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Three Sweet Community Brews for Duskmourn Standard


Hello Reader - and welcome back to my little corner of the universe where I get to talk about some sweet community-created Standard brews in this ever-evolving Standard landscape! For those of you who may be reading this article as your first introduction into my corner, I play a lot of Standard over on my Twitch channel. Very frequently, I am playing community-created decks that I take to the MTGArena ladder or play in Magic: The Gathering Online leagues. Since our last time featuring community decks during Bloomburrow Standard, my community has been really excited to submit some more of their sweet brews for you to take a look at!

The first decklist that I'd like to highlight is Twitch user JustAVeliciraptor's take on Azorius (wu) Eerie Enchantments.

Everything in this deck essentially synergizes with another card in the list. Optimistic Scavenger and Sheltered by Ghosts are powerhouse uncommons, and meld this deck together really well. Gremlin Tamer ensures that you'll be able to pump out a regular succession of enchantment creatures to feed both Optimistic Scavenger triggers and Entity Tracker triggers to continue to refill your hand. Silent Hallcreeper serves as a nice unblockable attacker with buffs like Ethereal Armor, with the ability to turn into one of your utility creatures. I have to say, this deck is an absolute joy to play, and is honestly pretty budget friendly in terms of actual dollars and MTGArena wildcards.

Next up for the sweet community brews, I present to you Twitch User Joederkins's Dimir (ub) Doomsday deck!

Over on my stream we have been talking about brewing up a deck around Doomsday Excruciator in standard since previews started - and we always came back to one common inclusion in this type of brew. Jace, the Perfected Mind. Jace, the Perfected Mind is already pretty versatile in that it can impede midrange piles like Golgari (gb) Midrange, while acting as a simple mill win condition against the Domain decks. If you set up this pseudo-combo properly, you can set up a turn six win by casting Doomsday Excruciator, removing all but 6 cards in your opponent's library, and then finishing the job with Jace, the Perfected Mind. In the event you can't find your planeswalker, the deck has a few copies of Outrageous Robbery to exile cards from the top of your opponent's library to finish the job.

The last community-created deck that I'd like to feature this week was created by DLawson72, and is a pretty sweet take on a Mono-White Control featuring Ghost Vacuum!

Talk about removal spells and board-wipes! This is about as control as they come without counterspells for sure - and with Realmbreaker, the Invasion Tree in here, the mill win condition is on the table. Aside from that, you can muster up some wins by putting your opponent's creatures on the battlefield with Ghost Vacuum, poisoning your opponent with mites created off White Sun's Twilight, or traditional damage via Sunfall Incubator tokens or Beza, the Bounding Spring and their fish friends. Now, I understand why DLawson72 is playing Demolition Field in this deck - in order to deal more easily with creature lands, and utility lands like Fountainport and Mirrex - but I would like to see a couple copies of Fountainport and/or Mirrex in this deck just to make it a little bit more smooth.

Featuring community-created decks is something I absolutely love to do, and honestly, it's what makes streaming so fun! If you have the chance, check my stream out on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/cfavretto_jr , where you'll find me regularly climbing the MTGArena ladder and playing Standard Leagues on Magic: The Gathering Online. Submit decks for me to play during the stream - and maybe your brew will end up in an article here next! Duskmourn Standard has been a wild ride so far, but I am glad that Standard is still so open for innovation. There are clear aggressive decks, midrange piles, and some control builds starting to break out. In a few short weeks, from October 25th-27th, you can find me at Magic Con: Las Vegas! I even have a meet and greet time at Creator Central from 12:00pm-1:30pm! If you're going - I'd love to connect to play some games, hand out some tokens and stickers, and generally chat about Magic!

Until next time, Reader! I'll see you on the Battlefield!

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