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The Top Sixteen Planeswalkers for Constructed


Hello awesome folks! Do I have something fun for you! I have played countless Constructed formats from Vintage (my favorite and I used to be on Beyond Dominia), Legacy (my go-to deck is Pox), Modern (flexible), Standard, and loads more. I have played Arena too. So today I present my Top Ten Planeswalkers of all time for Constructed formats.

I think most people would agree that there are three planeswalkers on a plateau far above the rest. But which one will make my #1 spot might surprise you, but it shouldn't, because, well...it shouldn't. I am going deep into this list since there are so many great options.

Ready for my list? Let's kick this thing off all up and down, and make that choo choo sound!

Honorable Mention #1. (#17. Overall) - Angrath, the Flame-Chained

Angrath, the Flame-Chained

Let's kick off this list with a card that dominates multiplayer, and it shouldn't make the list, but it was so good in my Standard Arena Midrange deck built around it and Ravenous Chupacabra that folks would regularly concede as soon as it resolved and they read it. (Check it out here - Rakdos Midrange on Arena | Article by Abe Sargent (coolstuffinc.com)) Only my #1 has had more concessions after resolution than this. His +1 will force discards and Shocks to your foe, so that's a win con stapled to a discarding outlet. As soon as it resolves, you +1 and then your foe will play out their hand now. Then his -3 protects himself and helps you win by Threatening a foe's big dork and smashing them with it, and if it's cheap enough, it gets sacrificed too after. See how nasty this guy was? And with token dorks like Siege-Gang Commander and Goblin Instigator to protect plus mad removal, he just broke stuff. Love him loads! Now let's start with the real list.

Honorable Mention #2. (#16. Overall) - Saheeli Rai

Saheeli Rai

Now we are move to our list proper with this three-drop 3 loyalty Izzet colored thing that broke Standard so much another card was banned. You can +1 her to scry 1 and ping a foe for a damage, so that's card selection and win-con in one form. Then her -2 is what broke Standard with her ability to make a copy of an artifact or dork you control but it's now an artifact. It has haste and then dies at the end of the turn. That was combined with a flicker ETB dork that could flicker her, -2 the next on ETB, and rinse and repeat until you had infinite blink dorks to win with and her three cost really broke that open reliably early. Welcome to our list proper!

Honorable Mention #3. (#15. Overall) - Elspeth, Sun's Champion

Elspeth, Sun's Champion

Hello awesome mono-White fans! Elspeth is here to make you super happy. She costs six, drops with four loyalty, and then can +1 to make a massive three 1/1 sized dorks with positive loyalty. Then she can -3 to shoot big stuff like a Retribution of the Meek. Also note that she dominated Standard massively when legal and then she's amazing in other formats too like Commander and multiplayer. She is so strong everywhere.

Honorable Mention #4. (#14. Overall) - Gideon, Ally of Zendikar

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar

This four-drop on curve four loyalty dork arrives with all four abilities able to be done! All are nasty good! His +1 will make him into a 5/5 beater for the turn with indestructible. His 0 will make a strong 2/2 Knight Ally, which is great for going wide! That's his most commonly used version. You can also -4 him on arrival to the battlefield to make an unanswerable Glorious Anthem. Also note that he also really strong in kitchen table play too. He is all about the beats, the feats and the treats. Gids dominated Standard. Love him loads too!!!

Honorable Mention #5. (#13. Overall) - Teferi, Hero of Dominaria

Teferi, Hero of Dominaria

This fun five-drop Azorius colored 4 loyalty also dominated Standard too. His +1 would draw a card and then untap two lands to protect him with Counterspell or removal. His -3 would send himself to your deck third down or another so that was removal or a winning condition to keep yourself from getting decked.

