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Worldwake Misc. Card Review


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Hello and welcome to part 6 of our Worldwake set review. The review and notes you see here are a collection of feedback from a number of players, ranging in skill level from FNM to Semi-Pro players and up to the World of Warcraft TCG World Champion. My thanks go to: Billy Postlethwait, John Dean, Glenn Jones, Jason Brown, Ricky Calarco, Andres Garcia, David Sharfman and the random other people who helped collect thoughts and discuss this set.

Be sure to see the other reviews:

Ratings Explanation:


  1. Unplayable
  2. Might see play, not likely
  3. Sideboard card
  4. Main deck staple
  5. Archetype defining

  1. Horrible pick
  2. Very weak pick
  3. Fine pick, might make deck
  4. High pick
  5. First pick in pack


  1. Not going to be played
  2. Kind of fun
  3. Fun
  4. Really fun
  5. Awesome casual card


Novablast Wurm

A seven mana 7/7 who blows apart the rest of the battlefield seems pretty good but this is a 'win more' sort of card so it's relegated to casual. If you've laid a 7 mana 7/7 in a constructed match and it gets in for a swing, then you've probably already won the game. Your opponent doesn't have answers, and you could be doing so much more with that mana.

Constructed: 3

Limited: 5

Casual: 5

Wrexial, the Risen Deep

This dude is a definite limited bomb and is destined for many EDH decks as a general. He should be quite popular, but will he see constructed play. No. Never.

Constructed: 1

Limited: 5

Casual: 5


Amulet of Vigor

The best we can think of is that this might find a home in some eternal formats and some broken combos, but otherwise it doesn't hold a lot of promise for constructed or casual.

Constructed: 2

Limited: 2

Casual: 2

Basilisk Collar

This equipment is absolutely stunning in limited. It turns any creature into a Vampire Nighthawk and we all know how awesome that is. It's even good enough it might make some play in constructed aggro decks, though there's no guarantee.

Constructed: 3

Limited: 4

Casual: 5

Everflowing Chalice

This might get the award for the most underestmated card of the set. But it is truly insanely awesome and should probably see play in Constructed as the modern day version of Mind Stone to help accelerate decks and push their mana further.

Constructed: 4

Limited: 5

Casual: 5

Hammer of Ruin

This one is a bit of a let down, it's okay in limited as you'll want to keep your opponent's toys under control but it won't see any action elsewhere. Perhaps in EDH as an anti-Jitte weapon.

Constructed: 1

Limited: 3

Casual: 3

Hedron Rover

This one is okay in limited, it's a colorless Baloth basically. But it won't be crossing into any other formats I don't think.

Constructed: 1

Limited: 3

Casual: 1


This one is pretty bad, 4 mana to give a creature +1/+0 and flying? Just unappealing and costly. Avoid. Then again it is evasion in some form, so it could see some limited play.

Constructed: 1

Limited: 2

Casual: 1

Lodestone Golem

This is going to be a fairly awesome and popular card. It's got the same stats as the old Juggernaut which saw play, and it is detrimental to non-artifact spells, so it will see some play for the control decks.

Constructed: 4

Limited: 3

Casual: 4

Pilgrim's Eye

Hey look! In the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Civic Wayfinder with wings! He'll be a high pick in draft for his ability to go into any color and help fix your mana.

Constructed: 2

Limited: 4

Casual: 3

Razor Boomerang

This one makes little sense to me. It's a terrible card and the flavor doesn't even make sense really. 5 mana to deal 1 damage. ONE. ONE!!!! This just is so bad it's not even funny.

Constructed: 1

Limited: 1

Casual: 1

Seer's Sundial

It's not your daddy's Horn of Greed. It might be playable in casual for the card advantage, but at 4 mana and then 2 to draw the first card off of it, it seems like a poor investment.

Constructed: 1

Limited: 3

Casual: 2

Walking Atlas

Ignoring the mind bendingly bad oversight of leaving 'Artifact' off the type line, the card seems reasonable in limited. The ability to drop the extra land and benefit from multiple land falls, but he's far from spectacular. Not a constructed viable card and likely not a casual card either.

