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Treasure Hunt, June 3


Mike Robles here, back again from another successful treasure hunt. I ran through Reddit, traveled through Tumblr, and even traversed Twitter to make sure I brought you some great finds. In fact, this week there might be some surprises. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s take a look at what I’ve uncovered.

The Collectors

Source: Twitter

Confession time . . . I’ve never played a Mass Effect game. I’m just going to let that sink in for a bit. I know, they’re great games, and the story is amazing, but if you have been following my writing for a while, you know that I am a busy gamer. This image was sent to me on Twitter. While I thought I recognized the creature, I still needed help determining exactly what it was. Some research (and by “research,” I mean I asked my followers to tell me what it was), I found out that it was a collector. According to the Mass Effect Wikipedia page, collectors are “most well known for their odd trade requests for which they offer new technologies, often of a startling level of advancement” (masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Collector). Collectors sound like they would be a perfect fit in the Magic: The Gathering community! In fact, if I didn’t know any better, I would swear that I have met at least a few collectors in my travels to different conventions. I’m going to start keeping a better eye out.

We’re Up All Night to Play Magic

Source: Tumblr

So, I might have a small problem with custom deck boxes. This custom deck box features French electronic duo Daft Punk. Careful craftsmanship was put into the box. For example, the colors of the helmet are spot on. The only thing that disappoints me about this is that there aren’t any other photos. I know I would have loved to have seen more photos of this awesome deck box. In the meantime, I’m just going sit back, enjoy looking at this deck box, and try to get the song Get Lucky out of my head.

Elesh Norn Statue

Source: Reddit

Reddit user StCrispian is working on an Elesh Norn statue, and I am already impressed. There is still a lot of work to be done, but this statue looks like it’s going to be fantastic. As you can see, the base is the Phyrexian symbol. It’s also interesting to see this work of art in progress. I’ve bookmarked the Reddit thread so that I can see updates as the art continues. I promise you that when it’s finished, I’ll post photos of it here.

Learning Magic through Twitter

Source: Twitter

Hannah Clack just recently started learning Magic: The Gathering and is using the power of Twitter to grow her knowledge base. Using Twitter is an innovative way to learn Magic and document progress as she enters further into the game and the community. Doing daily Q&As with the hash tag #learningmtg, Hannah is quickly learning all she can via Twitter and at her local Friday Night Magic scene. We have all been there when learning Magic: The Gathering. With twenty years of rules, mechanics, and an ever-growing competitive community, this is a very challenging game to get into. I wish Hannah the best of luck on her Magic: The Gathering quest.

Just Some Cards

Source: Imgur

Okay, seriously!? Where are all these Moxes coming from? Almost every week, I see posts online saying, “Hey! Look what I had lying around!” Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s frakking amazing that these random collections of Moxes are showing up. There just seems to be a lot more of them recently. I say to you, uploader of Moxes, whoever you are, I hope that you keep that collection in good condition. Wizards of the Coast did just announce the Eternal Weekend, so pick up some sleeves, make some decks, and play some Vintage.

Ral Washington

Source: Reddit

We’ve all had that perfect moment—when you roll exactly one number higher than your opponent, giving you the option to play or draw . . . that moment when you use Ral Zarek’s ultimate ability and the first flip lands perfectly. There’s something poetic about this photo. I’m not sure if it’s Ral’s smug posture mixed with the greatness of George Washington’s profile, or, wait . . . actually, that’s exactly what it is. I mean, look at this. You have a president sitting there, almost taunting you. It’s as though he were saying, “I cannot tell a lie . . . I’m taking an extra turn. Maybe four more.” Mr. President, father of our country, you can do whatever you want.

Glowy Deer

It’s just a green, glowy deer. What’s the worst that can happen? Durdling Around shows us exactly what could happen. I laughed really loudly when I read this comic because I have seen situations where Voice of Resurgence hits the battlefield and the opponent is left with two options: concede gracefully or swear loudly and scoop. There are plenty of ways around Voice, but there is always that moment of, “I’m pretty sure I can deal with this” Just before its cold, dead eyes stare deep into your soul, you decide to “just wait it out.”

Moving Pictures

This week, the Magic: The Gathering community saw some amazing video content hit the Internet. It’s my job to bring you awesomesauce, so I could not let this video content be ignored!

Magic Wizards

The Vikings Group is a group of clubs in Australia that welcomes everyone. There are many things this video does right. I love the decision to use a woman as the best Magic player of the group. I like that the video ends with, “Everyone’s Welcome.” Here in Seattle, we have many gamer-themed restaurants, cafes, and bars. To see that this trend is taking off worldwide makes me very happy.

Walking the Planes – Platinum

Those lovable mages Nate and Shawn are back with another episode of Walking the Planes. This time, they are focusing on Pro Tour: Dragon’s Maze and what it means to be entered into the Prestige tier of Magic Pro Players. You don’t have to be a hardcore Magic player to understand what’s going on in this video. There are genuine reactions, thoughts, and feelings on the hard work it takes to become a pro. The video also features a hilarious intro, featuring the Wizard’s Coverage Team as well as an on-camera interview with Sean Plott.

Felicia Day Vs. The White Deck

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I shared a photo of Felicia Day’s insane Magic Haul? Well, she started playing. A lot. As the guest vlogger on the new Geek and Sundry Vlogs channel, she took the time to talk about her love for Magic and her . . . not-so-much love for the Boros guild, or as she has deemed them, the Broos guild.

We are now at the end of our weekly Treasure Hunt. I enjoyed bringing you the best of the Internet (this week), and I hope you enjoyed reading about it all. Remember when you’re out there browsing the Internet for Magic: The Gathering–related items, if you find something that you think must be shared, send it my way! Until then, this is Mike Robles introducing you to a new friend.

CoolStuffInc will be at Grand Prix Providence! If you're there, stop by and say hi!

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