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The Top Ten Uncommon Cards from Bloomburrow for Commander


In my last article I covered the Top 10 Common Cards from Bloomburrow for Commander, now it is time to up the power of some of these cards and turn to Uncommon cards from Bloomburrow for Commander. Some of these might have been overlooked as just draft and sealed chaff, however, a lot of these uncommons can see play across multiple strategies for Commander. Let's dive into the top 10!

Number Ten

Hoarder's Overflow

Red card draw can be almost as scarce as White card draw in Commander. This uncommon enchantment rewards us for playing lots of huge splashy spells or stompy creatures. This card also deals in counters and proliferate effects will also feed us extra cards. I love these set up pieces you can play in the early game, so that you can bank up value to have a huge turn later in the game. I am happy to see a new card draw engine in Red hit the meta and it's only uncommon!

Number Nine


Pay X to get X cards has been a huge aspect of the color Black. Cut of the Profits, Damnable Pact, and Skeletal Scrying are all options that you have available if you are looking for a huge flux of card draw in a single spell. In my opinion, Stargaze is better since you get to look at more cards. The cards that you decide not to put in your hand get put into your graveyard. Having cards in your graveyard when you are in Black is never a bad thing, in fact it can be great! So many Commanders are on the plan of reanimating huge threats out of the graveyard. This can find you cards like Reanimate, while also putting the target for it in your graveyard.

Number Eight

Harnesser of Storms

Harnesser of Storms is a card that many spellslinger Commanders are going to be a fan of. Being able to dig one extra card into your deck once a turn can be a powerful tool. Noncreature spells take up about 80% of the spells in a spellslinger deck. Triggering Harnesser of Storms should happen at least once on your turn and even more if you cast spells during your opponent's turn. As Magic keeps moving into the future, there are more and more cards that you will want to play out of exile. Cards like Prosper, Tome Bound get better and better with each passing release. Other than Prosper, Breeches, the Blastmaker seems like the perfect Commander to try out this new uncommon from Bloomburrow.

Number Seven

Fireglass Mentor

Our first lizard creature makes it on the list! Fireglass Mentor is an amazing card draw engine in Rakdos. In order to get the card we do have to jump through a hoop, however. Luckily, you are already in the most agro colors in Commander to help trigger this card. This card is cheap and so effective at drawing cards at any stage of the game. It also has you casting spells out of exile. Just another way to trigger all of the exile specific cards such as Passionate Archaeologist. Azra Oddsmaker sees a little bit of play, but is three mana. Will Fireglass Mentor see more play because of its cheap cost? You be the judge!

Number Six

Dewdrop Cure

Every Commander deck should be playing at least one piece of recursion. Dewdrop Cure is perfect for White weenie strategy decks or even aristocrats. Garrison Cat, Hunted Witness, and Shambling Ghast are all cards that come to mind for leaning into that aristocrat strategy. For the low price of giving one of your opponents a single card, you can return all of those cards back to the battlefield. This card can also grab pieces like Selfless Savior and Selfless Spirit to help keep your permanents safe. This card seems like an allstar staple for White decks that care about being low to the ground or sacrificing little guys.

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Number Five

Stormcatch Mentor

Goblin Electromancer needs to step aside. There is a new spellslinger all star! Stormcatch Mentor is a new cost reducer for your instant and sorcery spells. This creature is extremely similar to Goblin Electromancer, but it has haste and prowess. Prowess is the notable one here. Spellslinger decks love to play as many instant and sorcery spells in a single turn as possible. Stormcatch Mentor is going to grow its power for each one of those spells we cast making it an excellent beater in the late game. I don't think you should completely replace Goblin Electromancer, rather just include both. Consistency is the hardest thing to accomplish in a singleton format like Commander. Commanders such as Veyran, Voice of Duality and Narset, Enlightened Exile want to include this new otter friend immediately.

Number Four

Stocking the Pantry

According to EDHREC, there are 108,671 Commander decks focused around +1/+1 counters. Stocking the Pantry gives those strategies that are also in Green a new way to draw some cards. If your deck is centered around +1/+1 counters, this card will always have supply counters on it. Two Colorless mana to draw one card is a pretty decent rate, especially in the late game when you might be low on cards and have extra mana floating around. This enchantment can come down on turn one and just keep stocking up counters the whole game. All of your +1/+1 counters essentially turn into clue tokens with this enchantment out. If your Commander deck struggles grinding to the late game and is lacking some card draw, this seems like a perfect fit for you.

Number Three

Coruscation Mage

Otters seem to be the powerhouses of the uncommon suite here in Bloomburrow. Coruscation Mage is a pinger effect everytime you cast a noncreature spell. Since this card cares about noncreature spells, it can see play in both artifact and spellslinger strategies. It also has the new mechanic offspring, so we could even invest the mana to have two of them at once. Kessig Flamebreather has the exact same text as this card, except the otter has offspring. Like I said previously, consistency is the key to singleton formats. Commander decks that are focused around burning the table down by casting a bunch of noncreature spells will definitely find a home for this little guy.

Number Two

Wear Down

It should not be a surprise that your last two cards are both removal pieces. Removal is the backbone to every great Commander deck. Being able to deal with threats effectively and efficiently can give you an edge over your opponents. Wear Down is a two for one. By promising one of your opponents a card, you can destroy two artifacts and/or enchantments. For only two mana this is a much better rate than Return to Nature. The downside of this card is that it is a sorcery and not an instant. I believe taking down two troublesome cards for only one of your cards is still good enough to consider playing most of the time. We also just got another great removal for these card types in Modern Horizons 3 with Collective Resistance.

Number One

Into the Flood Maw

Our final uncommon from Bloomburrow is a powerful piece of Blue removal that could be a new staple for the format. Into the Flood Maw is the best bounce effect we have gotten in some time. It is possible this might see play in Competitive Commander. Having the ability to bounce any nonland permanent by just giving an opponent a tapped 1/1 fish is so strong. Chain of Vapor is nice since it can bounce your own things, however if you need to use it on your opponent, they have the chance to bounce one of your things. I don't think it is going to replace Chain of Vapor, but if you need cheap efficient ways to remove any nonland in Blue look no further than Into the Flood Maw.

That does it for the top 10 uncommon cards from Bloomburrow! Do you agree with this list? Are there any cards that you would add? This set was packed to the brim with so many new powerful cards for Commander, even at the uncommon rarity. I hope you enjoy this set as much as I have and bring just a little more animal cuteness to the battlefield!

See you on the battlefield!


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