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Don't You Know That You're (Bant) Toxic?


One of the hallmarks of the last few years of Standard is how much of a midrange format it has been.

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki
Teferi, Time Raveler

Individual card power has been the most dominating factor in what cards have seen play, as not only has Wizards of the Coast printed a ton of very powerful cards in recent years, but there is very little pushback from the synergy side of the equation. Part of this is due to sets being singular entities, therefore never allowing a set theme like party or landfall to reach the critical mass of options necessary to field a competitive deck, but it's also just a design issue.

So, when I say we're playing a synergy-based aggro deck in Standard this week, you should be very excited to hit the play button!

Time Stamps:

03:08 - Match 1

26:46 - Match 2

33:43 - Match 3

40:21 - Match 4

Toxic decks have floated on the fringes of Standard for a while now, but MTGO player karatedom has recently made waves in a few challenges with an interesting Blue splash.

March of Swirling Mist
Bring the Ending
Disdainful Stroke

The most interesting card that Blue brings to the table is March of Swirling Mist, which can do a number of things in the deck. First and foremost is provide you with a whole host of Venerated Rotpriest triggers to burn your opponent out, but it's also both a protection spell as well as potential blocker removal, albeit very clunky at both tasks.

The real draw to Blue is the countermagic, which can be used to defend against sweepers and the various midrange and control decks of the format.

The Seedcore
Skrelv's Hive
Slaughter Singer

This gives a nice boost to an archetype that does a lot of unique things in the format, providing a synergy-based beatdown deck that can kill quickly but also as some nice reach as well as protection!

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