Today, during Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir coverage, the Director of Organized Play Helene Bergeot announced several updates to Magic organized play, starting with Friday Night Magic:

FNM will now have sanctioning for nearly any format imaginable, including popular casual formats such as Commander, various flavors of Draft such as Pick-a-Pack (Wacky) and Cube, and more.
In addition, promo cards typically awarded for top finishers will no longer be tied to performance. Stores will instead receive a specific amount of promo cards based on their store level on a weekly basis:
- Core: 5
- Advanced: 10
- Advanced Plus: 15
Bergeot went on to revealed the locations of all of the Regional Pro Tour Qualifiers taking place April 24, 2015:

Players that qualify for a Regional PTQ can play in one anywhere in the world that day, and will receive a promo foil copy of Liliana of the Veil:

This version of Liliana will be the promo through the next three PTQ seasons. We'll continue to follow along Pro Tour coverage all weekend for more announcements.