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Twitter Archive for GP Columbus


GP Columbus

Below is a chronological archive of Tweets collected using the Twitter hashtags: #gpcolumbus, #gpcol, #gpcbus. The archive is not 100% complete, we limit it to English language tweets, etc. If your tweet doesn't appear below, please contact us as it may be a glitch in our software.

02drop02drop: (Dave): @HUDBot good response. Also, "gassed," contextually, means I thought you bought into your own hype. You gonna be @ #GPColumbus ? #
7/26/2010 6:57:23 pm
brendaisboredbrendaisbored: Never been to a GP & I don't play legacy but #gpcolumbus is in driving distance (3 hrs). Is it worth it for public events? Sat or Sun? #mtg #
7/26/2010 11:52:21 pm
JeroenCuJeroenCu: The deck I would take to #GPcolumbus if I was able to: http://mtgurl.com/zWlQ . If anyone's interested. :) #mtg #Legacy #combo #
7/27/2010 3:01:42 am
RhythMIKRhythMIK: @02Drop Have you heard any word about being able to crash on the hotel room floor for #GPCbus? Also, what would it cost? #
7/27/2010 6:15:22 am
RhythMIKRhythMIK: @Mulldrifting what are you playing in #GPCbus? #
7/27/2010 8:18:09 am
RhythMIKRhythMIK: Anyone have a place I could stay for #GPCbus? I can call in favors, but would rather stay in hotel and have a ride. #
7/27/2010 9:28:13 pm
the_toMattothe_toMatto: Friday needs to get here now. #GPCbus is just too far away. :( #
7/27/2010 11:01:10 pm
seanthielmanseanthielman: Whats the hash tag for the GP? #gpcolumbus or #gpcl for short? #
7/28/2010 10:47:49 am
tjsharrocktjsharrock: Oh yeah, #GPColumbus on Saturday. Need to prepare. #
7/29/2010 2:19:09 am
RhythMIKRhythMIK: I'll also have some Japanese packs to sell at #GPcolumbus, unless I get 8 players for a casual draft. #
7/29/2010 2:48:18 am
mulldriftingmulldrifting: If you're going to #GPColumbus, tell @norbert88 :) Also if you want a m11 box for 80$, talk to me at the event! I'd love to meet you guys. #
7/29/2010 4:22:21 am
juzamjedijuzamjedi: @mulldrifting will do on both accounts; see you at #GPColumbus #
7/29/2010 4:34:45 am
stupiddeckstupiddeck: no #GPColumbus for me, but some friends of mine will be there #
7/29/2010 4:43:21 am
FenixssFenixss: Why have all the articles up to now on #GPcolumbus been a waste of time? #
7/29/2010 6:05:42 am
RhythMIKRhythMIK: Anyone at #GPColumbus trying to buy a box of product for $80? #
7/29/2010 10:38:20 am
senordarkosenordarko: @teh_aj is there some way we could arrange a pick up/drop off of #threewolfmoon today? i want it for #gpcolumbus for obvious reasons #
7/29/2010 7:10:24 pm
RhythMIKRhythMIK: Does anyone have 2 Trops and a Tundra I could borrow for #GPColumbus? I have collateral. #
7/29/2010 10:05:27 pm
juzamjedijuzamjedi: @mtgaaron I'm going to guess attendance will be 1950 for #GPColumbus #
7/30/2010 12:05:19 am
Jreece2Jreece2: Kind of sad the gp isnt farther away. 3 hours doesnt give me a lot of time to sing or think of cards. #Gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 6:21:09 am
IlGrevenIlGreven: I don't know whether I'll be able to make it to #gpcolumbus, but I know I won't be playing in it... #
7/30/2010 7:24:38 am
FenixssFenixss: Almost got dragged into inventory! Fuck that! #gpcolumbus here I come! #
7/30/2010 9:47:58 am
wheelsallenwheelsallen: Anyone looking for 1 more to stay with them in GP Columbus? I can wipe my own ass! #mtg #GPColumbus #
7/30/2010 10:34:28 am
RhythMIKRhythMIK: Looks like I'm riding nine hours with luggage in my lap. #GPCol, here i come. #
7/30/2010 11:21:55 am
FenixssFenixss: #GPColumbus bound!!!! #
7/30/2010 8:17:05 pm
the_toMattothe_toMatto: T-minus 6 hours and counting. #GPCol #
7/30/2010 9:29:38 pm
mananationmananation: Welcome to the Columbus Convention Center http://yfrog.com/eabdvrj #mtg #gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 9:38:16 pm
ToxicFungusToxicFungus: Good luck everyone! Play tight, run good! #gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 10:13:45 pm
AmistodAmistod: RT @ToxicFungus: Good luck everyone! Play tight, run good! #gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 10:17:09 pm
RustyMacheteRustyMachete: Wooo first tweet of #gpcbus. #
7/30/2010 11:20:39 pm
02drop02drop: (dave) #GPCbus buddy has a Moat he's trying to get rid of, signed by the artist. Find me if you're interested in buying it or trading for it #
7/30/2010 11:32:57 pm
mananationmananation: Kibler is in the house! http://yfrog.com/0s4xfgj #gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 11:33:33 pm
mananationmananation: Dude is running Counter Top. Seeing a couple of them in the grinder. #gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 11:35:21 pm
mananationmananation: LSV and Efro spotted! Pros seem to be still deciding on what to play. #gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 11:41:14 pm
blairwitchgreenblairwitchgreen: good luck to all my friends at #gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 11:47:30 pm
PlatypusJediPlatypusJedi: @mtgmetagame Keep at it! We all want you to succeed at trading for your piece of Power at #GPCol! #
7/30/2010 11:49:26 pm
KKrounerKKrouner: RT @blairwitchgreen: good luck to all my friends at #gpcolumbus #
7/30/2010 11:50:31 pm
bb3manbb3man: A sign of things to come? #gpcolumbus http://yfrog.com/mf84lj #
7/30/2010 11:57:12 pm
dalpersdalpers: #FF @trixie360 cuz she has a cool name @ccgtradepost cuz he's a cool dude and @mananation cuz he's at #gpcolumbus! #
7/31/2010 12:03:03 am
mananationmananation: When the hall does opened the rush of people was underwhelming but it has been a pretty regular flow of people since. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 12:25:33 am
theblackmallardtheblackmallard: If you're in town for #gpcolumbus you should check out @jenisicecreams #
7/31/2010 12:31:41 am
IlGrevenIlGreven: #followfriday for #gpcolumbus: @bmkibler @DCIJudges @magicprotour @mananation @TweetMTG @misterorange and my Magic list http://bit.ly/c7nRYJ #
