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Boros Bear Beats with Arabella in Commander


Hello awesome folks! I hope your day is going super mega well! Today I wanted to build my first Commander deck around a new leader from Duskmourn. It's going to be around an uncommon who is legal for Pauper Commander! Let's look at her:

Arabella, Abandoned Doll

She costs two for a 1/3 blocking body and then when she swings? You'll drain life from each foe equal to your small powered attackers!

There are a few ways to build around her in Commander:

  • Aggro and/or Tokens - Just run aggressive early creatures
  • Hate Bears - Since most hate bears swing with a power of 2 or less like Aven Mindcensor and Esper Sentinel, that'd be great!
  • Face Down - Since all face down dorks like morph or disguise are already 2/2,they'd work for this! The issue here is after they flip up.
  • Bear Beats - But...what about Bear Beats? This is a sort of midrange deck that abuses ETB triggers. I have a real-life Commander around this idea in Abzan with partners Tymna and Sidar Kondo. I also tried mono-White with Delney earlier this year.

Let's try out Boros Bear Beats! This has ETB triggers that are on stuff small like Gravedigger and Mulldrifter and Eternal Witness you build around and then flicker, bounce, and recur. Since she adds Red to my Bear Beats there are a few Red damage-based triggers we'll run to try and snag some wins outside of and in supplement to red zone stuff.

Arabella's Land, Mana, Rocks, and Ramp

Since we are not in the color of ramping, we need to lean hard on White here! This may be boring, but it's needed!

Burnished Hart
Deep Gnome Terramancer

Like this pair! The uncommon three-drop three sac will put two lands ramped. You can recur it too. The two-drop flashing 2/2 Bear has the ability to turn lands ETB on a foe's side into ramping a Plains tapped once per turn. Note nonbasic Plains. Scouting Hawk has a 1/1 body that if a foe has more lands will ramp a (basic) Plains tapped, while the four-drop Kor Cartographer will ETB and ramp a (nonbasic) Plains tapped no more lands needed.

Since we don't have many better options, I'm running Expedition Map. The idea is to tutor for our best non-basic of the 20-ish running around for the situation. Might I suggest the devotion mana making land Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to make more than the two mana needed to tap it? I run it in permanent heavy brews like this all day long. And night too!

Rogue's Passage
War Room

Now let's turn to crazy lands for us to grab with the Map! The uncommon colorless will tap with four mana to make any dork unblockable. Access Tunnel is here too for the smaller stuff. Love them load as win cons. For card drawing I have the Commander Classic above that'll pay two life and tap with three mana to gain that life. See also Minas Tirith in White to draw when two attack! You can Map these to draw or make stuff unblockable.

Now let's turn to small dork making lands in Boros colors! Castle Ardenvale can sometimes ETB untapped and ready to use, and then taps with four to make a 1/1 Human dork. Mirrex will tap for any color the turn it arrives and then with three to make a 1/1 artifact toxic 1 Mite token that cannot block. Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance will always ETB untapped, and can be discarded to make two 1/1 hasted dorks for that swinging or blocking. I also tossed in win-con Field of the Dead.

Sacred Foundry is here and since you can grab it with your nonbasic Plains fetchers, it works as both! I also tossed in every non-Plateau Boros colored dual land. With Demolition Field, I needed some nonbasic land hate in my land base that will ramp you both, so they won't get as annoyed at you for taking out their Academy Ruins or Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth/Cabal Coffers. Don't use it on mana ramp stuff like Boros Guildgate or Steam Vents, but just nasty lands they are abusing. You can ramp with this too. Love it loads!

Synergies and Winning Conditions


Now let's turn to the synergies and backup win cons we are built around! The classic one-drop artifact from the first set will stop stuff with a power greater than 2 untapping at all. It's a classic here. The four-cost artifact will allow+ a dork from any player ETB, and then get exiled if there are at least two other dorks frumping around. Then when it leaves play all exiled stuff returns. It's here to get one set of ETB triggers for when they enter, and then another when they die. You'll have to destroy this first, and we can do so since I am running artifact removal. I love doing that at instant speed to make a bunch of blockers when someone swings out at you.