Honorable Mention #6. (#12. Overall) - Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

Ugin is a powerhouse planeswalker who regularly gets played in various formats from Standard to Modern. He costs eight colorless, and thus is easy to drop in any deck but pricey, and then has 7 loyalty and a +2 to ability to Ghostfire any target. So that's board control or a win-con in one form. Then you can -X him to sweep all permanents with a color with X cost or less and that's exile too so nothing can survive, so he's massive mass removal of everything else. That's just a nasty pair of winning stuff. He regularly features in the same deck shells as #4 below so I won't belabor those brews too much, I'll do a deep dive then, but you can see how nasty he is if you can reliably drop him in things like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx or Cabal Coffers or Gaea's Cradle to drop it midgame instead of late. It's a game winner for any deck that drops it. His reprint in a recent Core Set really gave him another run in the sun.

Honorable Mention #7. (#11. Overall) - Chandra, Hope's Beacon

Chandra, Hope's Beacon

Our top Honorable Mention and second highest hitting Chandra is this recently printed six-drop 5 loyalty with four abilities that is getting heavy play in Standard right now. Your first instant or sorcery each turn is copied. Then you can +2 her to make two mama and ramp. Then you can +1 her to cast an instant/sorcery from the top of your library. Then you can -X her to shoot two targets for X damage, so she can do all of her abilities on arrival to the battlefield. She is getting play from Ramp to Planeswalkers to midrange.

#10. Lolth, Spider Queen

Lolth, Spider Queen

Our next planeswalker and first on the actual proper Top Ten list is this fun mono-Black five-drop 4 loyalty also with four abilities that dominated Standard when legal as well! Her static nets you loyalty counters from your stuff dying. Note that works on tokens too. Her 0 will draw you a card and lose you life, so she's card flow. Then her -3 will make two 2/1 Spiders with menace and reach, so evasion and blocking and trading with flyers too. Then her ultimate is -8, easily set up with tons of deaths, and then she'll give you an emblem which will shoot your foes for damage when they are dealt by your stuff equal to the difference of that and eight life. That's a fast, uncounterable or unanswerable, win-con. She was very strong at closing, drawing, and protecting herself by making two tokens that have reach to shut down attackers. Love her loads!!!

#9. Teferi, Time Raveler

Teferi, Time Raveler

This four-loyalty dork dominated Standard so much when legal that many thought he should get the ban hammer. Your foes cannot cast things on your turn, so that shuts things down. Then you can +1 him to flash your sorceries for a round of turns. Nasty. You can -3 him once with his starting loyalty to bounce a dork, artifact or enchantment and draw a card so it replaces itself. He was an awesome powerhouse of annoying removal and stopping you from doing stuff.

#8. Chandra, Torch of Defiance

Chandra, Torch of Defiance

Our final Chandra is here! It's this fun four-drop, four loyalty four ability lady!! Her first +1 will cast the top of your library or shoot foes for damage so win-con attached to a card draw, although you have to pay the mana. Then her second +1 will make you two precious mana! Then her -3 will Lightning Blast a dork for removal! Card draw, ramp, win and removal all in one tight four mana package! She got loads of play when Standard-legal.

#7. The Wandering Emperor

The Wandering Emperor

Four mana for this four ability 'walker too! This is our last one in this rank of planeswalkers so I think all of the cards up through now are roughly equal, and then everything from 6 to 1 is very similar too! This has flash. You can activate her on arrival. Her +1 tosses a +1/+1 counter on a dork and it gets first strike too! Her -1 will make a 2/2 Samurai token with vigilance. Her -2 will perma-answer an attacking tapped dork by exiling it and you net that sexy 2 life too. All three can be done with her initial 3 loyalty. Then you can drop her in combat to save a dork, make a chump blocker, trade for a 2-toughness dork, or kill an attacker. She is the first flashing planeswalker ever printed and she dominates current Standard. Everyone loves her loads!

#6. Narset, Parter of Veils

Narset, Parter of Veils

This three-drop uncommon monoblue powerhouse has 5 loyalty, your foe's cannot draw more than one per turn, and then you can -2 her to dig four and toss a nonland or dork and draw it. The static is here is so good she was restricted in Vintage. Vintage! That's how good that ability to break things like Wheel of Fortune or shut down things like Ancestral Recall, Brainstorm, and more are. She's brokenly good there!

