Today marks my 300th weekly article here on!
If we're estimating each article at around 1500 words, that means I've written around a half million words about Magic in my last six years here at CoolStuffInc. I started writing Magic articles back in 2013, and while I don't have an exact count, I'm sure I'm well over a million words written at this point. That's a lot of words!
However, this is also going to be my last weekly article here on
I'm proud to say I will still be working with as my primary sponsor, so you'll still see me around both on the website (I will still be doing my Ten New Brews article and Secret 11th Brew video each set), at CoolStuffInc events, and of course in my own content. I've been with CoolStuffInc for six years now and I frankly adore everyone at the company. From visiting a few of their stores when I'm in Florida, to seeing them at events, to having dinner with the owner Jerry, his wonderful wife Carrie, and the rest of the staff, they have treated me and my family like family and I am very grateful.
So where do we go from here?
Well, there's still a ton of awesome free content here on that you should definitely check out, but I thought it would be fun to do a quick look back at some of my favorite articles over the years.
Then and Now: The Death Of The FNM Hero
It's not often I get to write an actual narrative in a Magic article, but this article lamenting how much paper Magic has changed over the years really hit the spot for me. It was a blast to write and just as fun to read back months later.
Thoughtseizing The World Champ. What Do We Take?
On the opposite side of things is a super deep dive into single Thoughseize choice while playing against a former World Champion on day two of Pro Tour Murders of Karlov Manor. 2000 words and discussion with some of the best players in the world and I'm still not sure what the correct play is - Magic is beautiful!
Getting Better At Magic By Starting At The Ending
"Have a plan" is advice that is often given to Magic players looking to level up their game, but what does that actually look like in practice? I go over that here!
Five Pieces of Advice for Aspiring Content Creators
A rare piece that isn't really about Magic in totality. Wanting to be a content creator is very common these days, and in this article, I laid out five key pieces of advice on doing so. As someone who's been in this field for a decade, I think I've got a few good things to say.
When Getting "Tricked" By Your Opponent Is The Right Play
Another theory piece, this time about understanding that your goal in a game of Magic is to win the war, not the battle. Too often players don't think about the big picture of the game and this article explains how.
How To Play Around Counterspells
Perhaps the most common complaint from newer players is losing to control decks that are all counterspells and removal. It's a helpless feeling to feel like you can never actually play the cards you put in your deck, but most Magic players don't realize that they actually have all the agency in a matchup against a control deck.
So Long, For Now
So, I guess that's it!
Like I said, I will still be doing my usual Ten New Brews article and video each set, so keep an eye out for that, but otherwise you can find me on one of my many personal content platforms:
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