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Brainstorm Brewery #145 — #SVUHQBBQ


Sometimes, we predict the future on this cast. Last week, on a Monday, Jason said that Serum Visions was likely to be a Friday Night Magic promo in the future, and the next day, it was announced. This week, Jason pretended to fall asleep in the intro, and Ryan actually fell asleep during the outro. Want to hear some more future predictions? The gang talks about the fate of foil promo Thunderbreak Regent, the future of Collected Company, and the bottom falling out of cards inflated on Tiny Leaders hype that never panned out, and they even threw in 75% of the Pick of the Week action you expected—all that, and they sound good doing it. Do you get the impression that this episode is phoned in? That’s next week, when the cast will be recorded live from Las Vegas. Get. Hype.

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