There are no teachers here in Legacy Weapon, just slightly more talkative students. Today, Drew and Jamie begin a series on the staples of the format explaining what Legacy's best cards are and why they're so good at what they do. Remember that preparation is the best Legacy Weapon!
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We talk about what the substitutes for the Fetch-lands and Shock-lands, discussing which are acceptable, competitive, budget alternatives and which are not.
- Fetch lands! Buy them now!
- Bad fetch lands! Keep off the smack, kids.
- Corner Case "Dual Lands."
- Shock lands?
- The "Dual Lands" that shall not be named.
What are these links doing here? No one knows. Probably nothing. Move along.
Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Podcast brings you the following extra-credit reading:
- Top two decks from the recent Legacy Grand Prix.
- The Girlfriend Bracket discusses (among other things) Legacy at SCG St. Louis.
Bonus game! Drew Misstates Cards Corner!
- Drew gets two cards wrong in the episode. Spot them and win a Prize!*
Contact Us
Legacy Weapon — @mtglegacyweapon — legacyweaponpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com
Jamie — @Jamie7Keller — jamie7keller (at) gmail (dot) com
Drew — mtgdrewwalton (at) gmail (dot) com
*There is no prize except shaming Drew further. And really, that's reward enough for us all.