7/31/2010 12:55:53 am
juzamjedijuzamjedi: is at #GPColumbus getting ready to play in a grinder #
7/31/2010 1:07:22 am
RhythMIKRhythMIK: I'm at #GPColumbus, weasring my signature MTGOacademy shirt, like a dork. Come say hi! #
7/31/2010 1:10:56 am
norbert88norbert88: I have arrived at the tournament site. Wearing a Dream Theater shirt. #GPColumbus #
7/31/2010 1:52:56 am
mananationmananation: Insider tells me that Terravore is being sought by a well known pro. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 2:27:19 am
GardeviGardevi: Good luck to all the Legacy players at #GPColumbus ! @norbert88 @mtgmetagame #
7/31/2010 2:31:18 am
mananationmananation: Despite unimpressive attendance so far, most vendors remain confident that this one will be highly attended. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 2:35:06 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Just arrived in Columbus. Traffic on 470 sucked construction really slowed us down. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 2:41:11 am
dailymtgdailymtg: (Kelly) Who's going to #gpcolumbus this weekend (or is already there)? I won't be, but I'll be waiting to hear the final attendance number. #
7/31/2010 2:47:40 am
mananationmananation: @dailymtg in case you didn't know, I'm here :-) #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 2:49:12 am
tjsharrocktjsharrock: Oh yeah, #gpcolumbus tomorrow. Still need to prepare ;) #
7/31/2010 2:51:44 am
broketheformatbroketheformat: Interesting. I <3 Terravore. RT @mananation: Insider tells me that Terravore is being sought by a well known pro. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 2:58:27 am
mananationmananation: Anyone want to battle EDH? #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 3:04:25 am
PowerfriesPowerfries: #gpcolumbus would be nice to attend. #
7/31/2010 3:21:45 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Just picked up my @mananation score pad. #gpcolumbus http://tweetphoto.com/35824481 #
7/31/2010 3:32:00 am
bb3manbb3man: The dude with the Mohawk wants to trade for a foil child of alara. Anyone have one? #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 3:32:32 am
DCIJudgesDCIJudges: @kaokun Judging Legacy at #gpcolumbus is not much different to other events - you still have to know the rules behind the cards. #
7/31/2010 3:45:35 am
mananationmananation: RT @CasualMagic: Just picked up my @mananation score pad. #gpcolumbus http://tweetphoto.com/35824481 #
7/31/2010 3:59:59 am
mananationmananation: One of the great things about going to these events is meeting our writers. Just met Christopher Walton, the Legacy writer :-) #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 4:05:58 am
creatorpwnedcreatorpwned: And I helped! RT @CasualMagic Just picked up my @mananation score pad. #gpcolumbus http://tweetphoto.com/35824481 #
7/31/2010 4:18:35 am
mananationmananation: I can't be sure, but @mulldrifting might have squeed when she got the ManaNation life pads. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 4:34:11 am
ThornicatorThornicator: Finished at the gym. Wish I were at #GPColumbus î¡ damn responsibilities #
7/31/2010 4:43:16 am
mananationmananation: Brian Kibler will be rocking Legion Events' Ascension sleeves this weekend. They look sick. http://yfrog.com/0ectrbj #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 5:00:08 am
misterorangemisterorange: Hot rumor from #gpcolumbus - Christoper Moeller illustrated -Chain Lightning- for the upcoming foil burn deck & it's a panorama w M11 Bolt! #
7/31/2010 5:26:35 am
misterorangemisterorange: Watching @Conley81 eating 7 cards for $10. #gpcolumbus http://twitpic.com/2a54sp #
7/31/2010 5:55:51 am
SysxRDWSysxRDW: Wishing I was at #gpcolumbus right about now. #
7/31/2010 6:02:06 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Just met and hanging out with @norbert88. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 7:16:46 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Looking at artists doing live art modifications. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 7:39:38 am
uselessenduselessend: Wish I was at #gpcolumbus . Went to the local FNM place (I moved last week) and it was WEIRD. 'free standard fnm' = a bunch of legacy decks. #
7/31/2010 7:40:02 am
5to9mtg5to9mtg: @mananation do you know how late the public events run tonight and tomorrow at #gpcolumbus? #
7/31/2010 7:59:36 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Looking at awesome power and altered art cards at the @trollandtoad booth. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 8:14:54 am
wheelsallenwheelsallen: Looking for a place to stay Saturday night at #gpcbus will pay my share of room #mtg Holla back #
7/31/2010 8:55:24 am
ThreeRulesThreeRules: Great first day here! Got to see a lot of booths and watch a lot of games. C-bus is such a great city. Tomorrow its go time. #mtg #gpcbus #
7/31/2010 9:22:10 am
FenixssFenixss: Having a blast in Columbus!!!!! #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 10:05:08 am
semisobersemisober: Now in Columbus. American airlines is the worst. #gpcbus #
7/31/2010 11:05:30 am
StillHadTheseStillHadThese: RT @semisober: Now in Columbus. American airlines is the worst. #gpcbus #
7/31/2010 11:21:27 am
necr0mancernecr0mancer: Oh, right. Good luck to all at #GPColumbus this weekend! #mtg #
7/31/2010 11:28:11 am
bb3manbb3man: Anyone at gpc with a lot of cards wanna help a brother out? I'm 21 cards short of my deck. #mtg #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 12:00:31 pm
ThreeRulesThreeRules: It's time for glory and riches! Day one, we'll see how long I last. I'll update with info from NW Ohio people when I can. #mtg #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 6:36:59 pm
FenixssFenixss: Up way too early. Let's smash dick like it was 2002!! #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 6:53:43 pm
tjsharrocktjsharrock: Damn it's early, on my way to #gpcolumbus. #