Constructed: 1

Limited: 3

Casual: 2


Bojuka Bog

This one will definitely see constructed play, probably in Extended as a land Tormod's Crypt to battle Dredge. Especially in the Dark Depths decks.

Constructed: 4

Limited: 3

Casual: 4

Celestial Colonnade

All of the dual man lands are pretty awesome, this one was the first one we saw. It's rather expensive to continually activate, but a 4/4 flier is good stuff.

Constructed: 4

Limited: 5

Casual: 4

Creeping Tar Pit

Again, a strong dual man-land and being straight up unblockable is pretty sweet. This is perhaps my favorite of the man lands though that might be a controversial view.

Constructed: 4

Limited: 5

Casual: 4

Dread Statuary

The sole non-dual man-land, this one is okay in limited, 4 mana for the 4/2 with no abilities. The 2 toughness is pretty disappointing, but if there is an open field four points of damage is a good thing to send at your opponent.

Constructed: 2

Limited: 3

Casual: 3

Eye of Ugin

This... this... I just can't handle it. It is either going to be amazing, or a total disappointment. This sort of forceful fore shadowing is quite a strong move by Wizards. The Eldrazi had better be astonishing on the level of Planeswalkers, or I'm going to be disappointed. They need to be playable at a constructed level. To put a card that's main purpose is useless, and to have a high costed, but useful, deck tutor.

Constructed: ?

Limited: ?

Casual: ?

Halimar Depths

This one will definitely see some play, a Sensei's Divining Top on a land. And it has some excellent ties with Treasure Hunt. This is my favorite Worldwake do-something land.

Constructed: 3

Limited: 4

Casual: 5

Khalni Garden

This one is on the weaker side of the do-something lands, but still pretty good. A free token even as a blocker is nothing to sneeze at, an with other stuff in the format there is always something to be done. A first pick? No. A high pick? Not really, but maybe.

Constructed: 3

Limited: 3

Casual: 3

Lavaclaw Reaches

This is going to see play in both Constructed and Limited. It'll probably replace the R/B M10 dual in Jund since that one rarely came into play untapped anyways. This gives them another beater and still fixes the mana. And given the popularity of R/B draft it will also be a high pick in draft.

Constructed: 4

Limited: 4

Casual: 4


This probably wins the award for the lease relevant reprint in the set. -1/-2 is not what it used to be. Now rather than killing a creature it just hampers them. And in a set where it seems like the good creatures all fly, then this is doubly irrelevant.

Constructed: 2

Limited: 3

Casual: 2

Raging Ravine

This is the best of the dual man-lands, getting bigger on every attack and at a reasonable cost, this dude is going to be in every deck that runs the colors.

Constructed: 4

Limited: 4

Casual: 5

Sejiri Steppe

This is my least favorite of the do-something lands, and probably the worst of them. It will be a solid play in limited but probably not to see any play in constructed.

Constructed: 2

Limited: 3

Casual: 3

Smoldering Spires

The inability to block can lead to the win, but otherwise mid-game it's very unimportant. As above, rather underwhelming though this one may be worse in limited.

Constructed: 2

Limited: 3

Casual: 3

Stirring Wildwood

This is the best of the dual man-lands, a 3/4 and has reach, so it plays excellent defense, a trait the other ones all seem to lack. Also G/W is a powerful drafting archetype already so it is likely to see some good play in limited. As for constructed, I don't think it is the best, but it is one of the better ones.

Constructed: 3

Limited: 4

Casual: 4

Tectonic Edge

An excellent card to wrap the review on. This is all sorts of awesome, and it is definitely an anti-Jund card for constructed. It's also a more-fair Wasteland so it doesn't screw an opponent already mana-screwed. In limited it can remove a man-land, and if the man-land is dealing you damage then they likely have the requisite land base to allow the Edge to activate.

Constructed: 4

Limited: 4

Casual: 4

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