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MTG Potpourri #26 — White Lotus


Joining you this week is your host Tom Gustafson (@psgreader), formerly of Monday Night Magic for many years, as well as two esteemed cohosts in Adam Styborski (@the_stybs) and Conley Woods (@conley81). Our goal is to bring you some Magic news, some pro-level talk, random topics du jour, and a little entertainment.

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The trio rides again, as Tom is back in full multimedia awesomeness!

  • This one was recorded via Skype video. Thus, Tom and Conley take turns showing off items from their respective rooms, and Tom finds an eyepatch.
  • Obviously, Tom has trouble uploading the video so you'll have to wait to see it and believe it. (Updated: It's below, and we're working on the video/audio sync issues for the next cast!)
  • We talk about MTGO, judge promos, reprints, and the upcoming "tuck" rule change for Commander. (Adam gets Commander rules wrong, too.)

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