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Commanding Order with Naomi


Hello happy palindrome enthusiasts! When I saw that a new card named "Naomi" was spoiled, it was all I could do to think about the palindrome using her name "Naomi, I moan." Pretty cool right!

This is my second Commander build around a dork from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty:

  1. The first was built around Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos - Commanding Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos | Article by Abe Sargent (coolstuffinc.com). This deck uses a number of big cost cards that have cheaper play costs like Blasphemous Act, the evoke-ing of Mournwhelk, the delve of Tombstalker and the suspend of Greater Gargadon to get big damage triggers and then be castable that turn. Love it a lot!

Naomi, Pillar of Order

Naomi, Pillar of Order is the most excited I've been about a new legend for a while and, as soon as I saw it, I knew that I had to build around her! As you can see, this is an uncommon draft archetype since it's a gold card. It's five mana for a 4/4. Your investment of mana gives you a powerful enters-the-battlefield (ETB) trigger and attack trigger. If you control at least an artifact and an enchantment, then you make a 2/2 white Samurai with vigilance and that's a six power and six toughness for five mana. Not that bad. I wish Naomi was red or blue so you could add more combat steps (Relentless Assault, Time Warp) to get more triggers, but we'll be fine since this color combo is deep. Note that Naomi is a Human Advisor and her token is a Samurai, so there aren't a lot of tribal synergies there.

I love how unique Naomi is. We've seen loads of two styles of legendary decks to build around dominate this color combo - Aristocrats and Life Gain Matters. We've also seen multiple Orzhov reanimation shells and small stuff matters, but this is the first one that cares about both artifacts and enchantments in the same go. Love the uniqueness she brings!

So, how am I going to dig into her abilities? How am I going to make sure I have enough artifacts and enchantments to count? It's very simple. I am going to run a bunch of enchantment creatures and artifact creatures so I won't have too many permanents that don't count for her ability. I'll also dig into cards that care about both. For example, I'll run the mana ramp of something like Burnished Hart and Solemn Simulacrum over Knight of the White Orchid and Liliana of the Dark Realms.

Spear of Heliod
Whip of Erebos

The first cards I thought about tossing in were cards that were both artifacts and enchantments. Both of these are classic cards with classic abilities. The Spear is an Anthem for your stuff, which is good in a deck that makes the occasional token from its leader. You can tap it to destroy a dork that damaged you this turn, which is a nice break on combat damage if untapped and you have the mana. The Whip gives your team lifelink and you can tap and activate it as a sorcery to animate a dead dork for a turn and then it exiles itself. The self-exiling is fine in here as we don't have that much reanimation (only four other cards, but one is the big Open the Vaults) so you can exile it at will. Since we have 27 dorks including Naomi, these work well.

Ghostly Prison
Sphere of Safety

I definitely leaned into some powerful ways to play keep away at the multiplayer table, like this duo. The Prison and Sphere both require your foes to spend mana for each attacker that they want to bring your direction. I am not running any planeswalkers so, there's no getting around the tax by attacking them. The Sphere is obviously the stronger card here since I have 16 non-creature enchantments. Both of these are really strong, and I also tossed in Smothering Tithe which taxes foes on their turn or gives you Treasure, which is both an enchantment and artifact in one card in a real way. See also - Esper Sentinel.

All That Glitters

Check out this piece of equipment and aura. The equipment is a 3-drop living weapon that arrives as a X/X where X is your artifact and enchantment count. Then you can move it over to your leader if you want to smash face with those attack triggers and survive combat. It's only two to equip and pretty nice in size, and it counts itself. The Aura is a cheap two mana aura that gives the same massive boost in size as does the equipment, and it's a powerful aura as the game goes on. Nasty stuff, right?

Agent of Erebos
Honored Heirloom

Hello happy people! Check out this pair of graveyard brakes. The first is a four mana 2/2 which is a bit small, but it makes up for it. When it arrives to the battlefield, it exiles all cards from an opposing graveyard, and that also triggers as other enchantments arrive to the party. Nice! I also tossed in Bojuka Bog which does this once. Once you have cleared out a graveyard, you can keep it clean by tapping the Heirloom to exile a new card when you don't need the mana. Good pair!

Extinguish All Hope

Every deck, even one as permanently focused as this one, should have at least one mass removal spell, enter this one. This only hits Naomi, her tokens, your artifact dorks and a handful of neither, so you should keep some fun stuff around.

Dispeller's Capsule
Seal of Cleansing

I leaned into permanents acting as removal rather than sorceries and instants. Here you can see two ways of Disenchant effects I tossed in that require sacrificing a permanent (I also tossed in Aura of Silence). The first is a 1-drop artifact you can cast early and then sacrifice it later with three mana. The second is a 2-drop enchantment you can cast early and then sacrifice it later without needing to use any mana. I also tossed in Seal of Doom and Executioner's Capsule which act as Murders. Often people won't want to attack into them since they'll die and they play nicely as a rattlesnake effect.

