynamic in these matchups.

With these thoughts in mind here is where I'm at currently with the list.

Legion Warboss's stock has gone up massively in the last couple of weeks. Those who miss a beat will fall victim to the Goblin army it creates and going wide means you'll be able to press the mess of planeswalkers that are plaguing the current format and allows you to not have to commit everything to the board against any sweepers.

While The Immortal Sun is going to be high impact in some matchups I wanted to blend a strong mix of planeswalkers and removal. I won't say this deck is built perfectly, rather that this is a starting point for the next week. It will take some more testing and battling to figure out the right build. Chandra here while not as incredible as it is in the Red deck still helps pull you massively far ahead in midrange mirrors while also threatening to win the game (or at least get you close to it).

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