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Landfalling and Fun with The Necrobloom in Commander


Hello happy MTG and Commander and MH3 fans! I hope that your day is going super mega well!!! Today is the fourth of my Modern Horizons decks. I have built mono-White Auras around Pearl-Ear, targets matter around Nadu, Winged Wisdom (Nadu for the Win-du in Commander | Article by Abe Sargent (coolstuffinc.com)) and last week's Azorius take on my famous Equinaut deck with Genku, here (Trying Genku, Future Shaper Out in Azorius Equinaut | Article by Abe Sargent (coolstuffinc.com)).

Here's today's fun thing:

The Necrobloom

I am swapping Bant in three decks with different colors with this week's Abzan normally good spot for recursion, but here we have a four-drop 2/7 blocking body with landfall matters instead. It will make you blockable 0/1 Plants until you have seven or more lands with different names like Field of the Dead, then it'll make those 2/2 Zombies instead, each of which are built around in Golgari. Then you can recur lands from your graveyard with dredge 2, so that wants to discard, cycle and sac your lands for various tricks and treats.

Lands, Rocks, Mana, Ramp

Flare of Cultivation
Azusa, Lost but Seeking

Now let's start with what our deck is built around, lands and ramp! The recently printed three cost perhaps free sorcery is here, as are Cultivate and K Reach to make that two manas for one spell, one ramps. This seems like a strong place of the other three rare mono-Green splashable card about, she's legendary, has a 1/2 body, and you can drop two extra lands in your turn, plus she is so good I tossed in more of extra ways to drop lands per turn too.

Now let's turn to spells that care about lands! Scapeshift will sacrifice lands to fetch out that many lands of any type and then they arrive tapped. This can grab win-cons or win with Necrobloom with a bunch of 2/2 Zombies and Field of the Dead for two 2/2s per land dropped as well. I am also running Crop Rotation for one land of any type at instant speed and Sylvan Scrying and Expedition Map for one of any land too. Life From the Loam returns three lands to your hand from your graveyard and thus will let you net three more triggers or grabbing back stuff sacrificed to the first card, and it has dredge it bring back to you hand for milling three. That's pretty strong from where I am sitting!

Now let's turn to ways to make those tokens ramp. Jaheira, Friend of the Forest costs three for a 2/3 legendary that lets your tokens tap for a mana, any, even Treasure, Food, etc. Insidious Roots is uncommon, costs two, your critter tokens can tap for any color of mana this time, but just your dorks. Then when one or more dorks leave you graveyard, you can make a free 0/1 Plant token and then toss a counter on them all.

Horizon of Progress
Demolition Field

Now let's turn to many lands! The one just printed ETBs untapped, taps to swap life for mana of any color of my lands, and taps with three to drop any land from my hand to the battlefield tapped, not just basics, extra landfall triggers there! You can also sac it to draw a card and replay with your stuff. The colorless tapping one also ETBs untapped, and this time you can sac it with two mana to destroy an opposing nonbasic land, but unlike Wasteland, they are ramped, so this plays nicely with them.

Also just printed at uncommon in this set is Urza's Cave, and you can grab any land, but it's tapped, not just basics. Also just printed at common is the Deceptive Landscape that taps to ramp out a basic of our three options, and then I am also running our three pain fetches as well. These are here to use, or cycle, and reuse.

Yavimaya Hollow
Volrath's Stronghold

Now let's move to this legendary land pair that taps for colorless and arrives untapped ready to be used. The Green ability will regenerate to save one of your dorks, not bad to save it. The Black color identity needs two to tap but will reload your best dork on top of your library. Get this and run this pair.

Since I have the pain fetches for non-basics and then ramp spells too, I am running the Shock Duals, cycling tri land, and then the surveil lands as well. I liked surveil here with the other options, since we can toss a key card into my graveyard for recursion especially lands. Just like cycling lands, channel lands like Boseiju, Who Endures can discard to get a powerful ability, and then you can recur and reuse, or drop for mana ramping purposes to trigger landfall. All three are here, but the best is the Green one. Love these two cycles!

Fun Landfall Stuff

Scute Swarm
Ob Nixilis, the Fallen

Now let's turn to what this deck is about, fun landfall stuff! We'll start with two landfall win-cons in addition to the going wide with my Commander. The Green dork costs three, for a 1/1 that landfalls and makes a 1/1 Insect token, unless you control six or more lands, then you'll make copies of this instead, and just a few landfalls will fill the board with copies to win. The Black one costs two more, and then you can force a foe to lose three life and grow this in size by that many +1/+1 counters. It kills with pain and gets big for wins in the red zone too.

Since my Commander makes either 0/1 Plants or 2/2 Zombies, I wanted to push into more and more landfall into token dork makers too. Rampaging Baloths is a Commander Classic 6/6 beater with trample, evasion for six mana, and it turns landfalls into massive 4/4 Beasts to beat! They don't have trample though. Felidar Retreat costs just four, and has two landfalls, you can go wide by making 2/2 Cat Beasts or tall by tossing a +1/+1 counter on each dork you control and give them vigilance for the turn, and maybe a bit of each based on the board position. Love it loads! Love token makers here.

Tireless Provisioner
Maja, Bretagard Protector

Let's finish fun landfall stuff with this uncommon Green dork duo! The former costs three, has a solid 3/2 size and then turns landfalls into Treasures for ramp or Food for life and then tap with Jaheira for mana. Nasty! The latter costs five, and adds White, and then is just a 2/3, smaller. Then your other dorks are boosted in size and toughness by +1/+1 so it's an Anthem, and then your landfalls turn into 1/1 dorks that are 2/2.

