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War of the Ring Card Game: Free Peoples Custom Sleeves

War of the Ring Card Game: Free Peoples Custom Sleeves

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War of the Ring The Card Game - 60 Free Peoples Custom Sleeves (63 x 88 mm) are a new accessory for our new War of the Ring - The Card Game, and they feature the wonderful art created for the Free Peoples cards.

Each pack contains 60 custom card protector sleeves for the Free Peoples faction cards, with the customized illustration used for the Free Peoples card back. Fitting cards in 63 x 88 mm format, they can also be used as art sleeves for other games using cards of this size.

For dedicated gamers who need to keep their War of the Ring - The Card Game in perfect shape, this accessory is the perfect solution to protect them. If you purchase both War of the Ring The Card Game - 60 Free Peoples Custom Sleeves and War of the Ring The Card Game - 60 Shadow Custom Sleeves, you will have all you need to protect all the faction cards contained in the game.

Sleeved cards will fit inside the game component tray.

You must own a copy of War of the Ring - The Card Game to play.
  • 60 custom 63 x 88 mm card protector sleeves, customized with Free Peoples art.
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