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Top Ten Cards from Assassin?s Creed


Hello awesome folks! Happy day to each of you! Today I have something special! I am going to look at kitchen table formats for the newest set called Assassin's Creed. These are for Commander, multiplayer, Five Color, Type Four, Peasant, Pauper, and Highlander. I have never played the game, sorry. So, I'll just be doing their mechanics, nothing else. Ready?

Let's do it to it!

#13. Edward Kenway

Edward Kenway

This five-drop Esper colored 5/5 on curve legendary dork is first! It has two outlaw types in Assassin and Pirate. It has an EOT trigger to make tapped Treasures equal to your tapped Vees, Assassins and Pirates too. Nice! Then he has a combat damage trigger for your Vees to exile the top card of the damaged players deck face down and play it while it's exiled. Note there are no time windows there like until the next turn or until he leaves play. Also note that you must use mana like normal, rather than Black's typical "you can spend any color of mana" so run things like Manaliths or Fellwar Stone instead of Commander's Sphere and Medallions as your leader.

#12. Caduceus, Staff of Hermes

Caduceus, Staff of Hermes

From a legendary dork to a legendary artifact, both of these are historic, and the equipment doubly so. This three-drop mono-White has a double White equip cost, and gives the equipped dork lifelink. Then as long as you have 30 or more life, the dork gets indestructible to remove much removal interaction, only exiling mass removal or targeted non-destruction removal can get past this, and then it's +5/+5 size and then all damage to it is prevented. In 40-life formats like Commander, that's quite the fast early game boost. Life gain is a beloved kitchen table archetype too. I love this in a few places. Lifelink equipment like this is great in decks with Spellslinger dorks like Guttersnipe that kill with damage, and you'll gain massive life to boost the dork in question to stop interaction. I also adore this with decks that want ways to keep alive like Pariah to prevent the damage or Veteran Bodyguard. Platinum Angel? Creatures out with Worship keeping you alive? Aggro loves it too. This is pretty good to go, Idaho!

#11. Sokrates, Athenian Teacher

Sokrates, Athenian Teacher

Another legendary dork, historic, Azorius colored three-drop 0/4 defender is next! As you can see, he has two abilities. If he's untapped, it's hard to interact with him since he'll gain hexproof. Then you can tap him for no mana to prevent all combat damage a dork would deal this turn, and the controller and the attacked one draw half damage in cards. Therefore a 2/2 would draw one card each. That means that some will attack you with this, wanting to draw those cards, or kill him off when you do, and others may want to send attacks to where they'll hit, like going wide aggro and tokens. I really do enjoy the political interaction here, and defense, and then you can help a foe by preventing damage from one enemy to another to make friends. Get him, play him, love him!

#10. Become Anonymous

Become Anonymous

Also a shoutout to Haystack! Top Ten time also has the above Azorius uncommon (PEZ) interaction spelled out for saving your stuff in this case. The instant costs four, you exile a targeted nontoken you control, the top two cards, and then cloak them as 2/2 face down dorks with ward! Since the dork is removed, you can do it in response to targeted removal on a key thing, just like blinking. The artifact costs two, taps for two, and phases out your dork only, which will keep tokens alive too. This pair is great at saving your stuff!

#9. Phantom Blade AND Hunter's Bow

Phantom Blade
Hunter's Bow

Next let's turn to unique removal based ETB equipment in Golgari colors! The five-drop Black one will destroy a dork when it ETBs and equips for free and gives it menace and +1/+{1 size too. Then it'll later equip for an okay two. The Green uncommon two-drop will ETB, equip for free, and then hit a dork and give protection in ward 2 and reach too. Removal spells that stick around and help the team are pretty good from where I am sitting! I love this uncommon (PEZ legal) duo way much!

#8. What Must be Done

What Must be Done

Mass removal time! This five-cost sorcery destorys all dorks and artifacts, but keeps the rest around. That's worth the price of entry right there! Then this will recur a historic card from your graveyrd to the battlefield with counters on it if it's a critter. Great recursion of Sagas, legendary stuff and artifacts. I love each option way much!

#7. Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

This surprisingly on-curve three-drop 3/3 mono-Blue Artificier artifact lover is next! Beefy size for that. You can mana sink five into hin at instant speed and make your Thopters grow into size equal to your hand. Then you can tap him for three to draw, discard, and then if it was an artifact, you can exile it and make an 0/2 Thoper artifact copy of that artifact with flying. So you can turn any discarded and now exiled artifact into a free beater copy, like The One Ring for card flow or something similar like Darksteel Forge to make them indestructible. You just need ways to maximize your hand size for beats, so that'll be things like Reliquary Tower and card draw like Fact or Fiction and Tidings. No fancy cantrips, you'll want pure card draw. He's awesome possum!

