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What's Up with Boba Tempo in Star Wars Unlimited?


Like Sabine, Boba Fett - Collecting the Bounty has been in the meta eye for the majority of the game. Whispers of the lean Cunning Boba Fett deck started in just the first few weeks of the game releasing, and it's gone up from there. This decklist took 1st place at the Saturday Gen Con 2024 tournament. Most of these cards and strategies come from Spark of Rebellion but some of the new bounty hunters from Shadows of the Galaxy helped move it to another level. Most importantly, this deck relies more on Toro Calican, Ambitious Upstart than it does Boba Fett, Disintegrator to stretch towards the win. Toro can ready himself to get in a second attack directly, while Boba's extra damage removes an enemy. And to hear it from the winner himself, you're aiming to attack face way more often than you want to engage enemy units. His ready effect also lets Toro benefit the most from the new Aggression upgrade Hotshot DL-44 Blaster that you can smuggle in to ignore aspect penalty.

This deck is also the only one I've seen to run the Bounty Hunter for Hire duo 4-LOM and Zuckuss. Running together, the Saboteur helps you get through the shields of big Sentinels or bypass them completely to run straight into the enemy base. In tandem, these two can wreck a lot of havoc but they must rely on each other to get there. On the other hand, this is also a wake-up call for those discounting Mercenary Gunship - and especially for double Cunning decks that lack a cheap body in the space arena.

And like any other good Cunning deck, our suite of events represents our support, removal, and combat tricks to help us control the game.

This deck might look radically different than how it looked in Sparks of Rebellion but the conceit is the same. Create value out of your kills like any good bounty hunter, propel yourself forward to outpace your opponent, and end the game with optimally timed hits to the dome.

The Bounty Hunters for Hire offer some flexibility in our win condition granting both of them Saboteur, but you shouldn't discount their joint Ambush either. Having 4-LOM on board might telegraph your Ambush intentions, but the threat of that might create more tension in your opponent than the actual Ambush. Paired together makes twelve points of Saboteur damage, ready to sneak by any Sentinels straight into the base. Not that Midrange Boba needed more win conditions, but these new options just go to show how flexible the deck can be.

Our space arena stays unchanged from the original deck. Again, this goes to show how efficient this top tier deck already was - and the new cards here are strictly improving a well-oiled machine.

A New Adventure might be the most fun new addition to this deck. Allowing you to re-value cards with When Played effects like Cantina Bouncer and Viper Probe Droid. Not only will you get the trigger on their effect a second time - but they'll come back into play fully healed. Especially using this Zuckuss or 4-LOM can let you trigger an additional Ambush against an annoying enemy unit. While targeting Seventh Fleet Defender or Crafty Smuggler, you'll get another use out of a shield when timed correctly. This deck is filled to the brim with targets to replay for a measly two resources!

While you make optimal trades and get in a thousand cuts to defeat your opponent's base Cunning comes with an Event suite unlike any other aspect. Each Event creates board advantage with removal and semi-removal cards like No Good to Me Dead. We've diversified the suite a little since we're looking to win before our opponents; Surprise Strike and Cunning both boost our attack values for a little extra damage when we choose to get into the base. The same is true for our only Upgrade. Our Blaster gives us some surprise, letting us use it as a resource in the early game only to turn around and shoot for the win as we Smuggle it into Boba Fett's hands in the late game. We're not Aggression, and we benefit from Smuggling with the extra kicker ability, so avoid playing it raw.

Our sideboard is filled with helpful tricks that create more consistency for certain strategies, except for Change of Heart and Bodhi Rook. Bodhi is an important and necessary swap in against the control matchup. We want to look at our opponent's hand and get rid of removal as fast and as often as possible. This means playing Bodhi as soon as possible, and utilizing A New Adventure to get a second card as a follow up. On the other hand, Change of Heart is for aggro decks; especially Command aggro that ramps faster than you. Whatever bomb they drop, you want to be able to utilize Change of Heart to keep tempo.

That's all for Boba Fett and the Bounty Hunters this time. Good luck in your Planetary Qualifiers!

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