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Ari Lax is Khan in Honolulu


After three days and nineteen rounds of Magic, a champion has been crowned. This weekend was incredible for some of the titans of the game. We saw a diverse Standard format that was dominated by Dig Through Time, Thoughtseize, and Sylvan Caryatid with an exciting splash of combo in the form of Jeskai Ascendancy. We saw draft strategies ranging from two color aggro to five color morphs. We saw an incredibly tense final few rounds with many great players in the hunt for a Sunday appearance, including performances by the likes of Owen Turtenwald, Ben Stark, Andrew Cuneo, despite them falling just short of the elimination rounds.

We saw some incredible Magic on Friday and Saturday, but Sunday certainly didn't disappoint either. The Top 8 featured two Pro Tour Champions, Ivan Floch and Shaun McLaren, as well as two-time Player of the Year Yuuya Watanabe and Lee Shi Tian in his third Top 8 . The rising Brazilian star Thiago Saporito and Pro Tour fixture Ari Lax both put up their first Top 8 appearances. The Top 8 was rounded out by long-time player Mike Sigrist and Ondrej Strasky.

In the games, we saw Abzan and Jeskai midrange dominate the more polarized decks in the Top 8. The Combo and Control decks were knocked out in the quarterfinals, leaving Ari Lax, Thiago Saporito, and Mike Sigrist with their mess Siege Rhinos and Shaun McLaren with his Mantis Riders. What really dominated these matches were the powerful sideboard plans that Lax and McLaren brought to the table; each having powerful, flexible, and high-impact solutions to the matches they were playing. Ari had the ability to just go over the top of his midrange matchups with additional Planeswalkers and a devastating Duneblast while McLaren had the ability to trim his less impactful Goblin Rabblemasters in favor of Dissolve, sweepers, and Keranos, God of Storms.

In the end, Shaun McLaren and Ari Lax squared off in the finals. The first game ended in short order as McLaren stumbled on colored mana and Lax chained together multiple Siege Rhinos. In the second game, McLaren was able to punish Lax for his lands which were alternately painful and entered the battlefield tapped, and aggro him out before he could really get out of the gates.

In the third game, Ari was able to get out ahead of McLaren with a Sylvan Caryatid into multiple Siege Rhino. McLaren tried to slow the game down so that his Keranos could take over, but Ari's Ajani, Mentor of Heroes and Sorin, Solemn Visitor were enough to close the game out. In the fourth and final game, Shaun McLaren was able to put Ari to one with a flurry of burn spells, but a timely Siege Rhino off the top for Lax into Wingmate Roc was able to put him out of reach just long enough.

Congratulations to Ari Lax, Champion of Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir.

Check out the Top 8 decks below, or head over the official coverage page for more information about the event.

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