7/31/2010 6:55:00 pm
mananationmananation: Good morning folks! #gpcolumbus hall is open and we have 2 hours until this event is scheduled to kick off! #
7/31/2010 7:14:35 pm
norbert88norbert88: If anyone needs commons/uncommons, odds are I have them. Let me know via direct message. #GPColumbus #
7/31/2010 7:31:50 pm
mananationmananation: There is a constant flow of people but it doesn't look like it is going to be huge attendance. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 8:19:48 pm
mananationmananation: A number of pros still trying to find cards for their deck or trying to decide what to play. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 8:31:09 pm
jukeboxhero37jukeboxhero37: Good luck to everyone from @richmondcomix and @goodgamery at #gpcolumbus today! #
7/31/2010 8:31:53 pm
mananationmananation: Hall shot: http://yfrog.com/fvyrmj #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 8:36:20 pm
CasualMagicCasualMagic: On the gp floor watching players scramble for last minute cards. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 8:38:17 pm
mananationmananation: Sounds like a number of pros will be going to #GenCon next week! #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 8:58:23 pm
genconbotgenconbot: RT @mananation -Sounds like a number of pros will be going to #GenCon next week! #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:17:33 pm
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Question of the morning. Why can't my merrill get through a moat. #gpcolumbus "you are blocking my merfolk with a body of water. #
7/31/2010 9:18:06 pm
tjsharrocktjsharrock: I wonder which black green deck Akil "The Real Deal" Steele is playing today. Lol. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:25:56 pm
mananationmananation: Player meeting seating is up. They are splitting the event into two flights. Estimated over 1400. Still waiting for final count. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:33:09 pm
Lee_SharpeLee_Sharpe: Anyone at #gpcolumbus know how many players made it? #
7/31/2010 9:34:32 pm
paul_millerpaul_miller: #gpcolumbus prediction lots of zoo and burn will be played #
7/31/2010 9:35:38 pm
mananationmananation: TO is a little too busy for me to get a final registration count. Players are still finding their seats for meeting. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:39:53 pm
ThreeRulesThreeRules: 1500ish in the Grand Prix, but more people around. Player's meeting right now. Seen some pros. Lots of spectators, crazy! #mtg #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:43:50 pm
misterorangemisterorange: Live from #gpcolumbus ! http://twitpic.com/2adb79 #
7/31/2010 9:44:20 pm
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Seated waiting for the player meeting to start. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:44:56 pm
mananationmananation: TO Mike Guptil has begun his morning announcements. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:45:28 pm
naessbjnaessbj: #gpcolumbus Good luck to everyone !! May your draws be smooth and your combos comboreffic. #
7/31/2010 9:47:43 pm
MerriocMerrioc: #gpcolumbus 1,297 players #
7/31/2010 9:47:49 pm
misterorangemisterorange: 1,297 attendance at #gpcolumbus -- did I call it or what? ;) #
7/31/2010 9:48:17 pm
mananationmananation: Official count is 1297 players according to Head Judge Ingrid. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:48:30 pm
kingsqueekingsquee: 1297 players at #gpcolumbus, split tournament today! #
7/31/2010 9:48:45 pm
DCIJudgesDCIJudges: 1297 players in Grand Prix: Columbus. Tourney is split. #GPCol #
7/31/2010 9:49:28 pm
mananationmananation: Ingrid notes that judges are going to watching closely for slow play. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:50:53 pm
mananationmananation: Judges are nearly done collecting deck reg sheets. We should have round 1 seating up very soon! #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 9:52:06 pm
magicprotourmagicprotour: GP Columbus is about to start. 1,297 players showed up for 9 rounds of Legacy on day 1. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 10:06:09 pm
mananationmananation: So apparently Wizards is using #gpcol despite the multiday use of #gpcolumbus, I will shift to match. #
7/31/2010 10:10:06 pm
AllenSLGAllenSLG: Good luck to all my tweeters at GP Columbus starting now! #GPCBUS #MTG #
7/31/2010 10:14:35 pm
TheKristianTheKristian: RT @DCIJudges: 1297 players in Grand Prix: Columbus. Tourney is split. #GPCol #
7/31/2010 10:20:06 pm
ThreeRulesThreeRules: Won my first match 2-0, now I have a while to chill. #mtg #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 10:25:23 pm
mtgaaronmtgaaron: Winning attendance guess was @zach5000 ... 1320 guess is only 23 over. I was WAY over. Anyway, still a huge event. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 10:29:25 pm
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Round One Game two I had a turn 3 progenitis after mulling to 5 for the win. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 10:34:58 pm
mananationmananation: I hear Chalice of the Void on 1 is good. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 10:38:07 pm
magicprotourmagicprotour: Seen during round one: Energy Field, Wheel of Sun and Moon, and Greater Auromancy staring down Tarmogoyf and Knight of the Reliquary. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 10:44:24 pm
tjsharrocktjsharrock: 1-0 #gpcolumbus :) #
7/31/2010 10:45:46 pm
magicprotourmagicprotour: Of the 18 grinders Friday, 16 different archetypes were represented among winners. Lone repeats were Hive Mind and Reanimator. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 10:47:34 pm
am71722am71722: RT @magicprotour: Seen during round one: Energy Field, Wheel of Sun and Moon, and Greater Auromancy staring down Tarmogoyf and Knight of the Reliquary. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 10:48:49 pm