Synergies and Win-Cons

Now let's turn to synergies and other win-cons. Ancient Greenwarden costs six, has an on-curve 5/7 reach size, and you can play lands from your graveyard. Then when your landfall triggers, you'll trigger another time! Nasty good here. Conduit of Worlds costs four and you can also play lands from your graveyard here too. Then you can tap it at sorcery speed to cast a nonland permanent from your graveyard, but it can be the only card you cast this turn, not bad recursion either. Since these two abilities to replay are valuable, I also tossed in Ramunap Excavator too.

Mondrak, Glory Dominus

Check out this legendary dork duo! Since most of my landfalls make token dorks or others, I tossed in the token making doubler at four mana with a 4/4 body and then you can spend mana to sac two artifact/dorks to toss an indestructible counter here to perma-answer removal.

The Green legendary dork costs three and when it swings, you mill three. Nice way to fill up your graveyard and then you can recur a land milled. Then you can discard a land to cast a nonland permanent in your graveyard, more recursion like the Conduit above for stuff in your graveyard. Since The Necrobloom can return lands with dredge, you can really make this pair sing a new song!

The just-printed Rumbleweed is a splashable one, costs one fewer for each land in your graveyard, has a solid face smashing 8/8 body with vigilance to swing and hold, reach to hold against flyers too, so no one will swing, and evasion in trample. When it ETBs, you Overrun. Craterhoof Behemoth has a hasty 5/5 body and then gives your team trample and size boosts equal to your creature count, win con in the red zone, and then ditto Moonshaker Cavalry with flying instead of trample. Awaken the Woods costs X to start and make X Forest Dryad 1/1s for ramping and are tokens for doubling/tripling. Then you can ramp all up and down the block or swing for wins. Note lands for landfall will likely fill the board with dorks to win fast.

Titania, Protector of Argoth
Aftermath Analyst

The lady costs five for a 5/3 ETB ability to toss a land from your graveyard to the battlefield nice bit of ramp there, and then there is a death trigger for lands to make 5/3 beater tokens for your fetch, and sac lands to trigger! The uncommon costs two for a 1/3 blocking size. You mill three when they arrive, and you can sac them for four to Splendid Reclamation. Since this is a dork, you can bring it back with Stronghold, the Conduit and Six above, so it's here, not the Reclamation itself.

Lets finish with a win con and synergy each! The 2/3 flyer Mirkwood Bats turns tokens made and killed by you to have each foe lose a life - win con here! Turntimber Sower costs just three for an on-curve 3/3 with a trigger when lands head to your graveyard from anywhere! Discarding to channel/cycling or sacrifices work here. You make a free 0/1 Plant token, and then you have a G sac here for three dorks to regrow a land to your hand for landfall, discards, sacrifices, or Six. Love it!

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Answers and Card Draw

Heroic Intervention
Malakir Rebirth

Now let's turn to answers and card draw! The best answers to answers are one that save your stuff, not just critters, and both of those are here with Teferi's Protection to phase them out and then the above two cost instant to give your stuff indestructible and hexproof too, pretty common answers to mass removal or targeted removal, or just keep alive from an alpha strike that would kill our smaller tokens. I also like the one cost instant above in Black to recur something about to die for two life, and then it'll trigger again for things like the ETB triggers of Rumbleweed, Titania or to save a key dork about to die.

Now let's turn to targeted removal. Abstruse Appropriation is a new Utter End will let you cast the spell back with any mana, so you get a free permanent on your side for key stuff. Assassin's Trophy will destroy any permanent a foe controls, lands too! But they are ramped like Boseiju. Ditto Beast Within to destroy anything but leave behind a 3/3 dork.

Winds of Abandon
The Gitrog Monster

Every deck needs mass removal, even this one, but a token-heavy deck cannot sweep and keep dork easily, so I am running this two cost sorcery speed Path with overload for six mana instead. We need that card flow, enter the first take of three on the Gitrog, This time he costs five Golgari mana for a 6/6 deathtouch that will sacrifice lands in your upkeep, but you can dredge or Loam them back in threes, and then you'll draw that sweet card for each lands that dies and you can drop two per turn. With our sac lands in here, that's pretty strong!

The second take on Gitrog is next (Thalia and The Gitrog Monster) in all of my colors for a 4/4 on curve with the nasty combo of deathtouch and first strike, no one will block or attack into it. Your foe's dorks and nonbasics ETB tapped, nice tempo, and then you also can drop another land, and then when they swing you can sac a dork like a 0/1 Plant token or a land to draw that card. It works well with Vampiric Rites costs just one, spends two mana, and sacrifices a dork for a card and a life gained too. Again, sac your tokens for mad card draw.

Now let's turn to landfall ways to turn two colorless mana into card flow! Tireless Tracker is a classic 3/2 Green three-drop that makes Clues, which are copied, tap for mana with Jaheira, and then when you sac them you'll grow this in size. Seer's Sundial costs one more, and landfall draws you a card if you spend that mana now!

Disciple of Freyalise
Shamanic Revelation

Let's finish with Green! The modal spell dork costs a harder to cast six, and then has an ETB ability to sac another dork and gain life and draw cards equal to it' power, and this leaves behind a feasible 3/3 dork. The sorcery costs one less to draw equal to your dork count, quite a bit here with your tokens and dorks! Then you can gain some life here and there too, don't sleep on that either. Love this duo way much!

Ready for my decklist?

The Necrobloom EDH | Commander | Abe Sargent

Card Display

There we go! 100 cards later, I have 42 base lands, and a few modal lands too, although I am not sure they can be returned with The Necrobloom. But it's nice to have options. I hope you enjoyed this fun take on The Necrobloom!

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