Delney, Streetwise Lookout
Agate Instigator

Since I built around this above 2/2 legendary dork last time around, they are making it this time too! This Human will double your ETB triggers from small stuff. Panharmonicon is also here. Then your small stuff have evasion since they cannot be blocked by bigger power stuff, just smaller power stuff too. Then we needed ETB dork win cost. The two-drop blocking size 1/3 mono-Red offspring two will turn arrival of other dorks to shooting other players for a damage each, with offspring that'd be two damage. I am also running the obvious powerhouse Purphoros, the enchantment Impact Tremors and even Molten Gatekeeper with an artifact body and unearth.

Now let's turn from backup win cons to mono-Red legendary dork synergies! The classic Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker is here! You can tap him to make a hasted token copy of any nonlegendary dork. It's here to do stupidly good stuff tapping and copying an ETB dork with a key ability or just swinging. They'll die EOT, by the by. You can spend one mana on Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner without tapping, to make a smaller dork unblockable! That's a brilliantly good mana sink and then you can do it as soon as you drop her! Then you can tap her with two mana to discard the hand and then also turn small stuff combat damage into cards drawn, so she can be a hand refilling Bident of Thassa for your deck.

Now let's turn to recursion and self-bounce. I need some ways to mass bring back dead stuff. My original deck ran Living Death to kill and recur too, but I am color swapping that to White for Storm of Souls, adding a mana and removing sweeping, and then only your stuff comes back, but with flying and as 1/1 bodies. Love it with massive ETB stuff. I am also running Karmic Guide, obviously, but the rare non-small dork in Sun Titan to really attack and ETB to recur cheap stuff over and over! I love it with Expedition Map and the Hart!

Cloudstone Curio costs three and then you can self-bounce a non-artifact with the same type to recast later. Use it to self-bounce and recast your stuff, and with a flash dork you can chump block and save it by self-bouncing it. See also Whitemane Lion.

Teleportation Circle
Siege-Gang Commander

Now let's turn to blinking and ETBs that make tokens! The mono-White enchantment will flicker and blink EOT and then recur it immediately! What it blinks will come back then, and then it'll flicker out an artifact as well as a dork. I am also running Conjurer's Closet too. The dork was mentioned above, costs five for a 2/2 that makes a horde of 1/1 Red Goblins it can fling at your foe or their stuff or swing or ETB abuse. I also love Beetleback Chief to make two more tokens and itself in Red or Irregular Cohort a changeling four-drop 2/2 in White that also makes a 2/2 token copy too to fling and Shock stuff.

Now to tutors and synergy! Imperial Recruiter will ETB and Tutor out a small-powered dork from your deck to your hand! Citanul Flute is five mana for an X tapping which will Tutor for that cost dork or less and put it in your hand too! You can drop this and then the next turn use it for a three-drop and cast it that turn with your additional land/rock you dropped. It can grab the perfect creature for the battlefield or answer in dork form if possible! Saradoc, Master of Buckland legendary, costs four mana for a blocking size 2/4! Then it turns ETB of itself or other small power stuff into a free 1/1 Halfling token, and you can tap two to pump and give him lifelink. Note Changeling from before. Also note that's not once per turn but once per ETB. Love this trio loads here!


Dawn's Truce
Eerie Interlude

Now let's turn to answers to stuff to save your team! The new two-cost instant will give your stuff hexproof as well as you. Then if you need to save with indestructible instead, you can just gift a card. The three-cost instant will exile any number of dorks out and then slow blink them back EOT. You can use this when your stuff is targeted to keep it safe, or to do it in response to a mass removal effect. You can also just do it to net some triggers to push the battlefield in your direction.

Now let's turn to targeted removal! I tossed in two emergency instants in Generous Gift and Chaos Warp. I mostly want to lean on ETB triggers though. Like the Stone Rain on a stick Avalanche Riders or Ravenous Baboons for nonbasics. Also we are running removal for artifacts and enchantments in this color combo too like Witch Enchanter or burn like Ghitu Slinger.