FenixssFenixss: 0-1 I can't counter decree of justice -.- lol #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 11:04:02 pm
JeroenCuJeroenCu: So SOMEONE tell me why all the buzz about Aluren? It's really not that good. #gpcolumbus #mtg #legacy #
7/31/2010 11:07:14 pm
mananationmananation: Pairings for Round 2 just went up. Players are rushing to find their seats. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 11:09:47 pm
XuanxXuanx: RT @DCIJudges: 1297 players in Grand Prix: Columbus. Tourney is split. #GPCol #
7/31/2010 11:12:54 pm
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Round two kicks off with a deck check. Dang I had a good hand. Sitting next to enchantress and charbelcher. #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 11:20:04 pm
magicprotourmagicprotour: Two of the biggest sellers from dealers: Llawan, Cephalid Empress and Kira, Great Glass-Spinner. Merfolk and anti-Merfolk tech? #gpcol #
7/31/2010 11:21:24 pm
kyshimoto310kyshimoto310: RT @mtgaaron: Winning attendance guess was @zach5000 ... 1320 guess is only 23 over. I was WAY over. Anyway, still a huge event. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 11:26:28 pm
ThreeRulesThreeRules: Won my second match 2-0. I'm 2-0 overall now. Was in 50th gunna be in the top 25. Crazy! #mtg #gpcolumbus #
7/31/2010 11:41:35 pm
ImaginateGamesImaginateGames: Following #GPCol info. Snail mail. #
7/31/2010 11:47:25 pm
magicprotourmagicprotour: After two rounds, the most popular decks in the room look to be 42 Land, Goblins, and Counterbalance. #gpcol #
7/31/2010 11:49:08 pm
Watchmaker163Watchmaker163: RT @CasualMagic: Question of the morning. Why can't my merrill get through a moat. #gpcolumbus "you are blocking my merfolk with a body of water. #
7/31/2010 11:52:14 pm
RhythMIKRhythMIK: On my lunch break at #GPcolumbus. #
8/1/2010 12:25:58 am
TheBemeTheBeme: Kieber and LSV are in the same Green Pod of #GPColumbus - Crossing fingers they will be head to head for a feature match #
8/1/2010 12:27:38 am
mananationmananation: Round three is underway, and the pros are beginning to assemble for battle next round. What will they bring to the battlefield? #gpcol #
8/1/2010 12:33:20 am
mananationmananation: Watching Brian Kibler and Owen Turtlewald playtest. Very fun stuff. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 12:51:46 am
FenixssFenixss: 2-1 :) #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 12:53:54 am
mananationmananation: Watching Paul Rietzl shuffle his deck, seeing random cards and very curious what he is playing. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 12:55:30 am
tjsharrocktjsharrock: Round 3 I am 2-0-1 #gpcol #
8/1/2010 12:55:57 am
ThreeRulesThreeRules: 3-0! Mind Harness tech owned some zoo last round. #mtg #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 12:56:46 am
GavinVerheyGavinVerhey: Reading the Wizards coverage of #GPCol. Times are a-changin' - on the official coverage, I read the phrase "good card is good." #
8/1/2010 12:56:51 am
mananationmananation: Round 3 is winding down, it will be interesting as the pros enter the fray! #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:06:59 am
juzamjedijuzamjedi: Won round three #GPCol match against Canadian Thresh. Game 2 he showed me no SB cards easy win. #
8/1/2010 1:09:50 am
mananationmananation: Round three is over. Some matches are still wrapping up. Let the games begin! #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:19:29 am
mananationmananation: I think a grouping of pro players should be called a 'premium' of pros. http://yfrog.com/mziuwj #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:26:58 am
kingsqueekingsquee: EVERYBODY INTO THE POOL! Round 4 at #gpcolumbus is about to begin! #
8/1/2010 1:27:56 am
mananationmananation: Pairings for round 4 are going up. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:31:56 am
mananationmananation: Calacano vs Ochoa and Yurchick vs Nelson are round 4 feature matches. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:34:27 am
mananationmananation: Round 4, Go!! #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:36:37 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Steve Sadin, who won the last Legacy Grand Prix in Columbus, took the first feature match off a topdecked Matron for Siege Gang. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:40:12 am
GavinVerheyGavinVerhey: #GpCol Steve Sadin is playing Goblins? Strikes me as slightly ironic. #
8/1/2010 1:41:13 am
mananationmananation: Kibler vs PVDdR here in round 4. They are currently waiting on some deck issue before they begin. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:47:19 am
mananationmananation: Apparently Kibler's reg. sheet was too messy and they wanted to confirm his contents. No penalties given. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:50:44 am
mananationmananation: Part 2 of the previous story, the judges wrote Kibler a new deck reg. sheet which they can read. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:51:45 am
mananationmananation: Jon Medina, @mtgmetagame, is battling a few tables away. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:52:26 am
affinityforblueaffinityforblue: Go Jon! RT @mananation Jon Medina, @mtgmetagame, is battling a few tables away. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 1:57:00 am
TheBemeTheBeme: 4 Nass, Matthew L [USA] 9 66.66% is 3-0 after first 3 round of #GPCOL #
8/1/2010 2:12:11 am
StarkpoStarkpo: (Bill Stark) Follow GP columbus on Twitter using #gpcol. #
8/1/2010 2:17:43 am
kingsqueekingsquee: 4-0 at #gpcolumbus, defeated the zoo mirror... #
8/1/2010 2:21:49 am
mananationmananation: Round four is over. Going to turns for many games. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 2:27:35 am
naessbjnaessbj: is there a way too follow #ggslive livestream on #ipad ? #gpcol #
