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The Top Ten Multicolored Sweepers for Commander


Hello happy folks! This is a sequel to my recent Top Tens for Sweepers and Pintpoint Removal from each color, and today we are knocking out all multicolored removal for Commander and other multiplayer stuff!

I like to play a few sweepers in my Commander and multiplayer brews as an emergency rip-cord for me about to die! Only pull in emergencies!

Honorable Menton #1. (#12 Overall) - Pure // Simple

Pure // Simple

This split card is first! The Gruul colored three-cost sorcery can destroy a multicolored permanent like a Commander Vindicate! Awesome possum! Then the three colored Selesnya one destroys all Auras and Equipment a great way to clear out Lightning Greaves and Skullclamps at the table! It's a great backup for a strong opening targeted removal spell. But the deck must be all three colors to drop it.

Honorable Mention #2. (#11. Overall) - Lavalanche


This fun X-spell is three colors but will shoot all dorks or planeswalkers a player control - them too, but just the one. This is my highest rated X Damage spell. Love it much, you do too, right?

#10. Blot Out the Sky

Blot Out the Sky

At our 10 spot is the Orzhov colored X spell variant of Martial Coup and White Sun's Twilight that costs two base and then X and makes X sized stuff in this case 2/1 flyers that rock and then if you made at least six you can destroy all non-land and non-dork stuff so it's different - love it in decks with a bunch of dorks like Orzhov Aggro or Tokens or Hate Bears to sweep other stuff, since you'll make more with it and then not hit your precious creature stuff!

#9. Culling Ritual AND Pest Control

Culling Ritual
Pest Control

The four-cost Golgari one destroys all stuff with 2 or fewer costs that ain't land - like tokens en masse or mana rocks. Then you'll make mana for each one that popped off! The two mana Orzhov one destroys them with one-cost then cycles if not needed. Each have strong value at sweeping the cheap seats. One gives you mana and then the other gets their cycle on.

#8. Kaya's Wrath

Kaya's Wrath

This four-cost mass sweeper of all dorks for Wrath of God mana adds two Black and then you'll gain life equal to the creatures you lost. Nice! But that's a bit hard for a three or more color brew to pull off on the fourth turn so this is better in just Orzhov brews. Not bad there at all, if you've got the mana Kaya's got the crime!

#7. Duneblast


This fun three-color seven-drop is next! You can save your best thing and then destroy everything else like your Commander or Voltron leader - do that prior to combat and then get your swing on! I adore saving just what you need and note you don't target it so if you've got a Lightning Greaves on it, you should still be good to rock. Love this much, but seven mana is a bit pricey outside of Commander where you can save it drops it here.

#6. Time Wipe

Time Wipe

Hello self-bounce loving sweeper fans! This five-cost Azorius sweeper is next! You can bounce your thing and sweep the rest! Again, in Commander, that's great to bounce and replay without a Tax or you can bounce a dork with an ETB trigger or to save it like Consecrated Sphinx or Esper Sentinel in these colors. It's cheaper than the previous one by two and different colors of mana, but on resolution this ain't that bad but the previous one is better in impact.

#5. Exterminatus


This seven-mana Orzhov sweeper of all non-lands by everyone for one more mana than Akroma's Vengeance or Planar Cleansing is next! Then opposing stuff loses their indestructible so no Heroic Intervention tricks saving them. But your stuff keeps it, yay! Did you forget that this existed? You did, right?

#4. Damn


This two-mana sorcery in Black will destroy one target dork without regenerating. Then it will overload for four mana Wrath of God in White to sweep them all. Love this little fun thing loads, but since it's cheap at four mana and is a classic but I'd prefer ones in White/Black that only hit your foe's stuff like Winds of Abandon that skip your stuff. I do run it, but it's harder to run in -- two sweeper colors over their stuff.

#3. Merciless Eviction

Merciless Eviction

This six-cost Orzhov sweeper of just one set of stuff, but it exiles so no coming back is next! Since it exiles this can be a bad hit, but the idea here is to drop it and then exile what you don't care about but hurts your foes the most. I do like this over Farewell though since that exiles so much more but is less of a feel bad but this is still that all up and down the block.

#2. Ruinous Ultimatum

Ruinous Ultimatum

It destroys all non-lands your foe's control, but let's them bring them back so less of a feel bad and sweeps more too that's why this is higher but harder to cast and adds a color for red. From Earthquake to Shatterstorm to Wrath to God to Infest those are the mass sweeper colors though so that makes sense! The last one...must...be there!

#1. Supreme Verdict

Supreme Verdict

Ah yes... this four-mana mass sweeper of dorks for Azorius mana cannot be countered, and it dominated Standard when legal along with Sphinx's Revelation like Wrath of God and Braingeyser did way back when - I love that the combination is a dominant power then and now!

Alrighty, there we are! I hope you enjoyed my looksee at the top sweeper of all time that are multicolored! Next week is colorless and then we are leaving this thing!

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