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Three Ways to Build a Winner's Focus for Magic: The Gathering


From the new hobbyist to the grizzled veteran, Magic tournaments are environments that require acclimation for optimal performance. Sarah is here to guide you in finding your footing and playing Magic you can be proud of.


We've all been there. We've all had those moments when we struggled to perform our best when it mattered. Tournaments, where we put our best foot forward regardless of the outcome, are among the most enjoyable experiences in Magic. Let's discuss how to ensure as many tournaments as possible reach that sweet spot.

Today, we're focusing on mental preparedness. Many articles discuss the practical aspects of tournament play, offering timeless advice. However, less attention has been given to our in-game mentality. Rest assured, common recommendations like bringing snacks, using deodorant, and getting a good night's sleep remain crucial!

Start the Game in Style with a Ritual

Picture this: You arrive at the tournament fully prepared and confident. You sit down for the first round, your opponent seems friendly, and you chat while shuffling your decks. The atmosphere is positive, and all is well. However, it's easy to slip into a too-relaxed mindset and start playing as if you're at your kitchen table, which is not ideal for tournaments.

Getting carried away because you're enjoying the moment is understandable. But to play with pride, you need to adopt a proper competitive mindset. A simple fix is to establish a ritual at the start of the game to sharpen your focus. Here's my method:

I draw my starting seven cards and plan my first two turns while performing a chosen breathing exercise to calm any nerves. I do this for at least 10 seconds, even if the hand is unplayable, and repeat for any mulligans.

The key here is to use the starting game procedure to take a brief moment to regulate your breathing and focus on the game, not the social surroundings. This ritual, when performed at the start of every serious game, will train your body to associate it with a competitive mindset.

Think Slowly, Play Quickly

Slow play is often discussed in tournament contexts, given the pressure to complete rounds on time. However, rushing can lead to mistakes in critical moments.

Here's a tip: Spend time thinking during critical moments and then act swiftly. This approach is more efficient than the typical start-stop pattern of play and leads to stronger outcomes. By planning your responses in advance, you avoid delays caused by surprise and maintain focus.

There will be times when it takes longer to find a satisfactory line of play. Take a brief pause at the start of your main phase (or draw step) to assess your position and strategize. This way, you can execute your simpler turns quickly, saving time for more challenging decisions.

Let Yourself Make Mistakes, Then Refocus

Maintaining focus is crucial, but setbacks are inevitable. Learning to refocus after errors is just as important. Avoid dwelling on past mistakes, as doing so can lead to further errors and potentially unsalvageable situations.

Acknowledge the mistake, allow yourself a moment to breathe, and reassess the game with fresh eyes. Recovery is often possible, as evidenced by opponents who have turned games around. Allow yourself the space to refocus, using your preferred breathing exercise, and continue playing your best.

That's all we have time for! Remember to treat yourself with kindness and give yourself the time you need at events. I'm confident you'll play Magic you can be proud of. Regardless of the outcome, embracing the competitive aspect of the game can be a rewarding experience.

Good luck in your future events, and happy spellslinging!

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