8/1/2010 2:28:10 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: 3-1 after stomping goblins. #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 2:31:16 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Round 4 feature matches: Adam Yurchick defeats Brad Nelson and Christian Calcano defeats David Ochoa #gpcol #
8/1/2010 2:34:53 am
brendaisboredbrendaisbored: Woo hoo! Made it to #gpcol and now just waiting to draft. So many people. If you're here and want to say hi, let me know! :) #
8/1/2010 2:36:43 am
ThreeRulesThreeRules: 3-0-1 just drew against the New Horizons deck. #mtg #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 2:39:19 am
RustyMacheteRustyMachete: Ghandi's brother: "have trinisphere and chalice for 2 in play, opponent removes 7 spirit guides and plays belcher" #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 2:44:17 am
djcummanderdjcummander: @thepchapin GO CHAPIN! WOO #mtg #gpcol #thepchapin #theinnovator #
8/1/2010 2:52:43 am
uselessenduselessend: So someone should hit me up with their jitte from #gpcol for edh purposes. Pls :P #
8/1/2010 3:07:02 am
mananationmananation: Despite nearly 1300 registered players, StarCityGames has left the event. The event has not been kind to vendors. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 3:09:19 am
RobJelfRobJelf: RT @mananation: Despite nearly 1300 registered players, StarCityGames has left the event. The event has not been kind to vendors. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 3:11:45 am
RobJelfRobJelf: Does this spell the end of Legacy GPs in North America? Probably. #GPCol #
8/1/2010 3:16:33 am
mananationmananation: I did not speak with SCG so I can't be sure what happened. But the venue has vendors on 2nd floor. See pic: http://yfrog.com/59lywfj #gpcol #
8/1/2010 3:17:52 am
DeckConstructDeckConstruct: @RobJelf I disagree. Not every Legacy GP will be a blockbuster like Madrid (where roughly 50% of the field was Spanish anyway). #GPCol #
8/1/2010 3:24:11 am
ThreeRulesThreeRules: 4-0-1 just beat Lands. Back to Basics whaaaaaattt? Gotta stay cool, keep playing good fundamental Magic. #mtg #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 3:29:09 am
kingsqueekingsquee: 5-0 at #gpcolumbus, beat the zoo mirror again #
8/1/2010 3:41:45 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Not sure why the delay but has been almost 30 min since the round ended. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:03:31 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Kyle Boggemes and Josh Utter-Leyton, appropriately, draw a Counterbalance mirror in a round 5 feature match. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:03:51 am
ShadowDXDragonShadowDXDragon: Any live streaming of #gpcol ? #
8/1/2010 4:05:42 am
mananationmananation: Round 6 is up. More than halfway there. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:08:04 am
DeckConstructDeckConstruct: @ShadowDXDragon GGSLive is streaming it. http://bit.ly/chjn6V (or http://bit.ly/bIShDs with chat). #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:09:37 am
mananationmananation: Lots of drops in the main event, looks to be 2/3rds the original count. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:31:12 am
BrianSixBrianSix: burning faces off never felt so GOOD! 5-1 #GPCbus #
8/1/2010 4:41:03 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: And it would have been nice to get counter top up more than once but that is the way it crumbles. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:45:57 am
ThreeRulesThreeRules: 5-0-1 just beat another Loam deck! Getting closer... #mtg #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 4:47:33 am
kingsqueekingsquee: 5-1 at #gpcolumbus, lost to Supreme Solution or whatever that RUG deck is called, damn g2 mana-screw! #
8/1/2010 4:48:42 am
mananationmananation: Ben Hayes is glowing after his sixth win. 6-0. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:49:05 am
SirHellsing420SirHellsing420: @mananation Can you tell what Hayes is playing? #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:50:45 am
am71722am71722: Chapin playing survival with fauna shaman, wall of roots, mesmeric fiend, wickebough elder and harmonic sliver? #gpcol just beat yercheck r5 #
8/1/2010 4:55:05 am
mananationmananation: Our Legacy writer, Chris Walton is also 6-0! #gpcol #
8/1/2010 4:57:38 am
JeroenCuJeroenCu: @norbert88 lol, I thought you hated Legacy? ^^ Playing in #gpcol? #
8/1/2010 5:07:39 am
wheelsallenwheelsallen: #gpcol I have arrived!!!! #
8/1/2010 5:07:48 am
blairwitchgreenblairwitchgreen: ugh, reading the counterbalance top mirror feature is like watching paint dry #gpcol #
8/1/2010 5:11:03 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Round 6 just finished. Still hard to tell what the decks to beat are, but Counterbalance and Goblins are making their case known #gpcol #
8/1/2010 5:13:35 am
brendaisboredbrendaisbored: Despite seemingly every downtown restaurant being closed, I am eating the best turkey sandwich I've ever had. Highly recommend TipTop #gpcol #
8/1/2010 5:19:19 am
eriklindeneriklinden: RT @mananation: Ben Hayes is glowing after his sixth win. 6-0. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 5:25:38 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Kolowith's Tendrils combo deck made short work of Brett Blackman's Show and Tell build in the round 7 feature match. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 5:56:08 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: And I'm done. It was fun while it lasted. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 6:06:27 am
mananationmananation: Off site. Offer for free dinner was too enticing to hang around. Depending on how long dinner goes will return for end of Day 1 #gpcol #
8/1/2010 6:12:05 am
kingsqueekingsquee: Back's against the wall at #gpcolumbus I'm now x-2 and need to win out, lost to Zoo mirror totally punted Game 2 yes I'm mad! #
8/1/2010 6:20:06 am
witzowitzo: Mike Guptil will kill my cat if YOU don't sign up for a Public Event.

