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The Best New White Cards You Aren't Playing


Saying new Magic cards are being released is about as surprising as saying a day of the week ends in Y. Cards release so frequently and in such high density that it can be difficult to keep up with everything. Naturally, that makes it tough to keep decks updated with the newest, shiniest toys. Today, we are going to take a look at some of the more powerful, recent releases for White that may have passed under the radar.

Honorable Mention

Trouble in Pairs

Trouble In Pairs may be the best White draw spell printed since Esper Sentinel, which may have already been the best White draw spell ever made. True as it may be White doesn't get to do stuff unless someone else does it first, Trouble In Pairs provides a draw for almost every meaningful game action a player can take. Attacking with two or more creatures? You draw. Playing a second spell in a turn? That's a draw. Drawing a second card? You guessed it, draw. Unlike cards like Esper Sentinel and Rhystic Study which can be played around by paying their tax, trying to play around Trouble In Pairs would simply bring the opponents game actions to a crawl which is honestly a win/win. I would be more inclined to throw it in my Top 5 but its rather high price point might be a stronger explanation to why it hasn't become more ubiquitous in White decks yet.

Number Five

Surge of Salvation

Some of the most popular White spells in the Commander format fall under some form of card protection whether it's phasing or indestructible (Ironic since it's also often the color doing the "destructing"). Surge of Salvation is another entry in the long list of White protection spells and even if it's not flashy it is really good at what it does. Giving all permanents you control hexproof at the cost of only a single White mana it's is an incredibly fair rate and is especially useful in decks that often don't pass with much mana open like Voltron or equipment strategies. You also get a bonus in preventing damage dealt to your creatures by Black and Red sources protecting your board from popular format board wipes like Blasphemous Act] and Chain Reaction. Interestingly enough the newest set, Bloomburrow, introduced us to Dawn's Truce, another powerful White protection spell that is very similar but functions more like Heroic Intervention making it another card to keep an eye on.

Number Four

Claim Jumper

It's no secret that ramp is not White's strong suit. Most White ramp classifies as "catch-up ramp" which relies on an opponent having more lands in play than you. This obviously isn't ideal but it does at least provide some way to narrow the gap when it comes to mana. Cards like Knight of the White Orchid and Loyal Warhound have been staples in Commander since before the format was even called Commander. Claim Jumper is the newest in the catch up ramp family with the notable twist of allowing you to repeat the process once if you are still behind after the first land. This makes it even easier to catch up to those pesky Green decks with their pesky land ramp. Also worth note is that Claim Jumper searches for any plains card which can include Triomes and the newer cycle of Surveil Lands from Murders at Karlov Manor.

Number Three

Aven Interrupter

Another absolute banger from Outlaws of Thunder Junction. Aven Interrupter is no stranger to competitive play but it has yet to sneak its way into Commander the way it did in 60 card formats. This card is equipped with Flash and on Enter it allows you to exile a spell off the stack and plot it. It ALSO makes spells cast from graveyard or exile cost 2 more. Let's just go over some examples of how effective this can really be. Since cards can only be cast from plot at sorcery speed, it functionally turns off all counterspells if they are plotted with its ability. Cards with x in their mana costs can only be cast as X=0, meaning powerful blowout cards like Finale of Devastation and Torment of Hailfire are functionally completely countered. High impact instants like Teferi's Protection and Heroic Intervention that players lean onto in pivotal moments can be plotted. Even if they can cast those spells on a subsequent turn they are far less impactful. It also antagonizes decks that rely on impulse draw or flashback spells with its passive taxing. Plus being an Enter the Battlefield trigger you can repeat it at key moments with your own instant speed flicker effects. All of this on a 3 mana 2/2 flying body? Say less.

Number Two

Clever Concealment

Clever Concealment is another protection spell but it's not just ANY protection spell. As the Magic: The Gathering arms race goes on we have seen innovation in removal that makes normal protection less and less efficient. Gone are the days where "All Permanents become Indestructible" means you can rest easy. For years Teferi's Protection was the only true answer to exile and sacrifice based board wipes and even as good as it is, having three White mana open was always a dead giveaway that you could have it. Clever Concealment allows you to phase out your non land permanents just like Teferi's Protection but also gives you the flexibility of choosing which ones are phased. This opens up potential options like phasing creatures out in response to a board wipe while leaving crucial artifacts or enchantments in play if you need to. It also sports the ever so lovely Convoke mechanic allowing you to pay part of its mana cost by tapping creatures you control, making it far more difficult to read by your opponents and even letting you cast it for no mana a majority of the time. If you hate Farewell and already play Teferi's Protection this should be high on your list of deck additions.

Number One

Galadriel's Dismissal

My number one pick is another Phasing Instant but with even more utility. Galadriel's Dismissal is a one White Instant that allows you to phase out a target creature. You can also kick it for 2w to phase out ALL creatures target player controls. This card simply has an unprecedented amount of flexibility. Phasing out one creature you control can be cheap protection but you can also spend a single mana to phase a problematic creature or Commander off an opponent's board temporarily. Notably, Phasing isn't considered changing zones so phasing Commanders does not allow them to return to the Command zone either. You can also use this card much like the aforementioned Clever Concealment to provide full board phasing for your creatures to avoid every board wipe from Living Death to Cyclonic Rift. The value simply doesn't end though because you can also phase out an opponent's entire board either avoiding death by Combat (I'm looking at you Craterhoof Behemoth) or alternatively opening the way to swing in without fear of blockers. Lord of the Rings had a ludicrous amount of new cards and this one deserves far more attention.

Hopefully this list has you excited to ruin your friend's game night upgrade your favorite decks! I will be looking to continue this series with other colors! Till then, Thanks for reading!

"Be you, Be Free, Live Happily!"


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