The Battle of Bywater
Dusk // Dawn
Elspeth, Sun's Champion

Now let's finish with mass removal that shouldn't hurt you at all. The three-cost sorcery will destroy 3 power or bigger stuff and then leave you Food for your stuff left. The four-cost afterlife sorcery will also destroy that power and then five mana to recast and mass recursion for the smaller stuff you're built around. The planeswalker costs six mana for a four-loyalty lady with a +1 to make a trio of 1/1 dorks to win or keep you alive. But she's here for that -3 to destroy all stuff with a power of 4 or more!

Card Flow

Esper Sentinel

Now let's finish with card draw and flow! These two one-drop artifact classics are first! The Equipment equips for one, drops its toughness by one and power by one and when it dies will draw two. With the many 1/1 tokens and 1 toughness dorks that's massive card draw here! The dork is White, and then rocks a 1/1 body with the tax of one base mana for the first non-dork cast by your foe each turn, more as its power rises.

Militia Bugler also digs down into your deck for a power 2 or less creature, while five-drop mono-Red Mindclaw Shaman ETBs and you'll reveal (to everyone) an opposing hand and then cast for free a sorcery or instant they have. The flashing (Cloudstone Curio synergy) two-drop 2/2 Bear Archivist of Oghma turns opposing Tutors or searches like Fetchlands and Idyllic Tutor and adds to you cards drawn and life gain too, don't sleep on that. The Lifelinking three-drop enchantment dork Enduring Innocence turns the arrival of small-powered stuff into a free card draw, but just once per turn. If this is answered? It'll turn into a non-dork enchantment. I am also running Welcoming Vampire once per turn with this ability and Mentor of the Meek too to spend mana but no turn limit.

Arabella's Boros Bear Beats | Commander | Abe Sargent

Card Display

Note I am not running powerhouse but pricey Smothering Tithe. Ditto Ragavan. The One Ring didn't fit here in game mechanics and was a pricier option too. Field of the Dead is great here, but it's also pricey, so you might want to cut it. With that many duals, the pricey Arid Mesa would work. Escape Tunnel is a cheaper option. Flawless Maneuver has dropped in price, but not the massively pricey Deflecting Swat, so it's here but not the latter. Esper Sentinel is an okay use of cash here since it's so versatile and we need the reliable card draw. Purphoros is pretty pricey these days but I tossed him in.

What else to add? Crackdown or Marble Titan like Meekstones? Professional Face-Breaker to make Treasures? Deafening Silence? Sigil of the New Dawn? Retribution of the Meek? Fell the Mighty? Ensnaring Bridge? Strionic Resonator? Duplicant? The rummaging of Irreverent Gremlin? I prefer card draw like Welcoming Vampire but your milage may vary. Blink dorks like Charming Prince? Tocasia's Welcome? Pia and Kiran Nalaar? Raid Bombardment? Reveillark? More Kiki-Jiki stuff like his Reflection or The Jolly Balloon Man? Flare of Fortitude? Relentless Assaults? This two-color combo is very deep!

We have 63 non-lands or modal spell // lands. Love this thing loads! You'll also note that most of my White land ramp needs more lands with your foes, so that's intentional, drop a couple of lands, miss a land drop since you are out, and then drop your Knight of the White Orchid et all to get caught up.

Your Help Needed!

Hello happy folks! I hope your day is going super mega well! In case you didn't know, I have a YouTube channel called "TheWorstThingAboutNewBooks" which you can find here. I typically do reviews of older Sci Fi, Fantasy and Horror stuff. I am trying to monetize it to help with local costs living back home with parents. I never wanted to when I was working since I wanted to keep things pure. Anyways, I have enough of a sub base, but not hours. In the past year my hours are around 2.8k and I need 4k. I try to keep my three videos/week smaller in length to avoid people spending too much time. To monetize it, I need to get the view count up - I really need your help, so if you could please take a look at some of my older videos that would be awesome possum!

Have an amazing day and thanks so much I appreciate your time!

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