#GPCbus #
8/1/2010 6:31:21 am

aliekebabaliekebab: RT: Kom je thuis, ligt je man in bed live stream 'mtg' te kijken (oftewel volwassenen die in Ohio met kaartjes spelen). I <3 my geek #gpcol #
8/1/2010 6:57:30 am
5to9mtg5to9mtg: Headin to #gpcol where's the casual #mtg #edh going down? #
8/1/2010 7:33:17 am
kingsqueekingsquee: My bubble has officially burst at #gpcolumbus, I lost to Bant Countertop. Losing streak up to 6 games. Will play last round for .500 record. #
8/1/2010 7:37:29 am
kingsqueekingsquee: Turn out the lights, the party's over for me at #gpcolumbus. Got paired against Koresko's Belcher. Went 0-4, 0-8 last four rounds. #FML #
8/1/2010 8:26:41 am
BrianSixBrianSix: 7-2, on to day 2! One of my most memorable games ever rd 9. #GPCbus #
8/1/2010 8:33:28 am
semisobersemisober: Beat belcher last round to finish 7-1-1. One time for Tommy! #gpcbus #
8/1/2010 8:49:34 am
mananationmananation: Congrats to ManaNation writer Chris Walton for making day 2 at GP Columbus! #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:17:17 am
IlGrevenIlGreven: #gpcol 9-0 from the blue bracket are Philip Yam and @mtg_law_etc, and Ari Lax from the green bracket (incl. Rd. 9 win over Saitou). #
8/1/2010 10:24:38 am
piZZeropiZZero: How many hours for round 10 #gpcolumbus before it starts? #gpcol #
8/1/2010 5:14:13 pm
piZZeropiZZero: @Xuanx Si t'aburreixes, a www.eternal-central.com es retransmetran tots els featured matchs del día 2 del #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 5:15:28 pm
norbert88norbert88: To PTQ or not to PTQ, that is the question. #gpcolumbus #
8/1/2010 7:46:14 pm
semisobersemisober: Time for business. #gpcbus #
8/1/2010 7:46:36 pm
dangerawesomedangerawesome: Tidying up my room, doing some washing, waiting for @ggslive to start day 2 #gpcolumbus coverage - taking a break from pauper. #
8/1/2010 7:55:46 pm
mananationmananation: Round 10 is about to begin. Top 2 tables are this round's feature matches. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 8:08:28 pm
mananationmananation: Round 10 is underway. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 8:11:38 pm
wheelsallenwheelsallen: Getting rdy for PTQ at #gpcol #
8/1/2010 8:12:36 pm
mananationmananation: Adrian Sullivan is rocking the Bacon sleeves from Legion Events. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 8:28:44 pm
magicprotourmagicprotour: Day 1 9-0: Aril Lax, Matt Sperling, Philip Yam. 8-0-1: Alix Hatfield, Joshua Howe, Chris Nighbor. Five different archetyes among them #gpcol #
8/1/2010 8:41:43 pm
semisobersemisober: Beat dredge. 8-1-1. #gpcbus #
8/1/2010 8:56:18 pm
dangerawesomedangerawesome: Watching @ggslive coverage of #gpcolumbus at http://www.ggslive.com/show.html #
8/1/2010 9:01:06 pm
mananationmananation: After winning a 40 min. game 1, Adrian Sullivan lost a 3 min. game 2. Given shuffling and sideboarding, they begin game 3 on turns. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:01:37 pm
mananationmananation: And the Adrian Sullivan match ends in a draw, his opponent was playing Survival and hoped for the nuts to win on turns. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:03:25 pm
mtgargentinamtgargentina: GP Colombus Live Streaming http://www.ggslive.com/show.html #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:03:53 pm
magicprotourmagicprotour: Matt Sperling rallies after losing on turn 2 of game 1 to take down the next two against Ari Lax in a battle of the undefeateds. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:04:27 pm
mananationmananation: Chapin's match continues past time with an extension. Match is tied 1-1 and has only a few minutes to run game 3. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:06:57 pm
mananationmananation: Chapin vs opponent are on turns, Chapin managed to Vial a Fauna Shaman into play but it is Pithing Needle'd. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:11:44 pm
mananationmananation: The PT Amsterdam PTQ seatings for player meeting are up. We'll keep an eye on it as well. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:15:01 pm
mananationmananation: Chapin vs Buddey ends in a draw. Last match of the round. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:16:48 pm
mananationmananation: 319 players in the PTQ. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:19:50 pm
parakkumparakkum: 313 players for the PTQ at #gpcol Neat! (no, I'm not there - just listening to @ggslive ) #
8/1/2010 9:20:37 pm
truxon6truxon6: Que gran! el #gpcol en directe: http://www.ggslive.com/show.html #
8/1/2010 9:20:46 pm
mananationmananation: Chapin vs Saitou as a feature match. Did not catch the other. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:22:37 pm
gfraggle99gfraggle99: Go Joshua! RT @magicprotour: Day 1 9-0: Aril Lax, Matt Sperling, Philip Yam. 8-0-1: Alix Hatfield, Joshua Howe, Chris Nighbor. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:24:04 pm
mananationmananation: Ross vs Durward is the other feature match this Round. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:25:48 pm
mananationmananation: It is @semisober vs Josh Utter-Leyton on table 9 #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:29:09 pm
JeroenCuJeroenCu: Rooting for Bryant Cook in #gpcol. GOOOOOO #
8/1/2010 9:32:58 pm
mananationmananation: Adrian Sullivan lost a much quicker game 1 in round 11 #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:37:23 pm
mananationmananation: "Sam Black, your EDH event is waiting." The announcement drew chuckles from many GP competitors. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:38:37 pm
mananationmananation: Gerry T comboed out with Aluren and Imperial Recruiter to win game 2, #gpcol #
8/1/2010 9:41:33 pm
semisobersemisober: Beat Josh UL in mirror. 9-1-1. #gpcbus #
8/1/2010 10:04:55 pm
mananationmananation: Sorry for tweet coverage blackout, was having an awesome interview with Adrian Sullivan #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:11:10 pm
mananationmananation: Time in round 11, Paulo and opponent begin game 3 on turns. Paulo offered to draw but opponent believes he could win. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:13:32 pm
AnusienAnusien: @magicprotour: Feature Andrew Probasco. He got 2nd at last year's Legacy GP Chicago #gpcol #gpcolumbus. #
8/1/2010 10:24:54 pm