Leaden Myr
Gold Myr

We have a number of obvious places to dig into for mana stuff like Commander's Sphere and Land Tax. But I did want to unpack the Myr cycle since it's not an obvious option. Each of these budget two mana commons ($0.25 each) can tap for one half of your mana needs and will provide that mana while also giving you a body to equip, block, be saved with things like Rootborn Defenses, and loads of synergy here. Enjoy cards like this in this build!

Now let's turn to lands...

Darksteel Citadel
Goldmire Bridge

Check out this pair of common indestructible artifact lands! We have loads of artifact lands to grab and I pulled most of them, but these indestructible ones are great since they won't get caught up in mass removal of artifacts like Shatterstorm. Good pair! (The Citadel is $0.49 and the Bridge is $0.35).

Treasure Vault

Woot! Check out the Vault. As you can see it's an artifact for those that care, and you can sacrifice it for a few Treasures to get a one-time mana boost or a big boost to your artifact count for things like Nettlecyst and friends. It also puts an artifact and land into your graveyard for things that look to recur it like Sun Titan or that grow in size.

Hall of Heliod's Generosity
Inventors' Fair

This might be the first deck to run both the Hall and the Fair! The Hall is an amazing version of the very powerful Volrath's Stronghold and Academy Ruins that will reload any enchantment from your graveyard to the top of your library. It's incredibly powerful here with our enchantment dorks and non-dork enchantments in big numbers. As you can see, it enters the battlefield untapped so there is no time taken off for a tempo loss. The Fair is a powerful land that also arrives untapped. You will get 1 life each upkeep if you control more than 2 artifacts and if you do this can sacrifice to Tutor your library for an artifact and put it into your hand. Great pair!

Rogue's Passage
Whispersilk Cloak

Since I have a Naomi with an attack trigger I want to use over and over again, and I don't want her to die, take a look at this pair. The land will tap and make her unblockable, which is great fun. The equipment will drop and equip for two and make her unblockable and untargetable. Both of these are pretty strong in here. Also note the synergy here with Nettlecyst and friends and you could slip in a Commander damage win out of nowhere with these.

Michiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko

Check out this Saga and transform card! This 2-drop uncommon arrives to the battlefield and you will, twice, get that trigger to boost a target dork you control by +X/+X where X is your artifact and enchantment count, just like Nettlecyst. Might I suggest Naomi? Then when you move her to the third ability, you exile her into a game winning Nettlecyst on legs. As you can see, she has the same power and toughness as it, and it's also an enchantment on both sides and counts itself in those boosts.

Banishing Slash
Runaway Trash-Bot

The two-mana sorcery just got added to the latest set. As you can see, this will destroy a tapped dork, artifact or enchantment and then, if you control an artifact and enchantment, you'll also make that 2/2 Samurai vigilance dork! It's a great adjunct to what Naomi is doing here! The Trash-Bot is this deck's Mortivore. In this brew with this many artifacts and enchantments it should be a big game ender, and you can punch with its trample or unblockable with things like Rogue's Passage. It's nasty here!

I decided to toss in a few non-artifact and non-enchantment dorks that will help the team! Let's look at them!

Restoration Specialist

Check out this 2-drop 2/1! As you can see, this fun addition to the deck can sacrifice to recur both an enchantment and an artifact from your graveyard to your hand. Do it when you need removal like Duplicant or a way to play keep away like Sphere of Safety. You can chump block and get card advantage, and it works well with sacrifice cards like Seal of Doom and Executioner's Capsule. I also tossed in Sun Titan which does the same. I love the idea of sacrificing this for two cards, and then Titan this back for three cards total.

Starnheim Courser
Fountain Watch

These are our last two cards we'll look at today! The Courser is a Wind Drake in size and casting cost and ability and commonalty. It brings the ability to cut your costs of your artifacts and enchantments by one each, which is pretty strong. The Watch can give your artifacts and enchantments a bit of protection from things like Vandalblast and Generous Gift as they'll have shroud. Nice right?

And there we go! Let's turn to the build now!

Naomi, Pillar of Order | Commander | Abe Sargent

And there we are! Note that Naomi is just a quarter on the pre-order market and many of the key cards for a Naomi deck are common, or bulk rare and you could easily do a common version of this deck. The expensive cards here are easily pulled for other things that are cheaper. Enjoy!

Commander HQ: Decklists and Strategy for Kamigawa Neon Dynasty's Legendary Creatures!

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