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Commander Staples for Token Decks


Producing a horde of squirrels ready for the attack is a wicked way to win a commander game. Replace squirrels with any creature type under the sun and the strategy stays the same: overwhelm your opponents with an army. Indeed, with token-centric decks, quantity does triumph quality.

But, it's not just about flooding the board with a bunch of 1/1s. Token strategies are about leveraging value-generating cards. Here are the top picks for token decks.

Token Generators

Avenger of Zendikar
Skrelv's Hive

There are two kinds of token generators. The first one gives you a one-time army in a can usually via enters the battlefield effects from creatures like Avenger of Zendikar and Hornet Queen. The second kind gives you tokens on a more consistent basis but with fewer output. The best ones being Assemble the Legion, Bitterblossom, and Skrelv's Hive.

Instants and sorceries shouldn't be overlooked as there are some potent spells that can grant you an army like March of the Multitudes and Secure the Wastes. But if you really want nuke-in-a-can, try out Finale of Glory or Blot Out the Sky.

Token Doublers

Doubling Season

Production efficiency is a thing even in Commander. Classics like Doubling Season, Parallel Lives, and Anointed Procession double your output like no other. Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Chatterfang, Squirrel General are legendary creatures do their best Doubling Season impression while also being great options to helm your deck. Oh, and don't forget about Rhys, the Redeemed. He's a token strategy hall of famer who's able to not only produce a token but double each token you have on the battlefield for 6 mana.


When you have a token army, a natural route to beatdown town is to buff them up. This can be dove via +1/+1 counters or the traditional static anthem ability. Enchantments like Intangible Virtue, Felidar Retreat, and Beastmaster Ascension are auto-includes in the 99. Other more mana-hungry options are Cathars' Crusade (which is a combo piece most of the time) and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite (which can be a one-sided wipe most of the time).

Card Draw

Shamanic Revelation
Mentor of the Meek

A unique thing about card draw based on tokens is that typically, the ceiling is higher compare to other draw spells. Take Shamanic Revelation and Camaraderie for example, both draw you cards for each creature you control - which includes token creatures.

Other more token-based card draw engines are Idol of Oblivion or Mentor of the Meek. Entering the red zone with a swarm can also draw you cards. Look no further than Toski, Bearer of Secrets, Bident of Thassa, and Curiosity Crafter.

A must-have in any token deck, and one of the commander format's most powerful cards, is Skullclamp. The clamp is so brokenly powerful it's insane. It draws you two cards when the equipped creatures dies. Just wearing the helm grants its wearer +1/-1 meaning most weenie tokens instantly get you two fresh cards from your deck! If you're not running the 'Clamp in your tokens deck, you're doing it wrong. Period.


Usually, when I build token decks, I like to smash the opposition. If you have an army, what better way to crash in with a bajillion buffed up beasties right? The usual feral suspects are Craterhoof Behemoth, End-Raze Forerunners, Moonshaker Cavalry, and Pathbreaker Ibex. For those looking for non-creature options there's Finale of Devastation, the classic Overrun, and the evil Triumph of the Hordes. These temporary buff effects are game-winning and are a powerful way to stomp the competition.

Craterhoof Behemoth
End-Raze Forerunners
Moonshaker Cavalry

There are other ways to win outside of combat for token decks though. If you've read my article about Aristocrat staples, you'd get a more comprehensive list of what cards are key. But, the highlights would be sacrifice outlets such as Goblin Bombardment, Ashnod's Altar, or Phyrexian Altar. Pair all this sacking with damage dealing or life loss inducing cards like Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, and Mayhem Devil and you'll soon get the table under your heel.

A different way to win with tokens is via amassing Treasure. Revel in Riches wins are hard to pull off, but if you can, well mad respect to ya.


With all of the tokens under your control, it would be a shame if they get wiped out. Rare is the game of commander that doesn't see Supreme Verdict, Wrath of God, or Cyclonic Rift. Packing protection is crucial for token decks as the strategy is so reliant on-board presence. Indestructibility granting options to counter destroy effects are the flexible Boros Charm, Heroic Intervention, and Rootborn Defenses.

Against mass bounce effects like the aforementioned Cyclonic Rift or Aetherspouts, options are very limited with Teferi's Protection and Clever Concealment being at the very top of this short list.

Commander Options

Caesar, Legion's Emperor
Jetmir, Nexus of Revels
Marath, Will of the Wild

There are a multitude of legendary creatures that can be your general. For those who want to crash through combat: Caesar, Legion's Emperor, Jetmir, Nexus of Revels, and Ghired, Conclave Exile are terrifying options. Value chasers have Baylen, the Haymaker, Kambal, Profiteering Mayor, and Marneus Calgar as good choices. Combo breakers have oldies but goodies Ghave, Guru of Spores, and Marath, Will of the Wild.

Insert Token

Combining all of the key ingredients of a token deck from generators, doublers, to payoffs, enables you to overwhelm your foes easily. Token strategies are popular in commander because they are effective in almost every power level. So, don't throw out those token cards you opened from those boosters!

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