#5. Wrenn and Six

Wrenn and Six

Made for only Modern and older formats, this two-drop Gruul colored three loyalty dork is next. You can +1 them to Regrowth a land. Great with fetch lands, Wasteland, Strip Mine, and such. Their -1 would ping a target for a damage, so this stopped a lot of 1 toughness dorks from getting played in Modern after printing this. And it's even on curve with loyalty equal to or greater than it's cheap cost. Wrenn and Six was so broken in older formats that was banned in Legacy! Since they were designed for older non-rotating formats, they have a massive amount of power.

#4. Karn Liberated

Karn Liberated

This seven-drop colorless planeswalker costs precisely seven mana for the Urzatron as soon as assembled, sometimes on turn 3. This has a +4 to force a foe to exile a card from their hand or -3 to exile any permanent and a massive loyalty from the start to make it work. Tron dominated Modern and other formats so much it was rough to bring down. I played Tron so I know how powerful it could be. And the aforementioned next turn Ugin could win with his +2. This deck has mono-Green base for Ancient Stirrings. Nasty stuff! Now there are the three that I alluded to earlier hitting my top, but which ones in what order?

#3. Oko, Thief of Crowns

Oko, Thief of Crowns

Oko is here! The first ability is +2 to make a Food. The second is his +1 to turn an artifact or dork into an ability-less 3/3 Elk. That's where he was broken, taking out two types and then making a Food to gain life too or turn into swinging Elk. This guy was so powerful he was Standard banned and then in formats as faraway as Vintage his +1 can turn off a Mox. He's just so nasty and strong and has two positive loyalty traits that push him into the next level. Also don't sleep on his -5 which you can do the turn after he arrives with his +2 and then you won't lose him either.

#2. Jace, the Mind Sculptor

Jace, the Mind Sculptor

Our penultimate planeswalker and probably everyone's biggest Constructed threat is Jace, TMS. This four-drop smaller three loyalty dork began with a massive four abilities. His +2 will dig you or a foe's top card to their bottom of the library if you prefer, so a better scry 1 for everyone. Then you can 0 him to Brainstorm and get that card advantage. And then ideally, you'll crack a fetch land after to shuffle away your worst two cards. Then his -1 will Unsummon a dork. Great tempo, card flow, and selection. So he dominated Standard with Caw-Blade. He was banned in Standard and other places. In fact there are formats where he started banned! Even in Vintage he was dominant and pushed things around and changed decks up.

For example, in order to kill him after just one turn, Mishra's Workshop decks that would drop them and a Mox or Sol Ring turn one for a four-mana Slash Panther. Sure, it was usually paying two life for the Red, but a 4/2 haste on the first turn could kill a Jace most of the time. And if they Fatesealed, then Jace would be at 1 loyalty and then they could spend 1 to lose it and unsummon your hasted dork, unlikely with haste and you want it attacked, or just Brainstorm the first time or Fateseal once more. This was called Cat Stax Fever. That's how dominant he was. But, no matter how much he may have changed things around, he isn't my #1 option....so who is?

#1. Liliana of the Veil

Liliana of the Veil

Sorry Oko and Jace fans, but no one else could be here! Sure, Jace TMS dominated during his era, but none have dominated like Lili before or since! Her three-drop on curve three loyalty gave you a +1 on arrival to have everyone discard a card, you too. Her -2 would have someone sac a dork, just one. Those are nasty together! She dominated older formats like Legacy or Modern like no planeswalker before or since.

Let's start with Legacy. Since this format was often about one big dork like Griselbrand off a Reanimate or an Eldrazi Titan off something else, her -2 to make them sacrifice their dork even when it would be protected with hexproof or indestructible, so that was nasty. Then her +1 on ETB to make everyone discard was great game changing, sure you are hit too. But your foes are dropping their hand....fast and then running into the -2 when they do. Nasty. Like I said earlier, my Legacy go to deck is Pox, and a Dark Ritual first turn into Lily would make like half of my foes resign. Then I +1 her and discard my Nether Spirit which comes back in my upkeep and they lose something nasty and I just win. Also, in Modern to fill graveyards for Tarmogoyf while also destroying stuff and taking out hands was nasty too? She is the best planeswalker ever printed for Constructed, period!

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