wheelsallenwheelsallen: Round 1 PTQ 1-0 beat mass poly #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:26:43 pm
magicprotourmagicprotour: Caleb Durward's Madness continues. He's 10-1 after defeating The Boss in the feature match area. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:30:40 pm
mananationmananation: Round 12 is underway. Four more rounds left after this. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:32:20 pm
MTG_LennoxMTG_Lennox: RT @mananation: "Sam Black, your EDH event is waiting." The announcement drew chuckles from many GP competitors. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:32:34 pm
mananationmananation: Dave Williams locks up game 1 in less than 10 minutes. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:39:38 pm
mananationmananation: CFB vs CFB at table 1 - http://twitgoo.com/1fh14w #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:42:15 pm
mananationmananation: Chapin vs Utter-Leyton on table 31 - http://yfrog.com/0m6cxfj #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:45:03 pm
DCIJudgesDCIJudges: PTQ Amsterdam at GP: Columbus brought 313 players to sling Standard. #GPCol #
8/1/2010 10:45:44 pm
mananationmananation: Chapin wins game one against Josh Utter-Leyton #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:48:21 pm
DCIJudgesDCIJudges: GP Columbus in round 12, all quiet on the front #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:49:50 pm
RustyMacheteRustyMachete: After 11, ari is 10 -1, kurtis 9-2, kai 8-3, gandhi 7-4 #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:54:06 pm
RustyMacheteRustyMachete: Ari storms out survival and moves to 11-1 #gpcol #
8/1/2010 10:56:45 pm
Lee_SharpeLee_Sharpe: Don't forget to watch feature matches from #gpcol on @ggslive at www.ggslive.com #
8/1/2010 10:57:03 pm
mananationmananation: Watching @semisober battle his CounterTop against Landstill. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 11:07:33 pm
mananationmananation: Steve Sadin, @zchall and Ben Peebles-Mundy work on resleeving Sadin's deck before round #13. Sadin is X-2. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 11:22:05 pm
RustyMacheteRustyMachete: Kurtis dies to a ripped glacial chasm and his own bb after missing on wasteland #gpcol #
8/1/2010 11:23:38 pm
semisobersemisober: Lost to UBG landstill. He drew quite well. 9-2-1 #gpcbus #
8/1/2010 11:26:32 pm
mananationmananation: Round 13 pairings and standings are posted. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 11:31:31 pm
semisobersemisober: Paired down against Landale and he scooped to me. 10-2-1 with 3 rounds to go. #gpcbus #
8/1/2010 11:37:14 pm
sweetbabydursweetbabydur: UG madness with vengevines is easily my new favorite legacy deck #gpcol #
8/1/2010 11:41:03 pm
mananationmananation: Sadin and his Goblins battle Lou Christopher with Enchantress at table 8. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 11:43:34 pm
FenixssFenixss: Apparently I'm not the only Survival player that has trouble with goblins. #gpcol #
8/1/2010 11:52:41 pm
mananationmananation: Dave Williams lost in two games #gpcol #
8/2/2010 12:00:03 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Anyone still thinking lunch at #gpcol needs to walk a few blocks to north market. Amazing food including pho and BBQ. #
8/2/2010 12:01:10 am
RustyMacheteRustyMachete: Ari loses to force on grim tutor and is 11-2 #gpcol #
8/2/2010 12:18:02 am
mananationmananation: I may have video of @thepchapin pieing @g3rryt while I interviewed him. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 12:25:17 am
mananationmananation: Ascension demo with @bmkibler - Rock on! http://yfrog.com/55dq8j #gpcol #
8/2/2010 1:03:01 am
mturianmturian: RT @Lee_Sharpe: Don't forget to watch feature matches from #gpcol on @ggslive at www.ggslive.com #
8/2/2010 1:14:13 am
parakkumparakkum: RT @Lee_Sharpe: Don't forget to watch feature matches from #gpcol on @ggslive at www.ggslive.com #
8/2/2010 1:15:35 am
CapstickBudCapstickBud: PVDDR getting Goblined right now on @ggslive at ggslive.com #gpcol #
8/2/2010 1:19:02 am
semisobersemisober: Beat burn. 11-2-1. #gpcbus #
8/2/2010 1:38:14 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Round 15 has started. Caleb Durward is the lone player at 39, and Tomoharu Saito is paired against him as the only one at 37. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 2:09:44 am
semisobersemisober: Beat zoo in feature match. 12-2-1. Win and in. #gpcbus #
8/2/2010 2:45:35 am
CarlWiltCarlWilt: Up to 3 Green Titans...2 from boxes I opened, and 1 from a vendor at #GPCol. Bought the 1 on the cheap, only $48, not $50 lika all others. #
8/2/2010 2:48:38 am
mananationmananation: Round 16 pairings are up. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 2:52:17 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Saito sits alone at 40 points going into the last round and is a lock for the top 8. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 2:53:40 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Keeping an eye on some friends cube drafting and watching he final round. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 3:00:11 am
CarlWiltCarlWilt: How is everyone at the PTQ at #GPCol doing? Records updates? #
8/2/2010 3:07:55 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Top 8 updates: Tomoharu Saito a lock for top 8, Cook and Durward draw in, everyone else is on the bubble. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 3:12:45 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: 39 pointers: Gosselin is in with a win or draw (playing Saito), Craig Wescoe has to play since he's paired against Drew Levin at 38. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 3:13:40 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Ari Lax, Tom Martell, Jason Ford, Matt Sperling, Tom Ross, Korey Age, James Rynkiewicz and Brad Nelson and 5 more at 36-37 points #gpcol #
8/2/2010 3:15:45 am
SpurGrapplerSpurGrappler: Loves hearing about the diversity of decks at #gpcol UG madness sounds SICK #pitchrootwalla #lol #
8/2/2010 3:24:44 am
semisobersemisober: Did it! Top 8 at 13-2-1! Beat ANT in last round. #gpcbus #
8/2/2010 3:30:09 am
mananationmananation: Chapin just got Jace 2.0s ultimate played on him. Paulo did it, and won game 2 with it. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 3:32:15 am
