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The Best Rares in Aetherdrift Draft, By the Numbers


Look, everybody knows Green is the best colour in Aetherdrift Limited. This is largely ascribed to its great commons and the pace of the format; a 6/6 for six that gains life is great at buying time and great at making use of that time. But did you know that, of the six rares and mythics rated A+ by 17lands, four of them are at least part-Green?

Loot, The Pathfinder

Loot, the Pathfinder

What is interesting about this, to me, is the "part" prefix. Two gold cards are featured in this prestigious part at the top of the 17lands page, and one of them is three colors. Yep, despite being theoretically hard to cast, Loot is one of the absolute best cards in the entire set. The juice is absolutely worth the squeeze, and it's not hard to see why. Two of the three abilities are incredible and the other one is pretty good in the right situation; there are a lot of places to dump mana in this format. It certainly helps Loot's case that it naturally goes into decks that have the easiest time splashing him, but the icing on the cake is that Blue and Green also have the best ways to make the most of his abilities. If you ever get to play Loot with an Elvish Refueler in play you're going to have a great time.

Sab-Sunen, Luxa Embodied

Sab-Sunen, Luxa Embodied

This card has a lot of words on it, but effectively they can be summarised as "you probably win the game." With a very nice 69% win rate when drawn at any point, this is the winnengest card in the Aetherdrift Limited. Turns out, in a relatively slow format, having huge, hard-to-kill creature that also accrues card advantage every other turn is a good way to win games. It's in the best colour, too, and the one that can get this card into play on turn four trivially. There isn't much more to say about this card. It looks ridiculous and it is ridiculous. Just be wary of Ride's End.

Mu Yanling, Wind Rider

Mu Yanling, Wind Rider

Is this the best Ophidian ever? In Limited, if you'll allow me to stretch the parlance slightly, I think it might be. It turns all your vehicles into card advantage, and it even provides one for you, in case you haven't got one in play yet. You typically don't want to play more than two or three vehicles, so the fact that Mu provides one of her own means that you don't have to build around her in any meaningful way. Like a lot of these top rares, you just put her in your deck and your chances of winning the game shoot up whenever she's drawn. If you do have multiple vehicles in play, this card gets out of hand quickly. Indeed, one of the only ways you are likely to lose at that point is by running out of cards in your library.

Lumbering Worldwagon / Agonosaur Rex

Lumbering Worldwagon
Agonasaur Rex

Maybe this is cheating a bit, but I'm going to put these two together for a few reasons. Firstly, their win rates are less than an integer apart. Secondly, it's pretty obvious why both of these cards are good, and neither are particularly interesting. Thirdly, I wanted to put some more non-Green cards on the list and this frees up some space. So, yeah, the wagon ramps you and attacks for a million. Rex is just, I mean, look at the text box. It's one of the best creatures when in-play, and it's one of the best combat tricks when in-hand. Neither card is very exciting, but both are very good and you should be excited to play them, at least.

Honorable Mentions

Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

This card wins exactly two thirds of its games when drawn, so that's cool. I don't think I can include it properly, since it's from a bonus sheet that shows up very rarely, but if it does show up in your draft you should slam it like you already have Speed 4. It goes in every deck and it is bonkers.

Riptide Gearhulk

Riptide Gearhulk

There are only two cards in the A category on 17lands, and since one of them is Green and since this card holds a special place in my heart, we're going with the tide. It also has .5% higher win rate right now. I had this in my very first draft of the format and I got to make the sweet play of killing my own creature to trigger prowess and keep this out of range of a post-combat burn spell, allowing me to win on the following turn. In a format where removal can be hard to come by, especially against those big Green monsters, it doesn't surprise me that this is the best of its cycle.

It also helps you put games to bed quickly - double strike and prowess is a hell of a combo. Not that it needs help, but it's also an artifact in colours that really care about artifacts, which means it also has a lot of inherent synergies. My favourite is playing it a turn early thanks to Guidelight Optimizer or Voyager Quickwelder, but there are a lot more.

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