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Treasure Hunt, June 17


Friendly neighborhood treasure hunter Mike Robles here! This week, I’m back with another haul of treasures. While most of the Magic community was busy cracking open Modern Masters boosters, there were a few people who were busy creating some amazing content. Let’s check out this week’s stash.

Pack a Day

If you could open up a booster pack once a day—for an entire year—would you? Who am I talking to? Of course you would! Well, MTG Pack A Day is doing just that—three hundred sixty-five days and three hundred sixty-five packs. The first post is a perfectly timed Modern Masters pack. I know I’ll be making sure to visit this site every day to see how the opening goes. You know what would be awesome? If at the end of all this, they decide to make a Cube using all the packs that were used.

Modern Kitty

Source: Facebook

While the rest of the Magic community was opening Modern Masters boosters, this little kitty was cozying up to its owner’s box. I mean, to be honest, how many of you did the same thing when you got your Modern Masters box? In fact, for those of you who still have opened Modern Masters boxes, tweet me photos of you cuddling up to it! I’ll make sure I include them in my article next week.

Taking a Break

Source: JonnyIsGoode

Magic takes time. Playing, drafting, deck-building, and collecting; it all takes time. It’s time well spent with friends, family, and more. Video games are the same way. I know when I feel as though I’ve spent too much time playing video games, I take some time to play Magic. This comic expresses the exact feeling of what it feels like playing Magic. It’s a wonderful feeling to spend hours playing Magic with friends and loved ones.

Azorius Badge

Source: Imgur

Tokens, beads, and counters—everyone has little tchotchkes that are individual to their play experience. This detain badge is top-notch. It fits perfectly over the artwork of a Magic card and tells your opponent: NOPE! You can see the love put into this counter. A lot of time and effort went into it, and it shows. I just hope that the user never detains more than one creature. Otherwise, it’s going to be awkward when those creatures are forced to share that detain counter. I don’t think the Azorius would like that.

Poppin’ Tags

Source: Imgur

If you only have $20 in your pocket, you are going to want to pop some tags. Every time I visit a Goodwill, Value Village, or any other thrift store, I immediately try to find hidden Magic: The Gathering treasures. You know there’s that family who finds old stacks of “gaming cards” and just decides to get rid of them. Their loss is your gain. If you’ve ever found a hidden stash of Magic: The Gathering cards from a thrift shop, let me know.

Innistrad Games

Source: Blogatog

Fans of Mark Rosewater will instantly recognize his Tales from the Pit comic. Taking Magic lore and story and mashing it up with real-world scenarios makes for a great combination. I especially enjoyed his most recent effort because I’m a sucker for good puns. Although I’m sure if the Innistrad villagers ate any Spike Jesters, they would complain that they . . . taste funny.

Making the Grade

Source: Imgur

It’s common practice for professors to use symbols or code names in classes so that grades can be publically posted. This teacher’s assistant was asked to create unique symbols for the class and drew from some magical inspiration. I’m really impressed that he or she used the set symbols in chronological order. If the professor did catch on, I hope he or she found it as humorous as I did.


I know I wasn’t the only one excited to see that Inkwell Looter was joining GatheringMagic. His style and humor are a perfect fit for this site. In his latest comic, he shows just what sort of exotic, exquisite, and decadent dinner parties all of us GatheringMagic writers have. In fact—and this is an exclusive—this comic was based on a dinner party that Adam threw for me, Inkwell, Natasha, Abe, and MJ Scott. I still can’t get the taste of Condoala out of my mouth.


Every week, I find more and more people using the social media site known as Instagram. A great glimpse into people’s lives, Instagram allows users to take photos, edit them, add some effects, and upload them to social media sites. Here are some top Magic-inspired Instagram photos from the week.

That will bring us to the end of another find! I’d like to close this week by stating that on Friday, June 21, I will be celebrating my thirty-third birthday! I look good for my age, don’t I? Before you go off buying me presents, let me stop you. I don’t want presents. What I would like is to see any and all Magic treasures you can find. Until then, this is Mike Robles asking:

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