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Change is the Only Constant


Magic is, at its core, a game about change and coping with it. With formats that are regularly modified as new cards are released and new concepts are introduced, Magic is continually kept fresh and interesting.

The Show

ManaNation has undergone a fair bit of change over the years. When it began, the site was an avenue for the podcast and little more. Then articles began to take more and more of a precedence as a focus for visitors.

As it is, we're going to shift things with the podcast for a while. As you all know, the shows have been less and less reliable week to week. We're going to "formally" announce that the shows will be irregularly published from here on out. This means a few things:

  1. Not every week
  2. Not only on Mondays
  3. Not necessarily one per week

The show is not going away, but as my life has changed it has become harder and harder to produce the weekly show and make it of quality that I can be proud of (I've been dissatisfied for the past few months really.)

So when will a show be published?

  1. When I have something I "need" to say or explain.
  2. For preview cards
  3. Footage from events, Pro Tours, GPs etc.

I would guess that we'll still see at least two episodes a month, but I just don't know. We're going to give this a try, see how it goes, and see where it takes us.

The show is not going away, but it is in a new phase of its life. It's no longer the "flagship" of ManaNation.com, the numbers show that clearly the articles are its flagship and so it's time we give the show a new course.

Lauren Lee

As some of you may have noticed the absence of Lauren Lee's article last Thursday, she has removed herself from her ManaNation.com column. It was proving quite difficult to keep to the deadlines and she chose to step down rather than continue to wrestle with it.

However she will continue blogging at Mulldrifting, as well as tweeting! So keep an eye on her through those two channels. She may still contribute irregularly to the site, regardless though we wish her all the best!

Lee Steht

Last year Lee decided it was time to step away from the site for a while, real life needed his attention with a new baby, work and such needing a bigger part of his attention. I've kept in touch with him over the past months and a few weeks ago we began talking about having him come back.

Well I am very happy to announce that Lee is going to be a guest writer for a few weeks! We'll see how it affects his time and perhaps he'll be continue writing for us regularly. He will be joining on Thursdays alongside Kelly Reid filling in the recent vacancy, left by Lauren, for the period of his writing.

Pack to Power

We're getting ready to kick off the new feature, "Pack to Power" which will follow blogger Jon Medina, trader extraordinaire and blogger from a single Rise of the Eldrazi booster pack trading it up to a piece of the Power 9.

We're really excited to kick this off, it represents an idea many players have, the idea of trading up to one of the most elusive cards in Magic without having to spend lots of money. And so we're going to put one man on this mission, to prove to the world, that yes - you can actually trade up to this.

Be sure to follow along on April 23rd, when this feature kicks off!


One thing that I think has remained at the heart of ManaNation is embracing new ideas. With the show, we broke a lot of new ground, opening the door for a number of other video podcasters. With the success of the site a number of other article sites have popped up. Web comics, call for Photographers, etc.

I still have more ideas I want to see happen, but some are a little difficult, some are still waiting for their time, and some are in the works.

But I know that there are many more great ideas out there and I want to remind you all that if you have an idea or something you'd like to suggest, to please contact me and let me know what you're thinking!

-- Trick

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