With One Piece OP10 releasing in The West shortly, there's about to be a pretty huge shake-up when it comes to the meta. Not only does OP10 offer a lot more tools for players to work with, it also brings to the table some brand new leaders and strategies. But before we dive into the OP10 meta, let's look at what OP09 currently offers.
Top Tier Decks In OP09
Head and shoulders above the rest of the meta is Blue Doffy helmed by Donquixote Doflamingo (060). As a toolbox deck, Blue Doffy is great at gumming up the board and providing consistent pressure with free-plays off the top to ensure it's always got an answer.
Deck: Blue Doffy | OP09 Meta game: One Piece
1x OP01-060 Donquixote Doflamingo
3x OP06-047 Charlotte Pudding
3x ST03-004 Gecko Moria
3x ST17-005 Marshall.D.Teach
4x ST17-004 Boa Hancock
4x ST17-003 Buggy
4x OP07-040 Crocodile
4x ST03-005 Dracule Mihawk
4x EB01-023 Edward Weevil
4x OP07-045 Jinbe
4x OP01-077 Perona
4x OP07-046 Sengoku
4x ST17-002 Trafalgar Law
2x OP07-057 Perfume Femur
3x OP06-058 Gravity Blade Raging Tiger
While Doffy's the deck to beat in the OP09 meta, there are several contenders that make for formidable opposition.
Black decks like Marshall.D.Teach (081) and Rob Lucci (076) are primed to deal with Doffy's threats, and decks like Red Shanks (001) and Green Jewelry Bonney (019) balance Doffy pretty well. Ramp decks like Purple Monkey.D.Luffy (060) and combo decks like Yellow-Black Monkey.D.Luffy (003) round out the Tier 2 of OP09's meta. Rogue decks still see a lot of play, but there's not enough information to rate them against the top decks in the meta.
OP09 was a meta centered on quickly putting out a lot of threats or dealing with your opponents' threats before they became nuisances.
Some of these decks carry over to the new meta, with a few replacements and new toys here and there, but the top deck has some competition.
Here Comes a New Challenger
While Doffy is still a Tier 1 deck, there's just one change. The OP10 list includes OP08-047 Jozu and cuts one copy of OP06-047 Charlotte Pudding and two ST03-004 Gecko Morias to make space for him. However, Doffy's dominance is likely to face a steep upward challenge because of an EB02 deck, Green Purple Luffy.
Deck: Green Purple Luffy | OP10 Meta game: One Piece
1x EB02-010 Monkey D. Luffy
2x EB02-036 Nico Robin
4x OP09-073 Brook
4x EB02-041 Going Merry
4x EB02-061 Monkey.D.Luffy
4x EB02-017 Nami
4x OP07-064 Sanji
4x EB02-035 Sanji & Pudding
4x OP07-066 Tony Tony.Chopper
4x ST18-001 Uso-Hachi
4x ST18-004 Zoro-Juurou
4x OP09-078 Gum-Gum Giant
4x OP01-119 Thunder Bagua
4x OP05-076 When You're at Sea You Fight against Pirates!!
Casual observers will immediately spot that this deck is pretty much all Purple, with the addition of a single Green Nami, but it must fix the deck's consistency. Purple Luffy is still a Tier 2 deck, but its construction is significantly different, opting for threats such as OP08-069 Charlotte Linlin, and built around a high ramp strategy.
Green Purple Luffy's strategy is significantly different, since the leader ability focuses on bouncing two Don!! to set two Don!! as active. Cards like EB02-035 Sanji & Pudding re-reamp this leader to make for some explosive turns later on.
The Best Of The Rest
Tier 2 in OP10's meta has a few additions to the Tier 2 list. Marshall.D.Teach (081) is mostly unchanged, only getting a single new addition in OP10-082 Kuzan.
All of OP05-093 Rob Lucci, Monkey.D.Luffy (003), and Monkey.D.Luffy (060) are the same decks as in OP09. But that doesn't mean the meta gets no new toys to play with.
Shanks gets one addition in the form of Monkey.D.Luffy (ST21-014) from the OP10 starter deck. OP02-093 Smoker gets upgraded to a Tier 2 deck thanks to the addition of EB02-044 Sengoku. Jewelry Bonney gets one addition as well from EB02-015 Jewelry Bonney.
In the rogue category, OP10-099 Eustass "Captain" Kid is a viable rogue build, with a new take on how Yellow plays the game. OP10-042 Usopp brings a new Blue Black leader that is supposed to be less oppressive than the now-banned Sakazuki.
What To Expect In OP10
The meta, while still resting on the pillars of established decks, have enough challengers to keep things fresh going into OP10. New leaders offer a lot of scope for exploration and the existing leaders only have minor upgrades to keep them competitive. Since One Piece isn't as data-heavy as other TCG's, there's still a lot of room for shake-ups.
The meta is a long way from being "solved" and while a handful of decks may present as top-tier decks, they are by no means unassailable. Rogue decks like OP03-040 Nami and OP07-097 Vegapunk still have great matchups against some of the meta and tier-ranked decks, but they don't see enough play to get consistent reads on how well they perform. Whether you decide to build these, or even try something completely new (like OP08-001 Tony.Tony Chopper), there's support to make even out-there leaders work.