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A Commander Genius in France


You’ve all heard of Commander, right? It’s that three-or-more-player game in which everyone builds hundred-card decks with everything and the kitchen sink and uses a legendary creature as a commander. As it turns out, that’s not the only way to play.

French Duel Commander

The red-headed stepchild of Commander is called French Duel because it’s a one-on-one, heads-up format and because it was popularized in France by a group of players led by Kevin Desprez, who first introduced Commander to France. Although the duel variant is competitive and thus somewhat runs counter to the spirit of Commander, the duel group and the multiplayer group are friendly, and for a time, there were members on both Rules Committees. As I said, French Duel Commander is meant to be competitive, and it has a completely different ban list all its own. Other rules differ as well—read on.

How Does French Duel Commander Differ from Regular Commander?

There are a few key differences between the French heads-up variant on Commander and its more well-known multiplayer step-parent.

  • It’s a competitive format rather than casual.
  • Players start with 30 life instead of 40.
  • They’ve been using the tuck rule for quite some time. If a commander changes zones, it can return to your command zone.
  • Cards are legal on release day rather than prerelease day.
  • In tournaments, matches are best of three with at least fifty-five-minute rounds and no sideboards.
  • There’s a specific ban list that supersedes the multiplayer one.

What Is the French Ban List I’ve Heard So Much About?

These cards are banned in French Duel Commander. Mostly, it’s because they give a huge advantage during the early turns of the game. Cards like Sol Ring can create an early game state that makes the game result a foregone conclusion.

Ancient Tomb

Mind Twist

Oloro, Ageless Ascetic
Also, these cards are banned as commanders but may be played as part of the ninety-nine. Note that multiplayer Commander removed the banned-as-commander subset awhile back, but duel Commander has chosen to keep it.

They’re not listed, but I assume Conspiracy cards are also banned because they don’t really work out of the context of a Draft.

Can French Duel Be Played on Magic: The Gathering Online?

It’s a fact that the vast majority of Commander is played heads-up on Magic Online, much to the chagrin of purists. However, hardly anyone uses the French Duel ban list. The best thing to do is to put “French ban list” in your comments when you create the match and hope your opponent is paying attention. Alternatively, just play with like-minded friends who have the correct ban list and metagame in mind in the first place.

What Are Some of the Better French Duel Commander Decks?

Here are some terrific example decks using the French ban list and the most recent duel Commander metagame.

This deck took first place in a fifty-three-player event at Academia de Jogos in São Paulo, Brazil.

This one took first in another fifty-three-person event, this time in the Czech Republic.

Glove Slap

French Duel Commander is just one of many heads-up competitive formats for players looking for something else to do with their vast card collections . . . players who prioritize winning as high as having fun—Spikes, in other words. Other than Duel Commander, there’s Canadian Highlander and Old School Magic. It’s even possible to make the same deck for all three formats, though I wouldn’t recommend it.

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