Today Wizards' announcement confirmed many suspicions around today's EDH announcement. They are announcing five different pre-constructed 'Commander' decks, each composed of a unique color "wedge" being two allied colors and the color which opposes them (ex: , ) The announcement also included news that the casual format "Elder Dragon Highlander" is being renamed to "Commander." The news was announced in two articles on, first being a Commander Changes FAQ from Aaron Forsythe, and the second being the Arcana section 'Announcing...' article.
Commander Decks
Release Date: June 17, 2011
MSRP: $29.99
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish
Design: Ken Nagle (Lead), Mark Gottlieb, Scott Larabee, Ryan Miller, Mark Purvis
Development: Mark Globus (Lead), Peter Knudson, Erik Lauer, Ryan Miller, Lee Sharpe
Launch Parties: June 17-19, 2011 (at participating WPN locations)
Commander Format Key Points
Aaron Forsythe's article focused on the changed to the Commander (previously EDH / Elder Dragon Highlander) format. Below are the key points taken from his article.
- EDH has been dropped as the format name, it was dated and is being changed over to Commander to also more closely highlight the Command Zone.
- Format's website has moved from to (You better check it out, there's a spoiler for the Commander products...)
- The product is their 2011 Casual summer product following up Archenemy and Planechase.
- The Commander decks outlined above will contain new (and old) cards for use in the format. Allowing Wizards an outlet for more multiplayer craziness.
- Each Commander deck will be a three color "wedge" and will feature an exclusive General as well as a foil oversized version (likely Planechase / Archenemy sized...)
- MTGO Commander will be brought in line with the physical cards version.
- Magic Commander will be printed in numerous foreign languages (as noted above.)
- The Council that oversaw EDH will remain in control of the new Commander format.
Update: We had previously incorrectly reported that the 'wedge' was the three neighboring colors. Thanks to @Dr_Jeebus for bringing this mistake to our attention.