mananationmananation: PVDdR is 12-3-1 after 16. Will it be enough to make top 8? #gpcol #
8/2/2010 3:33:16 am
mananationmananation: Top 8: Saitou, @semisober, Ford, Durward, Cook, Gosselin, Age, Brad Nelson #gpcol #
8/2/2010 4:35:15 am
mananationmananation: Donnie Peck was in 9th, behind Nelson by .1 points in tie-breakers #gpcol #
8/2/2010 4:36:20 am
mananationmananation: The delay in the Top 8 was due to a DQ investigation. Looking for word on what happened. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 4:37:13 am
mananationmananation: Drew Levin was disqualified from #gpcol - I do not know the reason for sure. Wizards will make a statement concerning it. #
8/2/2010 4:48:42 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Top 8: Tomoharu Saito, Tom Martell, Jason Ford, Caleb Durward, Bryant Cook, Chris Gosselin, Korey Age, Brad Nelson #gpcol #
8/2/2010 4:52:36 am
TurboMcKwekTurboMcKwek: @mananation supposedly he had a bet running on the outcome of his match. He would make 5k if he made t8. So the tale goes #gpcol #
8/2/2010 5:04:09 am
RhythMIKRhythMIK: Recorded a pocast with @kellyreid and @02drop for @doublingseason at #GPColumbus. #
8/2/2010 5:08:06 am
OnlycardsOnlycards: RT @magicprotour: Top 8: Tomoharu Saito, Tom Martell, Jason Ford, Caleb Durward, Bryant Cook, Chris Gosselin, Korey Age, Brad Nelson #gpcol #
8/2/2010 5:16:55 am
BottsThoughtsBottsThoughts: PRO!!!! KUDOS!!!! RT @semisober: Did it! Top 8 at 13-2-1! Beat ANT in last round. #gpcbus #
8/2/2010 5:19:18 am
DCIJudgesDCIJudges: The top 8 is underway! #gpcol #
8/2/2010 5:20:23 am
misterorangemisterorange: I believe the reason Levin was dq'd was saying "I won the 50-to-1 bet I had w my friend I wouldn't top 8..." = you bet on magic DQ :( #gpcol #
8/2/2010 5:35:37 am
KyleMcDonaldKyleMcDonald: Go Saito! #gpcol #
8/2/2010 5:46:31 am
necr0mancernecr0mancer: Go, FFFreak! #gpcol #
8/2/2010 5:51:35 am
JeroenCuJeroenCu: Cook doesn't make it. I frownface and go to sleep. Good luck to the weird as hell DD deck either way. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 5:57:14 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: The Madness continues. Durward defeats Cook in the quarterfinals. Martell and Ford advance as well. Saito/Nelson still playing #gpcol. #
8/2/2010 6:05:18 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Saito and Nelson are going into a third game. Everyone else went 2-0. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 6:08:25 am
semisobersemisober: Beat Sneak Attack in the top 8. Now into the top 4 vs UBG landstill. #gpcbus #
8/2/2010 6:11:35 am
CasualMagicCasualMagic: Chatting with @samstod and talking about tournament cheaters and party ratios. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 6:20:40 am
logicwolflogicwolf: ãƒã‚¤ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ãªãƒ—レイヤーã«ã¯å½“然ãªã®ã‹ã‚‚ã—ã‚Œãªã„ã‘ã©ã€è‡ªåˆ†ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã®ãƒ—レイヤーã«ã¨ã£ã¦ã¯ã€ @TomoharuSaito æ°ã®ã„ã‚ã‚“ãªè¦ç´ をケアã—ãªãŒã‚‰ã®ãƒ—レイングã¯æ„Ÿå¿ƒã™ã‚‹ã°ã‹ã‚Šã€‚ #gpcol #
8/2/2010 6:25:52 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Saito defeats Nelson in three with double Submerge on Tarmogoyf. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 6:26:30 am
JohBriJohBri: Rooting for Durward and the great Madness comeback of 2010! #gpcol #nonmtgfollowerswillbeconfused #
8/2/2010 6:29:47 am
CapstickBudCapstickBud: #gpcol About to watch Saito get a case of MADNESS thx to @ggslive at ggslive.com #
8/2/2010 6:45:30 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Saito is up 1-0 against Durward. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 6:58:12 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Saito and Durward going to game three. Ford and Martell, in Standstill versus Counterbalance, are still mired in game one. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 7:22:52 am
KyleMcDonaldKyleMcDonald: Let's go Merfolk! #Finals #gpcol #Saito #
8/2/2010 7:42:02 am
TheZviTheZvi: Rules are rules but DQing a player for betting on himself is beyond lame. Unless it means he loses the bet. Then it's hilarious! #gpcol #
8/2/2010 7:45:45 am
TCGBuddyTCGBuddy: RT @TheZvi: Rules are rules but DQing a player for betting on himself is beyond lame. Unless it means he loses the bet. Then it's hilarious! #gpcol #
8/2/2010 7:47:56 am
IlGrevenIlGreven: Tomoharu Saitou is waiting on the winner between @semisober and Jason Ford, who just finished a loooooong Game 1. #gpcol #
8/2/2010 7:57:12 am
magicprotourmagicprotour: Martell finally...FINALLY...takes game one. Now on to game two...#gpcol #
8/2/2010 8:04:13 am
y2sky2003y2sky2003: Reading #gpcol Top 8 coverage. I wore the exact same shirt and shorts pair as Korey Age for most of the day #awk #srsly #
8/2/2010 8:18:55 am
necr0mancernecr0mancer: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Tom Martell (@semisober) wins and plays Tomoharu Saito @TomoharuSaito in the finals #gpcol #
8/2/2010 8:22:53 am
MattWang97MattWang97: Go go @semisober Finals of #gpcol #
8/2/2010 8:23:30 am
semisobersemisober: RT @MattWang97: Go go @semisober Finals of #gpcol #
8/2/2010 8:27:42 am
1esha1esha: RT @ggslive: Finals of #gpcol Saito v Martell watch now live at www.ggslive.com let all your friends know! #
8/2/2010 8:52:49 am
RagetteRagette: RT @ggslive: Finals of #gpcol Saito v Martell watch now live at www.ggslive.com let all your friends know! #
8/2/2010 9:04:11 am
necr0mancernecr0mancer: Saito wins game 1! #gpcol #
8/2/2010 9:07:05 am
thewachmanthewachman: RT @ggslive: Finals of #gpcol Saito v Martell watch now live at www.ggslive.com let all your friends know! #
8/2/2010 9:21:30 am
wheelsallenwheelsallen: Saito a.k.a. Aquaman and his fish win #gpcol!! #
8/2/2010 9:23:10 am
KyleMcDonaldKyleMcDonald: Congrats to Tomoharu Saito on his win at #gpcol -- Go go Merfolk!! #
8/2/2010 9:24:02 am
necr0mancernecr0mancer: Saito wins! Congrats to Tomoharu Saito (@TomoharuSaito) on winning GP:Columbus! #gpcol #mtg #
8/2/2010 9:24:08 am
derfingtonderfington: Yea Saito! Yea Fish! #gpcol #
8/2/2010 9:25:17 am
necr0mancernecr0mancer: @semisober: Grats on a good run this weekend at #gpcol #
8/2/2010 9:29:22 am
witzowitzo: Had a very fun and long weekend working at #gpcol Thanks to everyone for making it an enjoyable time. See some of you at Gen Con. #
8/2/2010 9:29:52 am

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