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Help Wanted! - Writers & More!


I'm rerunning this article. Though I've had a number of submissions, and I'm still going through them, I am seeing repeated submissions in only a few categories. So please take a look and see what you are interested in writing for ManaNation! -- Trick

Help Wanted - Revolutionaries!

As you know, ManaNation has a staff of writers, sharing various columns across the spectrum of topics for you all to enjoy. From fictional writing in the Magic universe, to competitive play, to casual and financial - we've got a wide spectrum of content.

I want to make it wider. I always want to expand on it more. So below is a list of content I'd like to explore and see if it has legs. Some of these are legitimate ideas that I know can succeed with the proper person behind them, some are new and exciting which means I don't know if they'll attract an audience or not.

If you see a topic or post you'd be interested in, then read on as I'll give instructions on what to do next after the listings.

Setting Expectations

Not all of these ideas will happen. I work in a unique way, when compared to most other Magic sites, in that I come up with ideas and then I look for people to fill them. Sometimes I won't find the right person or the idea turns out to be a flop, and sometimes it works out far better than I could have hoped.

The Process

Below is a list of ideas or holes I'm looking to fill on ManaNation. If you're interested in one or more of these, you will need to send me a sample work. If you want to write, send me an article, no need to pitch it to me, just write it in the field of interest for the column you're interested in. The sample that you send me shouldn't be something you hammered out, stream of consciousness, in an hour. It should take you time to write and time to edit.

EditingThis is your resumé, and your chance to make a first impression on me. I don't need to know your education and background as much as I need an article by you to show your style and flow.

You'll send these emails to newwriters@mananation.com, the email body should share what you're interested in writing or doing, and then have the file attached.

I always strive to get back to everyone who submits, but I have come to the realization that sometimes people fall through the cracks. I'm enlisting the help of Greg (@uselessend) to help read and process submissions. Thanks Greg!

Things that get you rejected immediately

  1. Typos
  2. Gigantic paragraphs
  3. Long introductions and short article content.


Financial Number Crunching Writing - We've had Kelly Reid for a long time and he is still producing excellent content, but I'd like to add more number-centric writing to the site. Someone who can, write about the financials from a more number-centric point of view. Sort of like a weekly stock ticker.

Tip: I'm really looking for a number cruncher here. If you can give lots of data and solidly written analysis then that's who I'm looking for.

Pro Players - I'm looking for someone to regale the readers with stories of Pros. Tales from pro tours of amazing plays and stunning upsets. As well as talking to the pros to learn more about them, where they come from and what keeps them playing at such high levels. Preferably this person would already have connections, but not necessarily.

Tip: Think Brian David-Marshall and Rich Hagon. I want someone who cares about the personalities of the game and loves writing about them.

Podcast Addict - I'm looking for someone to do 'This Week in Magic Podcasts' basically. As such they must listen to lots of Magic podcasts as well as be quick to pick up on new ones.

Tip: I'm serious when I say addict, the key to "This Week in Magic" is that it covers all the sites. If you only listen to three MTG podcasts, then this isn't for you.

Budget Deck Building - Do you build on a budget? Love finding the cheap but fun decks to play in various formats?

Tip: Deck lists don't make the articles, the stories of the deck make the article. Talk about how it plays, what cards do, what did and didn't work.

The Long Form Writer - This is preferably someone with a writing background. I'm looking for something more than the standard Magic article. These articles might take 6 weeks to research and write, and they won't be about decks or strategy. They might discuss the plight of store owners, or follow a player's experience over 6 weeks. I don't know really, you'll be responsible for coming up with ideas (and these will need to be pitched and examined given the time investment.)

Tip: This is unlike any other writing out there for Magic. Knock my socks off.


Action Comics #1Webcomic Artists - Magic has a handful of web comics, but there is still plenty of space for more. If you're interested in doing an MTG themed web comic, then please let me know!

Tip: Drawing skills don't necessarily matter. I'd like someone to take over XMTG even! (N.B. I have someone already interested.)

Webcomic Writer - I have an artist in the wings, someone interested in possibly drawing a comic, but he needs someone to come up with the frames and story or jokes. If you're interested in collaborating with someone on a webcomic, then contact me.

Tip: You two need to get along and be both responsible on deadlines, this is almost a 2HG sort of challenge. If one misses a step it throws the other off.


Pre-Established - Are you a pre-established podcast? Got your show already running? Well, stay tuned I've got something awesome in the works...

Tip: Don't email me yet, just stay tuned in the coming weeks :)

Looking to podcast? - Never podcasted before but think you've got a voice and an opinion and an interest in it? I'm looking to build a podcast of interesting individuals.

Tip: Rather than an article, record yourself talking about a Magic topic for 30-60 seconds and send it to me.


Draft Videos - We had JBoots once upon a time, but had to move on as content wasn't producing the interest we were hoping. We're looking to do this over again. You don't have to be the greatest player ever, but you must be a solid player who is able to keep up an interesting dialog for the entirety of the draft. You will be responsible for the production of the videos from start to finish and then have to upload them to Youtube.

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