#6. Ezio, Blade of Vengeance

Ezio, Blade of Vengeance

Our highest scoring Assassin caring dork is this Dimir colored five-drop with deathtouch on-curve 5/5 beater. It has a combat damage trigger for all Assassins, him too! You'll draw that card, like Coastal Piracy on legs for a legendary Command Zome legal dork! Those are always beloved and heavily played, like Toski, Bearer of Secrets. He's pretty fun from where I am sitting, n'est pas? Oui! Enjoy this mass card flow take on Ezio!

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#5. Alexios, Deimos of Kosmos

Alexios, Deimos of Kosmos

Top Five Time! This four-drop, on curve trampling, legendary leader mono-red 4/4 opens our Top Five! It cannot attack you or be sacrificed. In each player's upkeep, this gets a +1/+1 counter and haste and moves to that player's control. This is better than goad, since once you are down to two players it still cannot beat your face in, and that Commander damage will add up fast with counters of growth. I love this with a sort of Voltron build too. Alexios is oka-ios with me!!! Note uncommon for Pauper Commander as your leader or PEZ.

#4. Reconstruct History

Reconstruct History

Our penultimate scoring sorcery is this four cost self-exiling great recursion spell! You get a one-trick pony here, but you can return from your graveyard to your hand one each of every major spell type, from instants to planeswalkers, but not lands or dorks. If you maximize its value that could easily be three or four cards from one spell getting returned, and maxes at five. This could be a classic on the level of All Sun's Dawn! Just like that, you have to build around this. But what deck like Commander doesn't hit these notes up? Try it out, I think you'll be surprised by how good it is! (Uncommon for PEZ).

#3. Surtr, Fiery Jotun

Surtr, Fiery Jotun

Our top scoring legendary dork is this five-drop mono-Red God thing! It has a 5/5 trampling evasion body. Then it has a cast trigger for historic stuff to Bolt any target, from stuff to players. I love this with mana rocks, cheap equipment like Skullclamp, and more. He's great leading a Commander deck or in the 99 with Jhoria, Weatherlight Captain in Izzet or Boros's Sram to draw cards while killing stuff. This God is on fire!

#2. Apple of Eden, Isu Relic

Apple of Eden, Isu Relic

Our highest scoring permanent, artifact, historic card and legendary is this four-drop that taps for no mana, just a loss of four life at sorcery speed and this self-sacs. What do you get for this life investment? You look at a foe's hand, and you can cast them this turn with mana of any amount counting for that. When you do, your foe will draw a card to replace it, so this is less of a feel-bad than Mindslaver. It's recurrable with Academy Ruins. I think this is way better than people are giving it credit for in online reviews, since they say "Why spend mana or lose life to cast your foe's stuff in other decks you aren't built around?" This has little value to them, and I couldn't disagree more, let's look at why!

First of all? There is mana washing. That means you can spend your mana to cast anything from your foe's hand. Imagine this is Commander. You cannot normally cast things in your color identity, but with this, you can cast your foe's card draw, like Mulldrifter with evoke or Esper Sentinel. Then you can cast mana ramp outsize of Green. Or removal from anyone. Or discard like Liliana's Specter, or recursion like Reanimate, you get the idea. So, you can cast this stuff no matter your color identity. Even a colorless deck can abuse this. Also did you notice you exile them first? That mean this is casting from exile for those Commanders like Prosper. This is just too good not to run! And then life is the only break here since no mana is needed for its tapping. This is also legendary for those that care or artifact for that as well. It's worth the life loss, especially in Commander, and it doesn't exile after use for recursion. And since they'll draw to replace your casts? This can be used on the same person after recursion!

#1. Viewpoint Synchronization

Viewpoint Synchronization

Hello happy ramp fans! I've got your top card here! This five-cost (freerunning for three) sorcery is here! You tutor for three basics, ramp two tapped, and then the other into your hand. This is so good, that you cannot imagine, and it's one more mana than Explosive Vegetation and variants but another land to your hand, so it's worth it. You don't need Freerunning to make this work. Five mana is fine and cdndy, just like candy. If you recall from my recent Modern Horizons 3, Top Ten (it's here -Top Ten Cards from Modern Horizons 3 | Article by Abe Sargent (coolstuffinc.com)) at my #2 spot was the Flare cycle, and I named Flare of Cultivation new Cultivate that can be free the clear best of the cycle. It's the same here. A combo of Cultivate and Explosive Vegetation is awesome, and the more colors in your deck or format (like Five Color), the better this is! It'll be a future staple, and it's just uncommon so it's legal in PEZ. Although you'd probably want common Cultivate there instead and save your 5 Uncommon slots.

There we go! I hope that you enjoyed our first Top Ten from this smaller set for kitchen table play! I do think this set's pretty insular, caring about Assassins with freerunning, or historic or legendary loads too. Therefore, I won't be doing any major Commander brews like normal, but we will do another Top Ten next week! I hope to see you then!

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